InfraBlue wrote: OCCAMBILL wrote:When hiring sales people; I hire the most qualified applicants, but; I assume in advance that the black applicants are not likely to perform as well as their equally qualified white counterparts. . . economic resposibility sometimes overrides my desire to be racially[emphasis mine] blind.
You are making assumptions based on racial prejudices. That is detrimental to an individual's
dignity, which by your statement:


Do you bother to read my responses
Or just pick through to find points to attack? The reason I ask is; I've now clarified that same paragraph a half a dozen times on several different threads, yet you continue to ignore the clarifications. Did you read them?
Last try. In a perfect world, I would be
racially blind. I would never have noticed a drop off in performance by any particular group, let alone figured out why. In the
real world I did; a higher percentage of black people weren't meeting quota than anyone else. I examined the different attributes of each, spotted the probable reason (speech), separated the data of those who shared this attribute with those that didn't and bingo! I then cross-referenced my findings with non-black employees who shared this attribute and this confirmed the accuracy of my data. (I highly recommend "Act" Database Software to anyone who has a database :wink: ) Any discriminating done by me; was based on criteria other than race, whether you like it or not.
If you've ever purchased advertising; you would know that a closing ratio variation of 1% is huge. I'll give you an exceedingly simple, though probably wordy, example in hopes we can put this matter to rest once and for all:
Joe spends $20,000 per week advertising his widgets, which he profits $150 each for selling. In return he receives approximately 2000 leads. This means Joe needs to sell 133 widgets before Joe breaks even. Keep in mind, Joe still needs to pay the other bills too. For the purpose of this example let's assume this figure will remain consistent (suicide in the
real world). Joe likes to keep his average close ration under 1 in 10, which results in positive cash flow of $10,000 per week to go towards expenses and yes, Joe
does like to make a profit. Don't forget that on bad weeks, closing 1 in 15 barely covers ad costs and none of the expenses. Now if Joe has an employee who is closing 1 in 11, that employee is returning $150 less per week on Joe's investment. No biggie, his best people do 1 in 8. Now, what if Joe notices that a particular group of people who come to his office to discuss their sub-par performance have something in common
other than 1 in 13 closing ratios that collectively are costing the company $8,000 per month in profits? Does he pretend he didn't notice?
Is that what you would do? Now, Joe has a real problem here; he wants to be mister nice guy but how? He figures he can set a minimum bar and anyone who can't maintain it will be dismissed for poor performance. That's a fair solution right? Hmmm Wait a minute
It costs Joe a couple thousand dollars to get a new employee up to speed. Now this is a problem. Joe doesn't want to use his observed data to rationalize racist policies, does he? Nor does he want to hire employees who effectively take more money from his pocket than they earn. So he goes back to the numbers, which have always been his friend, and searches for another factor. Suddenly he's axed a question by one of the offending employees. Hmmm
Sorry that took so long, but you've wasted far more of my time with your petty unfounded accusations.
You're reaching badly to try to draw a similarity between filling sensitive positions with specifically qualified applicants and the acts of a brutal murderous dictator. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? This assessment is as naïve as it is ridiculous.
The real world isn't black and white. Until you accept that money is a justifiable
hell practically the sole mitigating factor in having a business, you will continue to wade through some fairytale world where idealistic notions should trump reality. I've patiently given you a good deal of the benefit of the doubt, so you'll have to forgive my returning some of your Ad Hominem. Well
wait a minute
outside of your Ad Hominem assault, did you raise a single topic related issue?
InfraBlue wrote: Ok, so you don't engage in wholesale discrimination of Blacks when it comes to employment, only sometimes, and you take their race and racism thereof as a factor in you decisions. Understood.
That lame half hearted effort is as close as you can get to understanding plain English?
InfraBlue wrote: I doubt that you stand to profit from the war. I think you support it for vengeance for 9/11, and as you say, humanitarianism, which is why I say your humanitarianism rings hollow, especially in light of your own human rights shortcomings.
I see. Despite reading page after page to the contrary you still think I am stupid enough to blame Saddam for 9-11? Your insults are getting more childish by the minute in your futile attempt to cling to an unsubstantiated view. If you think it through; you might figure out you owe me an apology.
InfraBlue wrote: You also support violence in the name of humanitarianism, and are prepared to accept sacrificial collateral carnage in the name thereof. That is contradictory. I think this is paradigmatic of most supporters of the war.
Paradigmatic of what? Paradigmatic of someone who recognizes and accepts that not every choice in the world can result in a happy ending for all involved? It is my opinion that our actions will prevent more deaths than it will cause. Statistics of Saddam's past behavior supports this theory. You may disagree, as others have, on the grounds that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results and then we could agree to disagree. The only contradiction I see; is you, attempting to use logic in an argument when you have already illustrated so clearly your inability to do so.
InfraBlue wrote: Bill, you have yet to answer my questions,
Surely you jest. I've exhausted my patience answering your questions. But here you go again.
InfraBlue wrote: Is YOUR racism a problem only of the Blacks unfortunate enough to have suffered you?
Produce one Black who's suffered me. Just one........ That question is a thinly veiled insult that is absurd on its face; an Ad Hominem that couldn't be answered without first admitting to a false accusation. Let me draw you a parallel:
"Does your hopelessly naïve point of view and ignorance of how things work in the
real world make it difficult to find work?" Not a very friendly question, is it?
InfraBlue wrote: Is YOUR racism SOMEONE ELSE'S problem only?
Again; you are asking me to first accept your insulting accusation and then come up with an answer to an imaginary problem that exists only in your mind. As near as you've come to substantiating your faulty premise is repeatedly quoting one poorly worded paragraph. Said paragraph, I've clarified at least half a dozen times on at least 3 or 4 different threads now. YOUR choosing to remain deliberately obtuse is YOUR problem. So, within that parameter the answer is yes. YOURS!
InfraBlue wrote: Are YOU accountable for YOUR racism?
Of course I would be if any racism existed. That's my picture you see to the left of every one of my posts. My name is Bill and I would be instantly recognized by most every employee I've ever hired. Sooner or later, I'm sure one of them will stumble across A2K. Next time your stalking my posts looking for some unrelated nonsense to launch another Ad Hominem attack with; take note of the fact that I've deleted nothing.... Not even the stupid stuff I wrote... and typically I even note what the rare edit consisted of. How much more accountable could I be?
You know, the more I think about it, the more I wonder why I am still responding to you.
Your posts, all of them, could be summed up by: YOU: you're a racist, a liar, a hypocrite and therefore couldn't possibly care about the Iraqi people. Then ME: no, no, no and that is simply not true.
Now if you haven't figured it out yet, I doubt your going to. If you do figure it out; I'll happily accept your apology. Good day. :wink: