Please Kicky, you are speaking as if that post actually made any sense. Okay, time to debunk some more BS. :wink:
Alright InfraBlue: this is my second attempt to respond. In my first attempt; I was going to try to delete the insults and unrelated garbage first, but that left me with nothing to respond to.
InfraBlue wrote:You're as sharp as the scissors given to first grade children, Bill.
Not bad. Probably the cleverest thing you've come up with so far. D+
InfraBlue wrote: Once again, what I've posted here is relevant here
No, it's not. Your purpose from your very first post on this thread was to express your opinion that I am a racist and a hypocrite. Not only does this have absolutely nothing to do with the topic; it was a clear-cut violation of the
TOS. Had you ever bothered to read the
TOS; you would know that this type of personal attack is relevant nowhere. No biggie; just be sure and get it all out of your system on this thread. Okay? :wink:
InfraBlue wrote: If you can't grasp how this is relevant to this thread, you're a bigger moron than the president you so admire.
Who's a moron? Scream as loud as you want; it doesn't change the fact that your motivation for your Ad Hominem attack lies elsewhere. Perhaps in that post that you referred back to for, what is it now, 7 times? Or maybe you're a disgruntled former employee?
InfraBlue wrote: That president who's human rights you'd violate because he not only exhibits natural linguistic phenomenon, he suffers from severe speech defects. But hey, if he'd negatively affect your wallet, f**k his human rights.
Let's get something straight here. Whether or not I choose hire someone, or not, is
NOT a HUMAN RIGHTS issue. I asked you before if you knew how stupid that sounded. I guess the answer was no.

In your feeble attempt to show that it was a HUMAN RIGHTS issue in MY opinion, you quoted me saying; "I view humans as humans and believe all should be entitled to basic sustenance, freedom and dignity." Listen closely now: One doesn't require a job from me to acquire these things, nor does being denied a job from me take any of them away.

Have you got that?
InfraBlue wrote: You are a good business man, by the way. You don't let petty things like human rights get between you and your wallet. Your business skills should be commended.
I'm going to go ahead and assume you are being sarcastic here. Now I had thought that my exceedingly simple example about "Joe" would be sufficient clarification for even the most clueless idealist to understand. You responded by writing this.
InfraBlue wrote: Joe is a racist acting on the racism intrinsic in his market which discriminates based on the speech patterns of a particular racial group--his customers really don't like "axe"--and Joe rationalizes it with his good friends, numbers, and measures it against his bottom line, his wallet. Joe is merely a cog in the racist system of his world. Poor, poor Joe. But Joe ain't a bad guy! He's got highfalutin ideals, and a great big bleeding heart for the victims of the big, bad ugly dictator half way around the globe, and as far from his imperfect, greyscale racist world. And he sobs at the thought of the human beings sacrificed in the name of ridding those poor, poor victims of that really, really bad guy. But hey, it's not directly affecting his wallet. Heck, he's even gotten a break on his taxes that are paying for the war he loves! Joe is a happy camper in his greyscale world.
Watch Joe doublethink.
Funny thing is; you must have been talking about me, not Joe, because in the example there was nothing to justify all that "great big bleeding heart" about the war stuff. Then you went right ahead and point-blank called Joe (me) a racist. Confused by this astonishingly foolish conclusion, I then asked you what you would do differently if you were Joe? You ducked the question and spat a couple more petty insults my way
so I asked again
and you responded with:
InfraBlue wrote: If I were Joe I'd do one of two things. I'd either act on my great big bleeding heart, end my pursuit of money and join the peace corps., or I'd shut my great big sanctimonious trap, and risk being thought a hypocritical moron, than to open it and remove all doubt.
Now, at this point, you've point-blank called Joe (me) a racist and a moron, which needless to say, I wasn't too happy about.

, you flat out stun me with this ridiculous excuse for your childish, slanderous behavior:
InfraBlue wrote:I was talking about Joe, Bill, and what I'd do if I were in his shoes.
The "Joe" example was pure business. No War. No information about Joe's politics whatsoever
Which means this is a bald faced lie and consequently proves beyond a reasonable doubt; that
you are a liar.
InfraBlue wrote: But, maybe Dubya should satellite-guide a MOAB right up your Approximate vicinity for even considering violating his human rights. Remember, he's a guy that acts on principles, and is willing to collaterally slaughter thousands upon thousands of innocents to get his guy in their name (what?). But then again, he's a raving hypocrite second only to you, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, that's open to discussion.
Very impressive writing

No wonder your giving me a hard time about mine.
InfraBlue wrote: You are getting redundant, Bill, and I'm getting tired of this
This, coming from the guy who has brought this same pointless, naïve garbage to several different threads
for the sole purpose of insult. Hell; you even brought up the same paragraph for at least the 7th time only this time you linked instead of quoted.
InfraBlue wrote:If you ask me again what this has to do with your thread, go sit on a MOAB.
I think that's clear enough. As proven earlier; NOTHING.
Tell me; what's motivating you to continue making an ass of yourself anyway? You've failed miserably in your childish attempt to slander my character. In the mean time you've exhibited what appears to be a profound ignorance of business in the real world (you might be able to recover from that if can provide an intelligent alternative course of action for "Joe") Plus; you have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that
you are a liar. Happy?