It will be horrible, awkward, and completely uncomfortable. The conversation will be boring, you will find him to be crude, insensitive and self-involved, and you will hate him by the end of the date.
You will try to be nice though, just to get through the date without making it more uncomfortable than it has to be. He will misinterpret this to mean "it's on", and at the end of the date, he will make his move. After ten minutes of fending off his groping, slobbering advances, you will finally end up delivering a hard kick to his groin and running home in tears, never to see him again.
ha, kicky, maybe you're right. surely been there once or twice, though i think i can manage to send a clear signal that it's 'not on' if i decide it is not. But I don't think I will. I met the fella a few times and like him a lot. But if I don't, I'll keep the kick in the groin suggestion in mind.
He he he...Just trying to lower your expectations, so that no matter what happens, you won't be disappointed. I'm sure it'll be great.
As a Slav, I am well trained in, and appreciative of dark skepticism. Expect the worst, you can only be pleasantly surprised!
dagmaraka wrote:As a Slav, I am well trained in, and appreciative of dark skepticism. Expect the worst, you can only be pleasantly surprised!

I know much about this Slav thing, Dag! Better to expect the worst & receive a nice surprise than to expect things to go well & be disappointed! It's a sort of personal Slavic insurance policy, yes? :wink: Good luck, he sounds very interesting!
I think that way too, it's the ossobuco rule of the inverse ratio of expectation to fulfillment...
sort of a self protective nudge to not hope too much.
Dag made my day when she wrote: ...but i blush like a little girl when i see him and he is darn cute when he smiles.
Thanks, dag! See you tomorrow night then.
Wear that black thingie.
Dag I suggest you speak like a pirate the first half hour. Always breaks the ice.
"Arrrrgh, yer a strappin big lad matey...arrrgh"
I will both speak like a pirate AND wear that little thingy! if you wear that little red thingy, gus!
He always wears the little red thingy... well, except when the little red thingy has an unfortunate padlock incident...
Hell yeah! I'll wear that red thingy! (you are talking about the penis sheath carved out of Brazilian rosewood, aren't you?)
But, just in case, I'll dip myself in a vat of red dye if it means I'm gonna see you in that black thingy.
will be there. 4pm (happy hour, you know) at Winky Dee's.
It's tonight! Or, rather, this afternoon - very cool. What the hell is Winky Dee's?

I was wondering that myself, littlek!
no idea. BUT, that's not where we went. I took him to the Enormous Room, upon the recommendation of my new roommates. They did good, he like it. The date was great. Really great. We talked like nothing, he's soooo interesting and fun and perceptive. Good listener - a rare commodity with them men-folk. And, a good kisser, might i add. Will see him Friday (unless he stops at my work tomorrow) at the foundation fancy dinner - that's the thing that i don't know how will work - i am a staff where he is an honorary fellow, i am there 3 times a week, he's there almost always. i guess we'll play it by ear. he said he'll call (don't they all say that though?) anyway, i like him a lot, type shmype. i can always change my type. oh, his grandparents are from lebanon and russia. interesting combination. those two nations should provide the world with more progeny i say!
Hey, hey, dag! See there, not so bad after all!
Your post really made me smile.
Did you crop a feel of his butt ??
Great stuff Dag. Go for the gold.
I'm so glad you had a good time Dag :-D