Inflammatory rhetoric, eh? I got a match . . .
What, your breath and a buffalo fart?
(Oh, man, did that one kill me when I was a kid.)
I thought it went: yeah, your face, my ass.
Yeah, but ain't buffalo fart funnier? My Missouri grampa always had crap like that -- the weirder, the better.
LOL Patiodag! I remember that one
Krispy Kremes beat Nutella any day of the week!
yeah - but the "k's" instead of 'C's make us Aussies feel queasy...
I gotta stop saying stuff on this site -I was second to top poster last time I looked at the Home page - that is sick. Less and longer is the way to go, methinks.
That and a slow hand.
#2 now
and well on her way to #1 talker
(do you think that'll aggravate her to create a few more posts?)
I believe I am dropping back again - phew!!!!!
Still, those who know me in the flesh would not be surprised!
I wonder how far down the list lil' ol' me is...
And the machine just told me I couldn't make a new post so soon after my last! That's fascinating.
Perhaps indeed... Faster than a speeding server!