OmSigDAVID wrote:
Note, incidentally, that I do not advocate ending the US Army.
izzythepush wrote:So you don't want weak government after all,
you want a very powerful government with the best military capacity
in the modern World. You'll have to pay for that, so you need the IRS after all.
Let 's refine our concepts here, a little more.
Within the continental boundaries of the USA,
I want government's jurisdiction to be progressively curtailed & diminished,
but I want the Supremacy of American Armed Forces to continue
for defensive purposes. (Note that I have
no objection to withdrawal
of American troops from England.)
If I coud, then I woud, repeal the 16th Amendment,
replacing it with provisions that all funding for all governments
in America shall be drawn from sales taxes (
and importation tariffs),
with a maximum cap that
no man shall be held to pay over $1OO,OOO
in total taxes. Government services to any of us r likely to be worth less than that.
That shud be revenue neutral; i.e., yielding the same amount of revenue.