As I remember he has a soft heart--at least for PR purposes?
When you get around to making the break Absolutely Official tell him that the echoes of your former shared passion are making your life too, too difficult.
E has gotten a microsurgery fellowship in New York City. I was a bit miffed - he emailed today about it, upsetting my fragile balance, but then had a date with S, which was fantastic. Don't know how I will teach in just a few hours but nah, who really cares...
A little geographic distance between you and "E" might be no bad thing.
Good to hear he's comfortable with moving on.
You get to do the same thing.
Forget E. We want juicy details of the date withe S. Wait a minute, I'll get the popcorn and make myself comfy.
Why are you miffed, Dasha? Wanted him farther away?
stupidly enough i cannot imagine he won't be in the town anymore. i never see him, but somehow it was painful to realize that he really really is gone.
S is shaping up nicely though, making me CDs and whatnot. Went for dinner and such last night. Came home at 1:30am, oh well, need I say more...
aw, it's still relatively fresh, that wound.
Two years is the "average" time for healing after a romantic upheaval.
or as people I know say, it takes 1/4 to 1/3 the length of time you were in the relationship.
E dropped off two books in front of our door today. One is mine, one, brand new one, isn't. Again no note. I am starting to hate this game!!#$%!
Men. Can't live with them, can't live without them.
and vice versa. Or something. Scuse me, I just woke from a nap.
the monster wrote me the sweetest mail ever. i hate this!!! the whole eight years i couldn't get him to read stuff i cared about and now he's read the whole pile i left behind! stuff about genocide and interventions and such, reports, written in dreadfully boring language. I just don't get it! i'm so tired of this whole thing.
hmmmm.... that is the most interesting development yet.
Fatigue is a sign of healing.
is procrastination, too? if so, i'm a healing champ!
Procrastination is either healthy or unhealthy paralysis.
well, unhealthy at this point. monstrous. destructive. stooopid. off to plunge into work!