Maybe a Groundhog's Day thread then?
What about MLK day! Then there's my daughter's birthday. That would be January 23rd!
What about Chinese New Year.... that's starting... well, it is the second new moon after the winter solstice, that would be...February 1st. The year of the sheep. Now doesn't that make you think of Mel Gibson?
chatoyant wrote:Maybe a Groundhog's Day thread then?
i thought i was quite clear about having anymore groundhog/non woodchucking woodchuck threads.
Well!! All my suggestions just get shot right down. Okay, I have a good one. How about an endangered owls digression thread.
who endangering us?
is youse threatnin' me c?
yay! let's go hooning and endanger some owls!!!!!
There's that hooning word again and I'm still waiting on a definition!
I'm game! I've never hooned (is that a word?) but I'll try anything once.
bring it on bunny rabbit!!!!!!!!
Everything makes me think of Mel Gibson ;-)
Gezzy -- we've already talked about this. Poor Mel has that sick sheep look. Though, I admit, I just saw him in Forever Young and he was ... well, cute enough!
Deb, does this mean that you're gonna start a Hooning Digression? Margo will be so pleased!
LOL. I'll always love him ;-) Does it show?
Your wings are in a twitter!
Right click on the picture, copy the Address: [URL]
Take the blank out between the ] h and you get this: