Safe journey, Dagmaraka. Enjoy. Hold your dominion.
I'm happy to hear that you're ending things on a good note. It will be easier to live with that way.
Have a good trip, dag, and give your family big hugs. We'll be thinking of you....
thanks y'all, i will need your positive vibrations for quite some time.
yes, eoe, and all. i know it's unwise, but it was beautiful nonetheless. painfully beautiful. don't know why i'm doing this to myself, but i prefer it this way. i am quite sentimental you know and will cherish the memories of that last night forever.
That's cool, Dag. No time for last minute chaos and confusion. If you were going out that way, you did it smart.
Are you okay?
This isn't a good time to say "we told you so", is it? ;-) (Yes, I did the same. Didn't regret it, exactly.)
Glad that worked out in a way you wanted it to.
Many positive vibrations to you.
May the wind be under her wings and may loved ones be waiting at the airport.
That's nice. To be continued?
I'm sure it will be continued, Mr Alice P.
...And I'm back. One month came and went like an ocean wave. or a mailman. or money. or anything else that comes and leaves right away. i spent last three days hauling my stuff from E's place (formerly known as 'home', now known as 'the monster's burrough') to my new place, trying hard to squeeze what i had spread around the house into one small room. everything fits, except i can't close the door. only once. than i can't open it. aaah well, maybe will have to depart with some beloved objects.
healed rather well, if i may say so myself, had one date with an old flame, which was extremely nice, spent a week with my mom in greece, rhodos, and saw many of my good old friends. now a year packed with work is ahead and i am quite excited about it for once. decided not to see E for a long time, to have a clean break. well, that's that, back to other forums finally!
Welcome back, dag!

(I was wondering how long you'd be gone.)
Sounds like you're doing very well.
All the very best for this next phase of your life.
Welcome back Dag - I'll buy you a beer tomorrow....
That sounds wonderful all around! As wonderful as a horrible thing can be, anyway. Good timing, good support. Yay.
And welcome back!
thanks, yes, quite well. musn't grumble. i'm just extremely tired. i'll never try to move over a weekend with a serious case of a jetlag. grrr. next in my plan is to sleep 10+ hours, roll up my sleeves, and start writing. but now back to the point 1), the sleeeep.
oh, you are all here all the time! like McDonald's. what a safe and secure feeling. thanks, and good night, and holidays.
Welcome back. Hold your dominion.
Sigh, and why didn't you call for help schlepping your stuff around?