Um, sort of. I took one more break from exercising yesterday, so just focus on eating and see how well I did. I was doing wonderful until it hit me in the afternoon. I had a bowl of Strawberries, blueberries, and bananas, and when I finished coming downstairs from my room, I put it in the sink. My mom was outside and I saw these sliced marble pound cake on the counter, and sneaked two and ran upstairs. Bad mistake. But other thanthat I did great. Yeah, I made a mistake, but I'm not going to let that take me down. I followed whoevers instructions they gave me, and I weighed myself this morning. I weighed 173.2

) It gave me a little more ambition, and more motivation to keep at it and not give it. So far, I've been doing great today. I woke up around 10... Oops. I had 3 aunt jemima buttermilk waffles with a tad margerine and LITE maple syrup. With 2 cups of Raisin Bran and 2% milk, I'd immediately go over my sugar intake/goal. But I didn't

Then I went downstairs to do 20 mins of jump roping. It's humid and sweating is annoying, but it went fine. Then I had a dannon okios pineapple yogurt(only 120 calories compared to the other flavors which are higher) and I had a water bottle and now I'm on my second one. Having gotten any cravings or junk food cravings and there are plenty of sweets in there. I just finished my turkey sandwhich. Smart wonder bread(149 cals) 2 1/2 slices of the buffalo turkey breast, 1 tsp of mayyonaise, and some mustard(suprisingly the one I have, literally has nothing in it! I had 1/2 tsp and it was only like 22.something sodium!! Nothing else! So weird cause yet its such a good flavoring! But currently I have 1077 calories left to eat, but then my sugar has only 6 left... How am I going to eat more of those calories without going over those 6 sugars cause pretty much every food/meal has sugars in it!! Unless I eat another turkey sandwhich that I did for lunch, but still, I may go past my sugar intake goal and that's my main concern. :/ Ugh. I mean I haven't even eaten that much. That breakfast and lunch. Medium sized meals too I'd say. Also, I have my 40 mins of jump roping already added in, and 15 mins of cleaning of my house(just an estimate) for when I actually do/finish both, do the cleaning and finishing the other 20 mins. So that's why I have so many calories. My brothers ordered pizanoes pizza, and its sitting on the kitchen table and I shouldnt have it and its about to storm outside

So i'd have to wait to do more exercise. No electrical things. :/