Thu 18 Jun, 2015 08:37 am
Twitter is really furious. A lot of blacks and millennials are making points about the difference in the way murders are covered in the press.
"Watch. They'll start saying he was mentally ill," many of them tweeted. This jabbed my sensibilities because I strongly assume the shooter IS mentally ill.
But, why didn't I think that about the Boston bombers? I immediately assigned them terrorist status, and wanted them to pay. Same with James Whatever who shot up a movie theater. Upon seeing his glazed eyed nutty face, I instantly relegated him to psycho status.
But, I think these angry people have a point. Do you feel comfortable with the method you use to delineate these people?
Dylann Storm Roof has been caught
I took this from facebook. I am sure alias won't mind.
Alias Seiichi Tagami
38 mins · Washington, DC ·
You could be a white supremacist, killing unarmed black people in in a church on the eve of a historic moment for that church's history with black emancipation. While you are killing people, you can literally tell survivors that you are doing this because "they" are raping "your women" and ruining "your country."
You can do this, and hordes of people, including the governor of the state will throw their hands up and say: "We'll never know why you did this?"
Like how explicit do you have to be?
Oh, and should someone state the obvious, and take you at your word, they will be told that they are the problem for promoting "race war" politics through "race baiting." They'll be called a "race hustler."
You'll be called a lone nut job, signifying nothing at all.
You can be an unarmed black person killed, and you'll be "no saint." Your death will be treated as the natural order of your tragic, but self-inflicted, life. Your killer may not even face trial. Your story may not even be known because of how many other unarmed black people who are being killed at the same time.
After your death, should someone say that your life mattered, they'll be told they are "race baiting" to promote a "race war," They will be accused of "race hustling."
This is what white supremacy looks like.
The Confederate flag is still flying high at the South Carolina capitol building today
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley ordered flags to be flown at half-staff today in aftermath of the tragedy that occurred at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C. and in memory of those who died, but it seems her directive is not applicable to the controversial Confederate flag that flies in front of the capitol building.
Actually, that rebel flag that is not lowered is in front of a rebel monument or something and never gets lowered for anything. I think that's the gist of what some are writing about it.
there's just no way to make that acceptable
I didn't call it acceptable. Just pointed out the reasoning they use.
I do not know SC law, but it seems to me the Uncle bought the gun for the kid as a gift. Wouldn't it be right and proper to also charge the Uncle for SOMETHING?
I haven't read the law of that state, but I bet it was a legal gift.
According to Reuters, the uncle said that the suspect was given a gun by his father as a 21st birthday present in April.
There is no firearm registration in South Carolina. And you don't need a permit to purchase one - a gun as gift to a 21-year old is totally egal.
The killer publicly announced he was a white supremacist, yet the Governor of South Carolina made the following statement:
"(W)e'll never understand"?
What a stupid woman!
Quote:Do you feel comfortable with the method you use to delineate these people?
Yes I feel comfortable. I would consider anyone who purposely murders another as mentally ill. You need to be mentally ill (at the very least so angry that you cannot think clearly) to be able to kill another human being.
Now that is different than criminally insane. Anyone capable of planning a murder such as all three of these you mention is criminally sane and should be locked away to the full extent of the law.
I agree that any murderer is mentally disturbed. And that, no matter what we decide, they need to be removed from society.
Lash wrote:Do you feel comfortable with the method you use to delineate these people?
well, I'm not comfortable with the way some other people look at this. white killers are crazy. white killers had a reason. white killers are upset. black killers are killers. it's the reason the long-term existence of the Pamela Rosa thread distressed me.
and I'm not comfortable with white suspects being captured alive while black children with toy guns are killed by the police.
I'm feeling truly nauseated about what happened in Charleston.
you're suggesting reason to their way of thinking.
it's a numbness around use of language
It's what they call reason. I have not endorsed it.
I'm telling you what I see when I read that post.