I am so very sorry for your loss, trying2learn, and I think it is good you will be seeing a grief counselor.
Try to keep busy, even if things don't really interest you, and you feel as though you are just going through the motions. That's an important part of going on with life, going on with
your life. And don't cut yourself off from other people, particularly good friends who can offer you support right now.
Grieving a loss like yours is like recovering from a deep and painful wound, and it's hard to believe that the pain will ever stop, or that the wound will ever stop bleeding and seeping, or that new skin will ever grow to cover it. But healing of that wound will happen, as a gradual slow process, and new growth will make that recovery possible, just as you will grow as you heal emotionally from this loss and learn to cope with your sister's absence from your life. It will happen, but it does take time.
You will always miss your sister, but the deep pain and grief you feel now will lessen in time, it really will. And your sister will always remain a part of you, deep inside of you, and, in time, that will also be a source of comfort for you.