Anyways, we will see what happens. I am just putting on a brave face and responding with one liners of the type "good to know things are working well for you" - he keeps asking me abt me, and so far I havent made a single comment. I do hope he gets the message. I had ct off all contact with him last June after a fight (silly though it was) and had never responded to his mails or messages. But when he started on "I wish you talk to me just once, I am trying to find a lost friend" etc etc (taking me on a f**king gulit trip) I had to respond (because basically, I am a nice guy

And Eva, I was serious - no dramatic flair in my statement - relationships are far too much trouble and need far too much investment in terms of time and emotion, both of which I simply do not have at the moment !! And if I am alone, I can concentrate fully on you

Now you don't want to share me with anyone do you ?
Aris, you sound just like the person I would like to have a couple of drinks with. Too bad I am not moving to Athens any more