I hardly ever post here, so consequences be damned. I have come to the conclusion Camille has orchestrated an elaborate charade and it is despicable how Camille has strung all of you along. Let's start with just this thread.
Camille wrote:This is the man I knew was "the one" and at 52 I don't want to start over.
Camille wrote:I also wouldn't worry about the age thing. I'm 54.
Between pg 3 on Apr 10 and pg 10 on May 11 - you aged 2 years?
Camille wrote:I almost had his child about 4 years ago but nature had other plans after just 2 months.
Is it common for a 48 yr old, er, a 50 yr old, to get pregnant?
Camille wrote:I really don't have anyone local to be with.
Camille wrote: I just want to fill the lonely hours and find a few good friends.
Camille wrote:The phone never rings at home. The cell phone may as well be dead. It's like I've been buried alive.
Camille wrote: There really isn't anyone local to just spend time with, talking or getting out and keeping busy. I know I need more local friends but I'm just not up to developing them right now and you can't base a new friendship on my misery and heartbreak. But for now, I'm alone,
Camille wrote:There is nobody that can help at this point. My best friend is 3,000 miles away.
Camille wrote:Little by little I'm trying to sort through things and start concentrating on the necessities of life- i.e.- supporting myself financially and developing some local friends.
Camille wrote:It's been a really bad week with the sudden death of yet another close friend
What "close friend" would that be?
Camille wrote:When I started this thread, we were still together but had just found out about his daughter and her asking him to "come home".
Really? Because this thread was started on Apr 4, yet over on Sunspot, you revealed the two of you split up around the holidays, and how tough it was for you to deal with all that during Christmas and New Year's.
I am also curious how you appear perpetually consumed with grief and despondence on this message board since you started this thread, while during the same timeframe, you were battling it out on Sunspot over the ongoing Terri Schiavo threads that have been discussed ad nauseum since last November. You had a lapse on this very thread here between May 21 and May 30, a time in which you claim you were grieving over the loss of a "close friend". Yet on Sunspot, you were your usual feisty self making 7 different posts over the same week period.
Here, you claim when "Brini's" post was made on this thread May 29 pm, you were zonked on Ambien. Yet you made a post on Sunspot at 10:23pm that same evening, and not at all a despondent or incoherent post.
For those of you gaping in shock, feel free to peruse the
Sunspot Terri Schiavo thread in which you will find both Camille and Brini posts. For the editor here who recognizes similar writing style, Rescue Ranger should also pique your interest. Not to mention a few other screen names that may or may not have the same "position" on that topic. Perhaps we should match up date/time stamp of Camille posts here versus date/time stamp of Camille posts there.
Even your posts since joining this board appear to be two different people. Your posts on relationship and religion type threads from back in March do not suggest the same person who has posted on this thread for the last month. I find your simultaneous depression and assertiveness between the two message boards over same period of time unfathomable.
I don't know how many personalities and alternate screen names you have on these various message boards, but your gig is up here and there. It is not ok that you do this to people.