Law Enforcement and the African-American community

Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2014 04:13 am
Dumbass I didn't say anything...This video talks about why some whites don't speak up about racism coming from other whites ******* moron KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ADVOCATING RACISM AND NOT SPEAKING OUT AGAINST IT
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2014 04:20 am
More evidence as to why African Americans are angry (now extending it to a daily dose of racism by other Americans). Without even reading the article read the following comments (not all 32,000). The following are some I've read:

"I do believe this incident and others like it will go down in the history books as "The Great American Lie." I have never known any white person in my entire live who said a disparaging comment about blacks unless they had been victimized in some way. I have however heard countless blacks say plenty of hateful things about whites with no justification. I long ago realized that it is the blacks who abhor whites. For years, communities, neighborhoods and good law abiding people have been terrorized by people like this Brown character. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of cases of blacks harming whites in cities across America. Like I said, this will go down in the history books as the "Great American Lie." It is just a ruse to get more given to them without having to do anything for it."

-Anonymous (Oh look someone choosing to be anonymous)

Funny how the person said "I haven't heard any white person saying anything disparaging about blacks UNTIL they were victimized. I guess being victimized makes one a racist or to sentence an entire culture for the actions of a few! I had to comment on this one!

Gotta love the Stormfront statisticians

" Here is looking beyond this incident. I read about the 10 most crime ridden towns/cities in the US; Here is my observation starting at number 1; Camden, NJ 42.8 % Black and 49.6% Hispanic, 2; West Memphis, AR 63 % Black, 3; Oakland CA 28% Black 25.4 % Hispanic; 4; Flint MI 56.6% Black, 5; Saginaw MI 46 % Black 14 % Hispanic; 6; Detroit, MI 82.7 % Black; 7; Newburg, NY 32 % Black 36 % Hispanic, 8; Bessemer AL 72% Black, 9; Chester, PA 75 % Black and East St Louis, IL 78 % Black. The 10 cities and towns in the US have a majority of minorities. Now on to Ferguson, MO 67.4 % Black. Now for those of you that will state that I am racist, I am not. Just looking at the majority population. Just for more food for thought, 97 % of Blacks are killed by Blacks. That seems to be more of a tragedy than the 3 % that are killed by a race other than the Black race. So before you start shouting racist from the rafters and roof tops, start working from the inside out to fix the 97 % of murders from within."


"Just don't effing get it. Let's say that Officer Wilson was in the right and JUSTIFIED to shoot Michael Brown for the thug that HE COULD BE .... what now?!?! Hate this all you want or give me the thumbs down, don't care regardless, Black America is just looking for excuses to rise up against their repressed selves and still holding on to the past after SO MANY YEARS and racist Sharpeton (and others like him), only fuels that fire! Cannot keep track of how many black on black killings there are in America and the black community only wants to see or hear what they want to see or hear and if they step back a minute and realize that they are just as racist as their so-called white brethren, they might see the truth about these situations. Bottom line, the truth will come out with Officer Wilson's decision, regardless of the thug Michael Brown could have been, yet this won't change a thing!! Spiral On America .... Downward!!"


"he mourners came to show their support because "it could be any one of us," Thomas said.
Let's be honest. It could only be any of you, if you pose a threat to a police officer or another person.

Release the "gentle giant's" juvenile records.

As long as blacks allow themselves to be portrayed as victims, as long as liberals continue to portray bad black behavior as justified, and as long as black parents don’t rein in their children and keep them off the streets at all hours of the night, there will be more Fergusons and unfortunately, that appears to be what Democrats and their media want."


""Mourners urge black Americans to take action"
I too urge black Americans to take action!

Take action to learn OUR language!
Take action to teach your children right from wrong!
Take action to create an actual family, not just popping' out babies for welfare.
Take action to stop YOUR leaders, jackson, sharpton, obama, holder, from fueling the race fire.
These guys make YOU the victim, fill their pockets full of money and leave you with nothing.
And lastly, Take action to better yourselves and stop blaming others for your problems!!!"


"The only thing blacks should be doing at this point is getting over their racist hatred of whites. As long as they keep this attitude we are going to hate them right back. The majority of whites have never done anything wrong to a black yet we are all targets of their hatred. Second, they need to start raising their kids right, quit defending them instead of encouraging their 'Thug" mentality based on the tired old race card. Why is everybody afraid to speak the truth. We all saw this punk in action, the camera didn't lie. Now they want to instill this image of him as a "gentle giant" .... more like a hate filled raging bully. Ones like him don't need to be alive. Everybody is better off with him dead. Even the parents are better off, or soon will be cause they are going to squeeze this for every penny they can."


There were over thirty-two thousand comments on this article and majority of them race based.......

Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2014 04:43 am
As a matter of fact, asshole, i started a thread on exactly that topic years ago--that whites don't speak out against other whites who make racist comments. Keeping silent makes one an accessory to the racism. You've jumped all around in this discussion attempting to claim that most whites are racists, and then denying that that is what you meant. You're losing it, too. Not just the name calling, but even attacking my avatar picture (she was not a pomeranian, btw). You're getting more and more pathetic.
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2014 04:45 am
Buttermilk wrote:
There were over thirty-two thousand comments on this article and majority of them race based.......

But of course, that doesn't mean that you're saying that most whites are racist. Rolling Eyes
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2014 05:56 am
I don't give a **** what kind of ******* dog that piece of **** avatar you have. From my vantage point, it looks like a ******* Pomeranian. What?!? You want to sidebar and argue about that too? You're in my thread bringing up irrelevant ****. You bring up a comment I made where you confuse the word most with alot. A lot is not most and most is not a lot. Since you're quibbling over semantics like a ******* old woman let me be more specific....

"A lot of whites in my experience (as in, in my own lifetime of those who've I've encountered)"

There...Is that better? Was that the antidote you were looking for, for that pathetic display of your e-vagina?
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2014 06:14 am
Buttermilk wrote:

Dumbass I didn't say anything...
This video talks about why some whites don't speak up
about racism coming from other whites
I have no more duty to fight in YOUR war than u have to fight in MINE.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2014 06:46 am
I don't give a **** what race they were but I'm inclined to believe they were white. I guess when you're ignorant as you are you can quibble over the dumb ****. I'm a realist. I know when I read yahoo comments, Youtube comments, CNN comments, Cheerios comments (most specifically regarding the commercial of the bi-racial kid that received a lot of hate) I can see firsthand racism.

This is why I noted the difference between white racism and black racism

You see, blacks don't go around making websites like Stormfront and Chimpout.com to antagonize cultures. Sure, there are a lot of black nationalist within the black community that promote pro-black ideology. But this has more to do with unity and social awareness as opposed to antagonizing whites. The black community is fragmented as is, and blacks tend to antagonize other blacks as opposed to exerting racist ideology.

With regards to racism, I see it everyday on the internet...

"Michael Brown is a thug" as I've stated thug is the new word for nigger....

As I've explained before when Tupac promoted Thug ideology it wasn't even thought about and when Bone Thugs in Harmony came out rapping about being a thug and welfare it wasn't even a concern in the white community or so-called white community if such exists. Now after Trayvon and the whole Zimmerman case every black teenager that commits a crime all I read is "Thug" "Thug" "Thug."

Sherman Williams makes a trash talking comment on live television, mind you, a college graduate and honor student immediately he is referred to as a "thug." With this Michael Brown situation yes he may be a kid who made bad choices and perhaps he was a kid that really didn't have much guidance, but that is not my place to judge a kid who lost his life. From what I see in all of this, it appears that there are some white folks that think strong arm robbery deserves death.

I see this everyday.....

I challenge you. Go on YouTube and read the comments......

This is beyond trolling this is about hate that goes on that some whites don't want to acknowledge. Now, as far my so-called racism, I'm not going to say the common phrase "oh my friends are white" no I don't have many white friends. Not that I choose to not hang with white folks, but because majority of those I get along with and share common hobbies happen to be persons of color. I work and live in the inner city so obviously those who I surround myself by are people of color (Asian, Latino, Samoan, Black, etc).

Now if I ******* wanted to be racist I have no problem calling You (assuming you're white) or anyone else here for that matter a Honky, Peckerwood, Cracker, Pale Face etc....You think I would try to hide that? ****. In my Ice Cube voice If I was racist towards whites "I'm the type of nigga that would call you a Peckerwood to your face and dare you to act offended in front of me." I grew up rough in Los Angeles (most specifically in Compton) fighting black kids in my elementary days from Bloods to Crips to Hispanic gang members in my high school days so you think I would be so scared to hide my supposed racism online if I would challenge you publicly? No ******* way am I directly or indirectly racist.

But I choose not to, because I do not endorse that behavior and that is not how I was raised and I would admonish any black person who behaves that way towards anyone who is white. I'm firmly aware of the white folks some here who I admire that champion the cause of minorities. There are white folks who understand the anger and struggle of minorities. These are the people I'm not talking about. I'm talking about those who hide their racism behind internet anonymity. The ones who pretend to love everybody and the ones that pretend to be colorblind.

This is what black folks in my community deal with, bullshit like this....Imagine making it to graduate school then having someone white who isn't even on your academic level say to you "Yeah you only got there because of affirmative action" forget the fact that white women benefit from affirmative action more than anyone else (not just academically but from various occupations especially) or welfare. No, all blacks make it to the top because someone helped them....

I've heard that all my life. Always having to work harder than everyone because society place these labels sop imagine what a kid in the ghetto goes through dealing with police brutality? One of the saddest things in my community is when we greet each other and ask how each of us are doing some of the responses would be "I'm just trying to survive." That is all black Americans who are working and contributing to society are doing. Trying to ******* survive. The so-called thugs like they perceive Michael Brown to be, these motherfuckers don't have lights on in their homes. A lot of these guys have felonies and jobs wont hire them.

So what the **** does society expect from young black kids with criminal records and no guidance to do when they can't get a second chance? Some kids do get chances but still haven't traversed from the "hood mentality" to the civil mentality. I'd use myself as an example. I can be very civil and intellectual with you and articulate myself accordingly, but if you piss me off and are belligerent towards me I'll be twice as belligerent and aggressive and even violent. I'm not saying that is right but that is how I grew up and this my friend is mild compared to guys I know.

So yes I understand why blacks get frustrated and angry because from a white person's perspective you don't understand what its like to have your ass whipped for decades or have an entire society against you because of your skin pigmentation. You don't know what its like to have a white cop talk to you like a child like my what happened to my father when a racist LAPD cop greeted him with "hey boy what are you doing over here?" When he lived in Compton when Compton was all-white at one time. You dopn't know what it's like for a cop to have you put your hands on a hot ass hood of a running car so he can check you for warrants all because you're black and because you were coming out of class.

So now that I've written a book so you can understand what the **** I'm saying you can miss me with those racism accusations.

Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2014 09:39 am
No, i'm just pointing out how low your rhetoric has sunk--not that it began at any elevated level in the first place.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2014 09:41 am
What you've got there is a clear example of the statistical fallacy of the enumeration of favorable circumstances. You're peddling a confirmation bias. Yes, i continue to see you as racist.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2014 03:29 pm
I didn't realize America is a continuous battlefield

You are either incredibly naive or incredibly ignorant. Didnt you say to work in a hospital? Visit an ER in a major city on a Fri night.

No. Strippers tell cops thank you for your service. When the LAPD officer asked me to show my I.D and upon refusal (especially coming out of my college campus after class) and have me put my hands on his hood of a running car I'd gladly tell the police officer "**** you very much."

Your irrational bias is more than evident so contiuing this discourse would be a colossal waste of time. You are a race bater stuck in a 60's civil rights fight. You breed hatred and dissent to massage your own personnal demons. It is more thn clear that you hate white people and police for no justifiable reason. Good luck with that.
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2014 04:24 pm
The problem is you want the cop to be a social worker.
Of course I do because the best cops act as social workers. They know their community. They interact on a daily basis. They let kids sit in the police car on National Night Out. They talk to people on the street. They listen to the complaints of citizens. They help mediate problems without arresting people.

The cop is there to keep the peace and enforce the law.
The best way to keep the peace is to keep it peaceful to begin with. That requires a community and a police department working together. When you remove the police from the community you put them at odds.

He/she must be fair and civil in aproach. He/she must be professional.
Of course he should. Telling citizens he is going to shoot them violates that policy. Calling citizens animals violates that policy. We can point to several instances in Ferguson where the police have not been professional, fair or civil in their approach.

He's not there to" relate" to anyone.
Actually, in most circumstances he is there to relate to people. If he can't relate to the citizens he is dealing with then he has no business being a police officer. Citizens have concerns, some good, some bad and some that are unrealistic. The police officer has to deal with those citizens and relate to them to keep them on his side. In a tense situation, an officer that has a good relationship with some or all the persons there will have a much better time of it than one that has no relationship.

He undersatnds the law and the rules of society.
One would hope so but at the same time he is human and has discretion. He can make mistakes such as ordering people to stop filming when he has no legal way to make that command.

His responsibility is to run torward the sound of gunfire and trouble.
That has to be one of the stupidest statements I have ever seen about police. No, that is NOT his responsibility. While you may think it sounds good it is nothing but hyperbole of the worst sort. Yes, police respond to situations but that doesn't mean they run toward the sound of gunfire. It would be stupid to do so without assessing the situation.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2014 04:41 pm
Best to put this ignoramus on IGNORE. He's not worth the time nor effort to discuss anything.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2014 05:02 pm
Yes, police respond to situations but that doesn't mean they run toward the sound of gunfire. It would be stupid to do so without assessing the situation.

So if they dont run TORWARD the sound of gunfire one can only conclude that they must run AWAY from the sound of gunfire...."Dispatch, 223. Shots fired, 123 Main Street nunous calls, man with a gun. 223 10-4 en route."
That is TORWARD the sound of gunfire..."Dispatch, 223. Shots fired, 123 Main Street nunous calls, man with a gun. 223, uh no I dont want ot go there they're shooting!" That is AWAY from the sound of gunfire.
Nobody said anything about not assessing the situation, DUMB ASS.

Oh and BTW contrary to your wishful belief, Cops are NOT social workers. nor should they be. Social Workers are degreed and licensed mental health professionals who are clinicians. They operate in controled, safe enviroments and have lots of time to make critical decisisons. You start mandating cops to act as social workers and you'll have more dead cops.
Even CIT Officers are cops first and foremost and must always rely on THAT training to survive the streets.

But I wouldnt expect you to get it cause it is obvious your only experience is gleaned from Hollywood.
Reply Wed 27 Aug, 2014 02:07 am
"You are either incredibly naive or incredibly ignorant. Didnt you say to work in a hospital? Visit an ER in a major city on a Fri night."

As I'm I'm typing I am in the emergency Department as we speak....I'm well aware of GSW's (Gun Shot Wounds) stabs that come through here. Matter of fact, there are a couple here now.

"Your irrational bias is more than evident so contiuing this discourse would be a colossal waste of time. You are a race bater stuck in a 60's civil rights fight. You breed hatred and dissent to massage your own personnal demons. It is more thn clear that you hate white people and police for no justifiable reason. Good luck with that."

"Race bater..." Ah yes the common Fox News, Shawn Hannity phrase especially when I'm mentioning the struggles of black people. Yes, it's race BAIT. I guess when it comes to white privilege you can call someone a race baiter if they are acknowledging the issues of racism from some white Americans. I don't hate white people and I have a great respect for a lot of human beings. Hate is a strong word. I dislike racists but this thread isn't about me this is about the injustices African-Americans face and my attempt to explain why African-Americans especially the ones in Ferguson are angry.

Reply Wed 27 Aug, 2014 10:08 am
"Race baiter" is a term racists use to make it look like they're not the ones with the problem.
Reply Wed 27 Aug, 2014 04:38 pm
So if they dont run TORWARD the sound of gunfire one can only conclude that they must run AWAY from the sound of gunfire

More stupidity from you it seems.

There are not only 2 possibilities. There are many others such as:

They could drive toward the gunfire.
They could walk toward the gunfire.
They could cautiously approach the gunfire.
They could hold their position.
They could find a defensive position.
They could run toward a citizen that needs help getting out of the line of fire.

Claiming they can only run toward the gunfire or away from it shows you have no concept of what the circumstances could be.

But I wouldnt expect you to get it cause it is obvious your only experience is gleaned from Hollywood.
Sure. That must be it because I have never interacted with, worked with, had dinner with, been married to or worked with a cop.
Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2014 03:26 pm
Oh come on dumb ass...you knew EXACTly what I was saying . You're just trying to be difficult cause you like beeing a troll...just admit it!
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2014 03:37 pm
What kind of "collectivism" have you been fighting against? LOL

We are a democracy with a capitalistic economy. Look it up, it might surprise you! LOL
Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2014 03:49 pm
@cicerone imposter,
We are a democracy

We ARE NOT a democracy...we are a Representative Republic...Look it Up!
Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2014 06:32 pm
I have been going over Johnsons statement. I find it absolutely perposterous...and I'm wondering why I havent heard the following :
(admittedly I haven't followed every word)

He says that Wilson grabbed Brown around the neck while seated in the patrol car and tryed to pull him in the car. Not only is this a ridiculous police tactic but it would be quite impossible in that BROWN WAS 6'4" TALL AND HOW THE HELL DID THE OFFICER REACH HIS HEAD FROM A SEATED POSITION???
The ONLY way that could have occured is if Brown was BENT DOWN HITTING the officer and in THAT case the officer might grabfor his head in an effort to stop the punches.

Johnson is CLEARLY lying.

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