Perhaps the hormones/pheremones are all atingle from the first encounter, which makes the next one more likely.
Yo Dag.... are you keeping all the gooduns that side of the channel a? gal!... err..... we so gotta get together ad have a girls nite out.... now come on.... share a little stuf muffin thisaway!!!!!!!!
<kidding... waaaaaay tooooooo noivous to date - HA!>
Have fun girlie... live, laugh, love!
I don't even noticed any leaves rustling anymore.
I did have a little think on the way through The Yahd, today. I passed a man pushing his bike (you're not allowed to ride your bike in The Yahd). We checked eachother out. It almost seemed like he thought he recognized me. It was nice. It was fleeting. Sigh.
mac11 wrote:
Perhaps the hormones/pheremones are all atingle from the first encounter, which makes the next one more likely.
you know...thinking about it... the moon did meet up with Venus and Jupiter few days ago.... hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
these encounters are online though... someone popped up from 12 years ago, another one from about a year ago, another is new - 2 i met in real life, one (the year ago guy) i never even met.... it was nothing more than vibes...but all within a day or two. weird.
Well, pheremones can't help us online. It must just be serendipity.
but star constellations can help pheromones!
Quote:It almost seemed like he thought he recognized me
It weren't me. I was no where near Boston...
I think I had a date about a week ago.
The tragedy of it is that it only dawned on me about now. I didn't understand why the guy wants to meet - we reconnected on facebook, are in the same circle of acquaintances for years...were in the same youth political party ages ago, have same i thought nothing of it. I thought he will try to get me to support some political campaign, sign something, write something, the usual.... But he wanted nothing, we just chatted. Now that I review it, I acted like a socially illiterate person. There were hints and even outright mention of him looking for a girlfriend (stare) that made me raise an eyebrow, but I was only wondering why is he confiding in me, barely an acquaintance.
Anyway, he drove me home and I only realized a week later what a doofus I am. He's cute, smart, funny, overall great... Of course I haven't heard from him since... total doofus. Oh well.
hey - the guy might be thinking exactly the same thing about himself (although doofus might not be the word he chooses) for not making things obvious.
why not ring him and arrange another get together?
now that you've cottoned on, it could be fun
good luck, Dag
i hope things are great for you in 09
well, he's in Prague, i'm in the Hague... We're both from Bratislava where our families are and where I'll be moving we'll be in touch. No biggie, i'm just amazed at how i regressed socially. I used to be much sharper when i was a young whipper-snapper.
Quote:No biggie, i'm just amazed at how i regressed socially.
No no, don't worry! The thought that a guy might ask you out because he
likes you really
is far-fetched. No wonder it took a week to occur to you.
good word
Do you still have those high-heeled boots, Dag?
Oh no wait. That was someone else.
Never mind.
ehBeth wrote:
dagmaraka wrote: and where I'll be moving to
July! not soon enough. I'm ready...which I couldn't say just a few months ago. My evil plot has worked - the Netherlands has helped me to ease into Europe and diminish the harsh cultural shock I was expecting upon returning home. I already have a job lined up and am already readying myself to have a heart open, too.
but not here in the Hague yet, not until July. Until then, it is Dasha time....enjoying the last of my hermitude.
Hi Dag,
Haven't checked in here for a while. How ae you doing?
What's the follow-up on the get together. Are you going to contact him?
That sounds quite promising.