Law Enforcement and the African-American community

Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 03:17 am
When do the Jews stop targeting Nazis in their 70's?

OOPS! wait, I shouldn't have said that right?

It's just like some whites to tell another culture to get over it...

Just like the Native Americans, just like the African slaves, I suppose people of color are suppose to forget about past injustices. FYI White people make up about 77% of the population and eventually in 2040 white people will be the minority.

As far as crimes are concerned its just like some racist whites to post crime statistics when this thread isn't about black crime. It's about anger but I suppose you don't care about that right?
Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 03:22 am
@cicerone imposter,
Agreed. This country was founded on the principles of a people who felt that the government shouldn't govern what people do. The so-called founding fathers had it right. Religion and that which held men/women down shouldn't govern people. With respect to the GOP you've mentioned, well, personally the reaction towards Obama is what I thought. They've questioned his citizenship. they've questioned his religion. They've questioned whether he was a student in America. Obama is a poster child of America's intolerance.
Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 03:25 am
The Trans-Atlantic slave trade torn families apart. Slavery in America took away the culture and language of human beings. Balck Americans and their ancestors before them spoke a different language and had to be forced to acclimate to the culture of today, not sure where you're getting at.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 10:00 am
There is very interesting report in this morning's San Jose Mercury News about the ratio of whites in the population in communities around the San Francisco Bay Area vs the ratio of cops. Some communities where whites are the minority has 100% white cops.

That people can't see the potential problems inherent in such a lopsided overbearance of white cops in any community is the problem. Only racial bigots see nothing wrong with this issue.

Thanks for starting this discussion about Law Enforcement and the African-American community. It needs to be discussed and resolved sooner than later.

Another area of discrimination is against women. In this day and age, one would think this problem would have been settled long ago. Human bigotry is alive and well, and it's never going to improve unless the community makes it happen.
Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 10:11 am
giujohn wrote:

What people fail to realize is that just because there is a person of color who is president, does not mean the black community does not experience the residual effects of centuries old injustice.

So when do ya get over it and move forward??

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

If blacks cant get over the fact that they are black how do they expect anyone else too?

Who controls the trafficing of drugs at the street level in this country?

White people make up about 80% of the American population, according to the United States Census. And black people account for about 13%. Yet, according to the same FBI table, blacks committed 28.4% of the crimes and whites 69.2%. Thus, black contribution to the “crime pie” is larger than thier slice of the population pie- actually more than double.

And spare me the societal excuses.

Even a black person will cross the street in certain black neighbohoods when they see a black male approching.

Black violence kills more blacks than the KKK ever did. In 2011 more than 7,000 black people were killed; the KKK killed 3,446 blacks in 86 years.

Black-on-black murders surpass the number of people killed by the KKK every six months.

Yes, now this is where the race baters will call me a racist.
Go ahead, I'll wait, get it out..............

Ok, so even if I'm a "racist", does that diminish what I have said?
WOW! U present a very powerful case!!

cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 10:15 am
This tiresome "black on black murders" is just too funny to contemplate. They just don't know their history.

Remember the holocaust? That was pretty recent, and we're talking six million white on white killings.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 02:27 pm
White people make up about 77% of the population and eventually in 2040 white people will be the minority

And I can guess by your attitude you will still be tyring to keep the past oppression of blacks alive when this occurs.
As I said, if you cant get over it you will always be under it. But then that's easier for you isnt it??
Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 02:30 pm
Obama is a poster child of America's intolerance.

What political naivete. Do you expect the republicans to actually be for the oposition??? Clinton was white...how did they treat him??? THEY IMPEACHED HIM!!!
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 02:31 pm
You wrote,
you will still be tyring to keep the past oppression of blacks alive

huh? Boy, are you out of the arena.... The implications are pretty clear to almost everybody else.
Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 02:36 pm
@cicerone imposter,
That people can't see the potential problems inherent in such a lopsided overbearance of white cops in any community is the problem. Only racial bigots see nothing wrong with this issue.

Anyone who says that Blacks have to be delt with by black cops is spewing racism the same as when a white burns a cross.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 02:45 pm
You're so ignorant, you don't even understand what bigotry is all about!
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 02:47 pm
giujohn wrote:

That people can't see the potential problems inherent in such a lopsided overbearance of white cops in any community is the problem. Only racial bigots see nothing wrong with this issue.

Anyone who says that Blacks have to be delt with by black cops is spewing racism the same as when a white burns a cross.

No one but you is saying that blacks have to be dealt with by black cops, John.

But if a community is predominantly black...and its police force is almost entirely white...it can cause a problem.

Anyone with any intelligence can easily see that.

Give the issue another try.
Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 03:24 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Whoa there nelly...I thought you had me on ignore???
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Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 03:40 pm
@Frank Apisa,
But if a community is predominantly black...and its police force is almost entirely white...

So I guess my question would be...Are these police forces refusing to hire blacks??
If a police department has 100 officers and the blacks are only 13% of the U.S. population that would mean that they should hire 13 black officers right?
And if the community is all balck we should deny qualified whites employement in lieu of lesser qualified blacks, right?

What if NO blacks apply? Should we just not have a police force in that town?
Maybe we should COMPEL the black community members to each pull a 6 month tour of duty as a police officer whether they like it or not.

Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 08:42 pm
Or we could upgrade our educational system by taking some of the money we spend on tanks and modern weapons that we leave lying around for terriosts to take, and spend that money on educating all our kids free up to 2 year collage educations.
Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 09:28 pm
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Reply Sun 24 Aug, 2014 10:08 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

Or we could upgrade our educational system by taking some of the money we spend on tanks and modern weapons that we leave lying around for terriosts to take, and spend that money on educating all our kids free up to 2 year collage educations.

which would put them where HS grads were three decades ago. how about we we fix the k-12 schools instead? I see know reason to pay for 16 years of schooling to accomplish what should certainly be able to be done in 14.
Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2014 01:44 am
@cicerone imposter,
No problem, and thanks for your participation in the discussion...

I happen to have grown up in the inner city and although I didn't succumb to the criminal lifestyle as many of my child hood friends did, I understand the injustices we all (both criminal and non-criminal alike) experienced. I've been "stopped and frisked" on my way home, even as I dressed appropriately with my work I.D badge on my person, and was still treated improperly.

Let me put it to you like this......

Working in a hospital and working alongside people of different backgrounds I see how certain people react to certain behaviors. A lot of nurses who grew up in Orange County, Manhattan Beach, or some affluent areas, I notice a lot of these folks tend to overreact when dealing with disgruntled African-Americans. For me, some of these reactions are merely people becoming voicetrous, but to them, they are being belligerent. I would take the similar approach towards white cops patrolling black areas. Because many of these officers don't take time to know the community to which they serve, any supposed attitude that appears belligerent they may overreact.

Because the United States hasn't gotten over the issue of racism and because police injustice is a reality, I strongly believe that cops ought to reflect the community to which they serve. I would say the same about the growing Hispanic community because since Los Angeles is predominantly latino, what does a white/black/Arab/etc cop know about Latino culture aside from food? Maybe I'm wrong in my thinking but I see this to be true.
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Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2014 01:51 am
Well you don't know me all that well....

I don't walk around day to day talking about "woe is me" I learned from an early age that the world is a cold place and to not look for pity from strangers. However, in discussing issues that plague Americans, you know citizens of this country, it is merely a healthy reminder to not forget our past. The United States in its evolution was not built on some egalitarian principle although theoretically you can make the argument that it was, this society as we know it was built on the suffering of other people through exploitation.

It's easy for white people who are the majority to tell another culture who they've exploited for centuries to get over it. But ironically I've never seen whites tell Jews to get over the Holocaust. After all if memory serves me right this was in the 1940's correct? So, using your logic its meaningless that Jews bring old Nazi soldiers in their late 80's to justice right? They should simply get over the millions of innocent men women and children who were destroyed by the Holocaust right? But I guess since these Jews are predominantly of european descent they get a pass right? Right!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2014 01:51 am
Clinton was never impeached.....

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