Ionus wrote:
We have a society where the weak are locked up in their own homes and the criminals are free . THAT is the damage done by failing to administer justice when the criminals are caught .
Having gone through the Boston Bombers trial over a very extended period of time and finally seeing that in the end the bomber will be put to death ( after about 10-20 years of appeals by his lawyers), I've come to the following conclusion.
Where the evidence is undeniable that the individual, in question, is guilty of the crime of murder such as the Boston bombing situation or in the recent murder of nine innocents in a Church in SC, the killer once caught, and tried in Court should be put to death without any appeal being available.
Jack Ruby , as some of us may recall, gave instant justice to Oswald, following the assination of President Kennedy. No trial for Oswald was held, no appeals were heard. Ruby swiftly ended the life of Oswald-the-killer of our dearly beloved US president, an event that was recorded on American TV, for all to see.
No tax payer money was wasted on Oswald and no further sorrow was inflicted on the Kennedy family or the American public.
Jack Ruby did the American public and the Kennedy family a giant favor.
Justice was served and one may say, that this justice was indeed a justice in the very truest biblical sense.