What double standard? I would say the same if he was a girl. Yes, being forced to sex is rape, but no, it does not need to systematically end up in front of a judge. Those 14 YEARS OLD kids were sleeping together and necking and all, and the girl tried something she should not have tried. Does that deserve jail time? Not in my book. Does the law need to know? Why? If there was an epidemic of female rapes on men, it would serve a purpose, but we're not there yet.
Look, you and I are old farts... We've made our mistakes, we've done ****, some of which illegal, some of which I'm rather proud of... Allow kids to mess up a bit, and stop ruining their lives with your stupid legal advice. Cops have more important things to do, too. Imagine if this girl was your daughter. What would be your advice: "go to the cop and denounce yourself", or "go to your BF and apologize for something you should not have done"?