Wed 22 Aug, 2012 04:01 pm
What are we supposed to do in order to participate?
@Lustig Andrei,
There's a link at the top which takes you to the test. You'll get a personal grid (one dot) at the end. The other two graphs are static and given as examples.
@Lustig Andrei,
you guys are a buncha commies...
Economic Left/Right: -5.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.85
so far .... JPB is the closest to the centre
@Lustig Andrei,
Ima be down there past bethie, I'm sure...
@Lustig Andrei,
I read that as you pretty Ghandi-esque (left on both social and economic issues). I'm slightly to the right of you on economic issues which doesn't surprise me.
Economic Left/Right: -8.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.15
On your chart I would be on the second square in on the left and four squares up from the very bottom - green area
That's pretty close to Andy.
Here's me:
Stands to reason that, as a Blue Dog, I'd be somewhat in the center.
Where'd you get that particular graph from?
page 1 or 2 from the site
Quote: This chart may alter if new policy positions emerge during the campaign. For further information on the chart, please see our FAQs, especially these ones.
it's pretty much the same as ones I've seen on other sites
I've done this before, twice or maybe three times, and have come out similarly, but I'm happy to see if I've maneuvered into some startling new point on the compass. Not that I have saved the other compass tests to compare - but at least one of them was earlier on a2k.
Back in a while.
I'm striving for the Dalai Lama