RABEL222 wrote:
Frank. Isent it a hoot how many times the word logic comes up in posts trying to refute your logic. I'll bet none of these guys had classes in logic in school.
It bothers the crap out of me, Rabel.
I can understand disagreement...but on this one, the group vilifying Trayvon Martin has gone way over the edge. And when the discussion is limited to just guns, it gets no better.
For the record, I have often written that more gun control laws are probably useless. They are not going to make a significant impact on the number of shootings rampages, accidental shootings, or firearm suicides…no matter how strongly written. And there is next to no chance of any laws being written that are in any way strong. The lobby for guns in this country is simply too powerful to fight in any meaningful way.
The rampages will keep coming…and we almost have to regard them like killer hurricanes or devastating earthquakes…something that hits; causes horrible grief; and eventually disappears into the past.
The “accidental shootings” will keep coming…and since the vast majority of them happen to family members of gun owners…they will have to deal with that.
Suicides are going to occur…and until we have legislation that allows for physician-assisted help, guns make as much sense as jumping off buildings or crashing cars head-on into tractor-trailers.
I just wish some of these people would wake up and at least acknowledge the problem rather than advocating for even greater distribution of guns.
I also wish for world peace.
I doubt either of those wishs will come into being.
Thanks for you comments.