Oh, by the way Buffy, welcome to A2K. I was so pissed off I forgot my manners.
doglover...dern you for telling me to read this! now I have to go back and read all the other 12 pages!
buffy, you're somethin' else girl!
As I've said to a few others via PM, we all sort of suspend belief when we log on; realizing things may not be all they seem. Still, the drama is fun--and usually we take things as they come.
No matter what "Camille's" gig is--I had fun matching up with our fearless Advice Lady crew. It wasn't a loss. I got to "know" a few regular members a bit better--and had fun sleuthing.
Thank you doglover, buffy and others for demonstrating to me so well that what we think we know about someone else can be so far off base and we can be completely wrong.
We each allow people to see only so much of ourselves. Buffy, doglover, Kathi- of all people you should know from our dealings with Mom why giving out a lot of personal information on the net just isn't a good idea. Doglover invited me here and it seemed like a safe haven, a different place than SS, and Buffy, you're right, when I first posted here I was a different person, we had gotten back together after Christmas and the final break didn't come until Good Friday. There are holes in your information, holes in your theories, but like Monte on the Schiavo thread on SS, you've constructed the pieces you want to fit.
Talking about different identities? Can I remind you doglover how many identities you've had on SS? We've all had several identities there because Mom kept getting ALL of us banned that disagreed with her. Did you forget that part? How many posters here on A2K got banned for the same reason and went back under a different ID?
We got our SS original ID's back after SS made us wait a while to get them back. You aren't any holier than thou.
Doglover, you say you are pissed? How do you think I feel about you pulling buffy and Kathi into this and having them jump on your bandwagon of assumptions? When we talked on the phone and got together I thought you were being a sincere friend. I trusted you with personal information about me, him, where he works, where he lives, even what long term care facility his son is in. Why don't you take a trip there and take a look at his son and tell me I lied? What did I get for trusting you and talking to you in confidence? I get you going over to SS and pulling people from there to support you, just like Mom gets Warthog, Conner and Monte. The irony of all of this is how last time we got together for lunch I told you I'd never had a bad experience come out of meeting someone online. I guess I can't say that anymore. I made the mistake of thinking I could actually trust you.
You know, I can produce names, dates, places, photos and videos going back 20 years to the present that can back up everything I have stated here on this thread, and I KNOW, as does everyone personally involved, that what I have said is 100% true. There is a father suffering. There is a mother suffering. There is a son who is PVS. There is a daughter dying of cancer. There is a loving relationship between he and I that has been destroyed by grief and fear. But it doesn't matter. You wouldn't believe it if I put it all in front of you. You'd rather believe trash than real life tragedy and suffering. I've always said I would not wish this kind of life on anyone, not even my worst enemy, and I stand by that even now. If you KNEW the truth, you wouldn't be so quick to judge, but you don't know the truth so I forgive you for being so cruel.
I'm through. Life sucks, it is just not worth it anymore.
You could cop to Brini, and start over, Camille.
But, anymore allusions to suicide, and I will ask mgmt to freeze your IP from our site. You have been highly manipulative--and the people here should be protected from such behavior. We're well-meaning and friendly--but not brain dead.
Your personas can be tracked, and they have been.
The jig is most definitely up.
Camille wrote:Doglover, you say you are pissed? How do you think I feel about you pulling buffy and Kathi into this and having them jump on your bandwagon of assumptions?
Newsflash, but doglover didn't make these assumptions.
I did. I am my own person and I think for myself.
I read all 13 pages of
your posts, I researched your posts here and on Sunspot during same timeframe. After knowing much about your history for the last year on Sunspot, through your public posts and occasionals PMs to me, I knew something was up almost immediately. You have yet to explain why you couldn't even remember your correct age.
It doesn't matter how much truth you may or may not have inflected into your stories. You have purposely manipulated these people and it is wrong. Your pity party does not work with me.
And whatever beef you may or may not have with doglover is irrelevant to me. I think for myself, and btw, I have never been banned on Sunspot, nor have I ever used altie screen names. Here, there, or anywhere.
FYI, Camille, I have never participated on, or even logged onto this "Sunspot" site, whatever it is. I reached my own conclusions based entirely on your posts on this one thread.
You've lost a great deal of credibility with me through this Brini pretense. Everything you've said about your relationship with this man and his family circumstances may be perfectly true, and you may be grieving deeply. But I have lost confidence in thinking you're dealing with us honestly. And that is not due to anyone here except YOU, Camille.
Please stop blaming everyone else for your mistakes. In addition to being a sympathetic and caring group, we are fairly intelligent, and several of us figured it out on our own. You underestimated us. And I'm afraid even sympathetic and caring people do not take kindly to being deceived.
We've also been emotionally blackmailed with suicide threats before (or at least I have.) Call a suicide hotline if you're seriously contemplating that. I'm sorry, but you need more help than we can give you.
I wondered about the screenname Camille from the outset - there is a famous tragic Camille played by Garbo. But I went with listening and commenting, for the most part.
I am not sure how much of what has been written is true. I don't how much may be constructed in psychological need, or constructed as a writing challenge, or neither of those.
My comments on such a situation as described stand.
It is all a facade. Not tragic. Manipulative.
Apr 30 Sunspot 18:36
Camille wrote:I remember you doing exactly this Monte. You posted the whole letter on one of the old threads because you were so upset about the editorial in the Florida paper that said more people were against Terri's law, than for it. So what does your own quote say about you?
Apr 30 A2K 18:54
Maybe we can hook Camille up with Fred.
What has Fred done to us?
Let's back up for a minute, OK?
Manipulation is not nice. Sure.
But what we are working with, at the core, is:
1.) Someone went through a bad break-up.
2.) We offered advice on how to deal with that.
3.) That person gave ample evidence that she was mentally unstable and given to self-delusion well before Brini Maxwell came into the picture.
4.) We offered advice on how to deal with that. (Be realistic, he's not coming back, etc.)
This all seems to be of a piece, and as Sofia says, I do not regret having taken part in this or offered advice. At best, it was helpful advice to someone who was grieving. At worst, it was helpful advice to someone who might find this via Google at some point in the future.
Meanwhile, my own personal opinion -- which I will not be bothered to take back in the face of evidence to the contrary -- is that the person behind the Camille account is someone who is hurting badly from a bad break-up, and doing silly, self-destructive things (which, again, we already knew), and while it's not tragic and is her own fault it's also not that big of a deal in the scheme of things. I'm happy to offer good wishes and the hopes that she will continue the healing process.
Nah. The name of the male Camille spoke of in her posts.