But Aunt Deborah had a product to move.
Okay so who is Aunt Deborah?
Yeah, me wants to know, as well!
Inquiring minds want to know.
I wanna know if AngelEyes is some kind of DL or joke. . . CDK seems to know, but isn't saying. . .
I have a message from Angel. She has not been able to get into A2K since her last post and has just asked me to tell her about the responses since that post. I told her that she wasn't going to like it, but she wanted to know anyway. Well, she is very hurt at what is being said. She said that she simply came here for advice and that she most likely won't be coming back.
Well that sucks she can't handle a little bit of skepticism. I think in this day and age, with the knowledge that we don't know the person on the other end of the keyboard, a little bit of skepticism is natural.
C'mon back, Angel. . . we care. Well, some of us.
Okay, okay, it's still the beer talking. Man, I gotta remember not to drink if I get online.
She has already gone through her own private hell and she doesn't need any more grief on top of what she is already going through. I told her to come back and fight for herself, but she doesn't feel that it's worth the aggrivation.
My comment that it was an imaginary baby was not mere skepticism. This isn't the first sob story she posted here. Just the first under that account. She did an even more untoward one with a fake suicide a while ago and was switching between the accounts.
She's not going through a "private hell' she's fooling sympathetic people into thinking so.
Craven de Kere wrote:My comment that it was an imaginary baby was not mere skepticism. This isn't the first sob story she posted here. Just the first under that account. She did an even more untoward one with a fake suicide a while ago and was switching between the accounts.
She's not going through a "private hell' she's fooling sympathetic people into thinking so.
How do you know? Same e-mail address?
No, same static IP. On an ISP with no proxies and the same "footprint" (same combo of programs).
But that still leaves the possibility for doubt, what sealed it for me was that I wrote a PM to her on one of her accounts asking her why she's playing such a low game.
She denied that she was using both accounts to make up stories and played the Ï'm here to get help and I'm hurt" game with me.
Then she signed in to her other account and posted, so I promptly continued the discussion by PM with her on her other account.
She picked it up where we'd left off, denying that she was doing this game while answering me from the very account she disavowed.
Case closed. A pathetic game meant to fool sympathetic folk.
Well, I'm glad that the possibility of my feeling guilty for my skepticism has been removed.
I posted earlier that people were scaring her away. The problem I've had with this thread was the writing style, it didn't read like a 15 year old girl at all. Apparently I was right.
I am stunned and I don't know what to think.
Yeah, I was a bit skeptical too but am always there to help someone who needs help.
The question is, why would someone fake needing help to get sympathy from people who are online? I could understand being a sympathy addict in real life where you get hugs and expressions, but what is there to get out of cold text-reading? Maybe she wants to practice acting skills or be a writer?
Portal Star- Power and control. The person spinning the tall tale is controlling the emotions of other people. Ever play a telephone joke on someone when you were a kid? Ever really think about what was the purpose? For a few moments, the jokester is holding the reins.
For people who have little self esteem, the ability to have people sit up and take notice is very heady.
Ohh but how it amused us.
I don't know who Angel is, but I deplore the fact that anyone would try and bite the hand that feeds them. There is one comment that I would like to make, however. There are "golden birds with broken wings..." out there, and if I can help one true person, then it is worth a thousand fakes.
and that is what reality is for me... and always will be. Hey, I like to be helped, myself. I'm not a martyr, nor am I innocent, but I think I had better take "I" out of the equation. Hard to do, isn't it.