What would you do?

Reply Mon 31 May, 2004 06:14 pm
This is mind boggling! Shocked
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 07:15 am
buffytheslayer wrote:

I think it was very kind of all of you to be so compassionate and helpful to Camille when you thought she was in a tragic ex relationship.

The point is all of that was a lie. Your helpfulness only provided fodder for a bizarre and twisted need for constant attention based on false pretense. It's like someone saying "so and so died, please feel sorry for me" but no one really died.

How would you feel if, after posting alongside and with someone for an entire year, you found them out to be totally false?

I was going to let this go but it has bothered me all day yesterday and all night last night. I said it wasn't worth it, but it is. Buffy, you are the liar here. Fine, so one time I posted I was 52 and another time I posted I was 54. BFD One time I posted I had no local friends and then posted this past week a close friend had died. Well that friend was 3,000 miles away. I even sent the obit notice to doglover in PM. So I post differently on SS than here. BFD The people on SS are like you have demonstrated here.....people of little substance that are always in the fray of arguments and belittling other people. People like you make mountains out of molehills. God help you if you have any real major problems in your life. Trust the SS group with something dear to my heart? Yeah, right..... Yep, I used to play the games on SS too but you know what, when you lose what is really important to you all that energy trying to one up somebody on SS and back them into corners really isn't so important anymore.

To tell these people that my whole 20 year relationship didn't exist, that a young man in PVS is not and a young woman dying of canceris not, is a more blatant lie than any of the small infractions you have found. And just where is your proof it is a lie? It's based on what? Your assumption? Because I gave two different ages or don't post the same here as there? The truth is you are making judgements about other people you don't have the slightest idea about.

I met with doglover on two different times. We shared personal things together on both sides that we won't post on the internet about our personal lives and some of the SS posters. She knows enough that she can easily track down some of the people involved in my story and verify most of what I told her. They are in her own backyard. But instead of considering those facts, it looks like she'd rather believe YOU, and what do you KNOW outside of what you have created in your head about what is true? NOTHING. I don't know who to be more angry with, her or you.

If you are such a great liarslayer, start with yourself. Telling people that my entire story is a lie is a huge lie from YOU. The people here have been caring and understanding, and I appreciate them very much. I don't appreciate liars coming here spreading lies. There are people grieving over very real losses. If you don't respect me, please at least respect the others involved.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 09:07 am
lol I haven't lied about anything. I examined the situation, drew my conclusions, and posted my opinion based on your own fully available evidence.

You thought the people who have been posting with you for a long time would not notice your shenanigans over here. And then you slipped up. Or maybe Brini appeared on purpose because the thread had basically died and it was a new way to regain attention.

You think it is ok to lie about your age, thinking no one would notice. Here's the thing. When you lie, it's hard to keep up, I don't believe you remembered what age you gave the first time and were too lazy to look back. For all we know, you're a man and who's to believe doglover is real, either.

You think it is ok to pretend you're alone and despondent and then claim a friend died. An obit can be copied in email from anywhere. Doesn't mean anything.

Revealing personal tidbits on one message board versus discretion on another message board is irrelevant. You can not disguise the clear distinction in personality traits. During a time in which you claimed you were suicidal and full of despair and grieving over the loss of alleged friend and NOT posting here, you were happily bebopping along on several different topics elsewhere. During a time in which you claimed here you were zonked on Ambien, you were - per date/timestamp - posting on other message board.

That's a clever use of IPs you got going there, too, because you know that Sunspot forbids simultaneous logins. But you post as Camille and Brini and many others over there all the time. Did you think no one would notice? You have Camille and Brini over here having a conversation with yourself. You have Camille and Brini over there having a conversation with yourself. It is disturbing.

I don't doubt some young man is in PVS due to suicide attempt. I don't doubt a possible sibling is in cancer relapse. Whether it is a case file you lifted from your job or real life, who knows? When someone lies like you do, nothing else will ever seem as credible.

I guess soon we will have a Brini report to reinforce the stories in your head. You got busted, plain and simple. And you're still blaming other people for your own orchestrated charade.

Bored now.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 09:31 am
She's outed my Doglover theory....

<Like a car accident...I can't look away>

Is Camille Doglover? Is Doglover Camille, Kathi, Buffy?
The possibilities multiply...

I've been on a couple of boards under 'attack' by bored groups elsewhere, who fly in like Spitfires, ducking and weaving elaborate hoax-tales and work together to create mayhem--poking fun--humiliating the duped--causing factions--and sometimes leaving formerly close-knit groups at odds--causing Mods to overstep and impose all manner of new rules-- General lockdown of sites has occurred and endless threads about retribution, "those people", and A New World Order ensue. The Spitfires run back to their sites with raucous stories about--Did you see how they believed me? They are writing all sorts of laudable tributes to me for racing to the rescue of my other alter... So-and-so got militant, and I have ____ and ____ at each others throats... A good day's work!

These invasions have the most success with groups, who make demands they can't really enforce, such as 'no multiple personas'. A very good reason not to have such a rule. It can cause way too much work for Mods. It is also especially destructive for members, who somehow believe they "know" their other members. Thankfully, we are not so rigid here, or so easily drawn into manipulation.

I have to admit--it's an entertaining diversion for me.

I have had a blast working my theories. Not that they matter. Its just a change of pace from the expected.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 09:38 am
LOL...This has all gotten so crazy. Doglover is not Camille, buffy or Kathi. Not sure what I can do to prove it...so everyone will just have to take me at my word.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 09:41 am
Don't worry.

If you are or not, I have enjoyed you. As others have said--I'll continue to take you at face value...

Why not?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 09:53 am
lol Buffy is not anybody but Buffy.

I have a distinct writing style and personality. I will not ever post my real photo on the internet, no matter how cute I am lol. I never and I mean never give out my real last name or reveal anything about myself that would allow an internet crazy to track me down.

I have become friendly with people on the internet via email, but they do not learn enough about me to track me down, either, such as address or phone and I've never met anyone in person and doubt I ever would.

Discussing personal tidbits on a message board - which I have already done on various threads on this board - does not identify me from one person to another. But I am but one person. I do not have time to be bothered with multiple logins or making up crazy stories.

Suffice it to say both my parents are alive and still married, no one in my family has cancer. I am young and still single (though I have a boyfriend), and I have never had an affair - nor would I - with a married man. I haven't even dated a person who had kids from a previous relationship. I have a few siblings and a few more nieces and nephews. And several real life friends. And most important of all, I'm not despondent or suicidal and I luv my job.
What I find most amusing about Camille is the "Garbo" reference a few pages back. I don't know much about old movies, but that was intriguing. Over on Sunspot, some other posters were punking on "Brini Maxwell". I had no idea it was a real moniker. They had some Google links that Brini is a transvestite Martha Stewart. Too funny. Camille has also used monikers like Timothy Leary, etc. I'm too young for that stuff.

It is definitely entertaining. But still disturbing.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 10:00 am
WHOOOOO-whoo this is better then Young and the restless... <chewing on popcorn> SO! Who killed JR ?? hehehehehehehe Are you my mommy or his ? Is my brother REALLY my husband in that other town? Damn... why dont I remember being drugged and given such small tits? Jeeeezzzzzeeee
0 Replies
Granny Weatherwax
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 12:59 pm
buffytheslayer wrote:
lol I haven't lied about anything. I examined the situation, drew my conclusions, and posted my opinion based on your own fully available evidence.

You thought the people who have been posting with you for a long time would not notice your shenanigans over here. And then you slipped up. Or maybe Brini appeared on purpose because the thread had basically died and it was a new way to regain attention.

You think it is ok to lie about your age, thinking no one would notice. Here's the thing. When you lie, it's hard to keep up, I don't believe you remembered what age you gave the first time and were too lazy to look back. For all we know, you're a man and who's to believe doglover is real, either.

You think it is ok to pretend you're alone and despondent and then claim a friend died. An obit can be copied in email from anywhere. Doesn't mean anything.

Revealing personal tidbits on one message board versus discretion on another message board is irrelevant. You can not disguise the clear distinction in personality traits. During a time in which you claimed you were suicidal and full of despair and grieving over the loss of alleged friend and NOT posting here, you were happily bebopping along on several different topics elsewhere. During a time in which you claimed here you were zonked on Ambien, you were - per date/timestamp - posting on other message board.

That's a clever use of IPs you got going there, too, because you know that Sunspot forbids simultaneous logins. But you post as Camille and Brini and many others over there all the time. Did you think no one would notice? You have Camille and Brini over here having a conversation with yourself. You have Camille and Brini over there having a conversation with yourself. It is disturbing.

I don't doubt some young man is in PVS due to suicide attempt. I don't doubt a possible sibling is in cancer relapse. Whether it is a case file you lifted from your job or real life, who knows? When someone lies like you do, nothing else will ever seem as credible.

I guess soon we will have a Brini report to reinforce the stories in your head. You got busted, plain and simple. And you're still blaming other people for your own orchestrated charade.

Bored now.

For someone that is bored you sure have a lot to say about something you admit you don't know what the truth is. Confused

How do we tell which story is more unbelieveable, hers or yours?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 01:22 pm
Wow.... yet another personality emerges. By-golly.. if tI am going to sell tickets!!! HAHAHAHA Shocked
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 01:31 pm
<establishes ringside seat, draws on pipe, raises suspicious brow>

0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 01:48 pm
hmmmmm, well I know who Granny WW isn't
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 02:00 pm
im another poster from this wonderful place called Sunspot.net

The local rag in as the locals pronounce it (Bawlmer,Merlyn)

I got a 90 day ban from their site,,,because people over there tried for 3 long years to get me to leave because of a bad decision i made regarding my relationship with my wife.

these items were never discussed on that board yet for three long years i was continually harassed and poked fun of to no extent.

finally i sorted out who was responsible and drew the line in the sand and last month i put everything on display for all to see the nasty game that has been waged for 3 long years.

people got to see my ugly side as i repeated ripped through every myth these people who even took the time to meet me in person had to say behind your back.

and there are about 5 that still chase it to this day.

as i sit here and recover from my gall bladder being yanked out,,,understand i leave my baggage behind and enjoy playing the level field.

A2K is A2K and SS is SS...

im sorry you have to deal with childish games.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 02:03 pm
buffytheslayer wrote:
lol I haven't lied about anything. I examined the situation, drew my conclusions, and posted my opinion based on your own fully available evidence.

You thought the people who have been posting with you for a long time would not notice your shenanigans over here. And then you slipped up. Or maybe Brini appeared on purpose because the thread had basically died and it was a new way to regain attention.

You think it is ok to lie about your age, thinking no one would notice. Here's the thing. When you lie, it's hard to keep up, I don't believe you remembered what age you gave the first time and were too lazy to look back. For all we know, you're a man and who's to believe doglover is real, either.

You think it is ok to pretend you're alone and despondent and then claim a friend died. An obit can be copied in email from anywhere. Doesn't mean anything.

Revealing personal tidbits on one message board versus discretion on another message board is irrelevant. You can not disguise the clear distinction in personality traits. During a time in which you claimed you were suicidal and full of despair and grieving over the loss of alleged friend and NOT posting here, you were happily bebopping along on several different topics elsewhere. During a time in which you claimed here you were zonked on Ambien, you were - per date/timestamp - posting on other message board.

That's a clever use of IPs you got going there, too, because you know that Sunspot forbids simultaneous logins. But you post as Camille and Brini and many others over there all the time. Did you think no one would notice? You have Camille and Brini over here having a conversation with yourself. You have Camille and Brini over there having a conversation with yourself. It is disturbing.

I don't doubt some young man is in PVS due to suicide attempt. I don't doubt a possible sibling is in cancer relapse. Whether it is a case file you lifted from your job or real life, who knows? When someone lies like you do, nothing else will ever seem as credible.

I guess soon we will have a Brini report to reinforce the stories in your head. You got busted, plain and simple. And you're still blaming other people for your own orchestrated charade.

Bored now.

Look leave this at sunspot okay...thank you.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 04:59 pm
doglover wrote:
LOL...This has all gotten so crazy. Doglover is not Camille, buffy or Kathi. Not sure what I can do to prove it...so everyone will just have to take me at my word.

Crazy doesn't begin to describe it. Why should anyone take you at your word my "friend"? If you are cheating on your husband why would you think twice about lying here on A2K to people you don't know? Do you think you are somehow better than me because he doesn't know?

From cheaters thread on A2K doglover said:
"I'm happily married. Love my hubby to death (not literally) But would never consider leaving him for another man. For me, an affair is about the attention, the excitement, all that good stuff and enjoying it for as long as it lasts. No big love story, no heartbreak...just a special friendship/connection to be enjoyed."

Do you like playing this game now?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 05:01 pm
IAN442 wrote:
im another poster from this wonderful place called Sunspot.net

The local rag in as the locals pronounce it (Bawlmer,Merlyn)

I got a 90 day ban from their site,,,because people over there tried for 3 long years to get me to leave because of a bad decision i made regarding my relationship with my wife.

these items were never discussed on that board yet for three long years i was continually harassed and poked fun of to no extent.

finally i sorted out who was responsible and drew the line in the sand and last month i put everything on display for all to see the nasty game that has been waged for 3 long years.

people got to see my ugly side as i repeated ripped through every myth these people who even took the time to meet me in person had to say behind your back.

and there are about 5 that still chase it to this day.

as i sit here and recover from my gall bladder being yanked out,,,understand i leave my baggage behind and enjoy playing the level field.

A2K is A2K and SS is SS...

im sorry you have to deal with childish games.

Well said Ian!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 05:08 pm
shewolfnm wrote:
Wow.... yet another personality emerges. By-golly.. if tI am going to sell tickets!!! HAHAHAHA Shocked

A one day poster said on arrival said yesterday:
"Hello everyone! I must first say I am extremely impressed with the openess and friendlyness on this forum. < Not mentioning names > I have seen some that were basic gossip columns about other members.... UUGGHH!!! If I wanted that I would go back to highschool. Thanks to whoever created this forum! Looks great and I hope I get to chat my little head off with wonderful people! "
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 05:14 pm
buffytheslayer wrote:
lol I haven't lied about anything. I examined the situation, drew my conclusions, and posted my opinion based on your own fully available evidence.

And you have yet to produce any evidence the story I told is not true even though you've continually said it's a lie. I notice you've changed your tune here to say you drew your own conclusions and posted an opinion. When you have some proof the story isn't true, get back to us, ok?

I'm with Ian. Go back to SS and disrupt their forums with your fantasies. They thrive on that stuff over there.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 07:35 pm
For being a ""one day poster"" My power over you is astounding!!!!!! Shocked All I had to do was make a little comment and you just get all ruffled up. This is better then the movies! Very Happy I think I will start selling those tickets now. This show just doesn't quit! Popcorn...... anyone?? anyone ??
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 08:26 pm
Oh, "Camille". I see you're in raring form now.

On Sunspot, I only posted on Nationals for the first year - current events, politics, and such. I didn't live in or know anything about the Baltimore area. I grew up in the Carolinas and live westward now. But there were other non MD posters on Nationals so I found it interesting and most people were really nice to me.

Doglover was a poster who - not long after I joined - reached out and befriended me, among some other really nice posters there.

I also became familiar with other frequent posters, one of which was "Camille". My observation was that "Camille" had Democratic leaning political opinions, and revealed that "she" worked for the state but was in a (bureaucratic?) position in which there was lots of free time to post on a message board during the day. Again, merely observations, neither positive nor negative.

One thing, however, that was clear about "Camille" is that "she" went out of "her" way to portray herself as a black female. So convincing was "Camille" that a poster at odds with "Camille" sent a racial slur via PM and that poster got banned. Or so I understand, obviously this was third hand info. A racial slur should be a banning offense, and the poster who supposedly made the slur is known - even now - for being especially nasty at times.

The point is, that is how convincing "Camille" was at portraying "herself" as a black woman to the fellow regular posters.

People create lots of personas on the internet. But changing your race? That is freaky weirdo.

You know what you haven't done, "Camille"? You still haven't explained what prompted you to lie about your age over here. No one is required to state age. It is voluntary, some people choose to be exact. Some people reveal general range. Still, voluntary. You chose to say that you were '52' yrs old. Then, several pgs later, again unprompted, you chose to say you were '54' yrs old. Which is it? Why the lie? The quote you were responding to didn't ask your specific age, that person was asking in general. In general, you could've answered. But no, you chose to ... l-i-e.

You know what you haven't done, "Camille"? You have not explained how your perpetual despondence and despair on this thread is in clear contradiction with your peppy sassiness on Sunspot during the exact same time. I can certainly understand why revealing specific personal details on Sunspot is not a good idea. But you fail to either recognize, or acknowledge, the perceptiveness of others. Real depression, real suicidal thoughts - you don't flip that like a switch between message board posts spanning mere minutes.

You know what you haven't done, "Camille"? You have not explained why you said on this thread you couldn't have been posting as "Brini" in disguise because you were zonked on Ambien at the time - when, in fact, per date and time/stamp, you were indeed posting as "Camille" on Sunspot. Not zonked on Ambien. Not full of despair.

You know what you haven't done, "Camille"? You haven't explained why you posted for 13+ pages you had zero people in your life, but then suddenly yet another close friend passed away. Another suggests plural. How does one completely alone and at a loss for friends also have plural "close friends"? You either have friends or you don't have friends. So for 13 pgs you mislead the kind people here into believing they were your only connection with humanity.

You know what you haven't done, "Camille"? You haven't owned up to posting as "Brini" in disguise because (take your pick) 1. posters here were not giving you the advice you wanted so you had "Brini" tell you what you wanted to hear or 2. this thread had effectively died so even though the posters here were smart enough to figure it out, it still reinvigorated interest in you --- either of which was your ultimate goal.

I already said it's highly plausible that somewhere, a young man is in PVS due to failed suicide attempt. And that it's plausible a sibling is in cancer relapse. Is that from a case file? Is that from your real life? Who knows? When you purposely create false personas, nothing credible is left.

You're a black woman, no, you're a white woman. You're 52, no, you're 54. You're alone, no, you have close friends. You're zonked on Ambien, no, you're fiesty posting on Sunspot.

I feel the worst for doglover. As far as I know, doglover is indeed a real individual who is kindhearted and reached out to you. And now look at you. doglover has not posted anything untoward to or about you. Nothing. But your true colors emerged - again - by saying slanderous things about doglover.

You're super miffed at me but lol you don't know anything about me, so you take it out on doglover. You took advantage of the kindness of someone local to you. And now look how you are treating doglover.

But nobody - including doglover - told me anything. I read for myself. I compared posts between here and Sunspot for myself. I recalled my own observations. You can come after me all you want lmao I don't care. Had I noticed this thread earlier, I would've outed you sooner.

I don't need to prove your story false. You have done a perfectly fabulous job of that yourself.

btw, You're Welcome - it seems I snapped you out of your pseudo pretend suicidal despair.

You shouldn't toy with people like you do, "Camille", it ain't right.
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