InfraBlue wrote:Discriminatory hiring and firing, and employment practices based on groups of peoples' speech patterns is by definition discriminatory. And, it deprives people of freedom, dignity and a fair shot at a decent lot in life.
I've already thoroughly demonstrated why this is untrue.
InfraBlue wrote: When those discriminatory hiring and firing, and employment practices are applied specifically against Blacks because their particular speech patterns, because they say "aks," that discrimination is racially based and is therefor racist.
I've already demonstrated why this too is untrue. Said speech patterns are not exclusive to blacks (or even minorities for that matter), and therefore constitute no racism whatsoever.
InfraBlue wrote: A legal case could probably be made against you by this specific group of employees of yours hired, fired or detrimentally treated under your employ based on the criteria--with your neat software you've got racial discrimination down to a science--you've deliniated on this thread.
This statement indicates your ignorance of law is on par with your ignorance of business. I doubt you'd find a judge to hear the case let alone a jury who'd rule against me. Quit while you're behind.
InfraBlue wrote:If I were Joe, I'd remove myself from the situation.
This admission proves beyond a reasonable doubt that you are judging a situation of which you have no knowledge whatsoever. You are suggesting Joe should fire his other 4 dozen employees and seek some other means of earning a livingÂ… One, which meets your ridiculously idealistic sense of morality, just so that he doesn't have to face facts as facts.
And you were the one who introduced the word "moron" into the conversation?


. Go ahead and shout at the rain, whenever you work up the courage to pull your head out of the sand, but stop trying to judge the people who actually do the things idealistic imbeciles like yourself can only criticize from the peanut gallery. In your fantasy world there would be no such thing as marketing, and all manner of employment would be open to everyone, regardless of his or her qualifications. The real world will continue to turn regardless of the criticism from the clueless. Your ignorance has been demonstrated, and frankly has only been clarified further by your continued groundless attacks on me. Until you can suggest an alternate course of action for Joe, stop judging him through a child's idealistic perspective. Your excellent writing ability is indicative of an intelligence that is utterly missing in your arguments. Don't embarrass yourself further.
Craven de Kere wrote:Bill,
When you've admitted to your racism on these boards why spend so much time arguing against it?
Why not just do what you did last time and say "Don't hold my honesty against me."?
Quite simply Craven: because you, like InfraBlue are taking me out of context. Admitting that customer consideration in business is an economic reality is not the same thing as being a racist. InfraBlue stormed onto this thread accusing me of:
1) being a racist
2) being a hypocrite
3) being dishonest in my concern for the Iraqi people.
If you read the thread you'll see that InfraBlue's motivation for this attack was to attempt to demonstrate that my concern for the HUMAN BEINGS in Iraq is false. In truth, all 3 of these accusations are as false as they are offensive. While I have no doubt you could do a better job of attacking me than the feeble attempt InfraBlue put up, I doubt your heart would be in slandering my character to attempt to prove a false premise. If I'm misjudging you; go ahead and try.