I thought you were a rabbit.
Cant rabbits be possessed?
But then we would have to sacrifice it to be rid of the evil spirit.
It? IT? Who the smeg said I was an "it"?!!!!
Perhaps that is what is sacrificed...those parts making you an "it"!
Er...without which would make you an it I mean.
my 15 yr old is pregnant to
i guess i got here to late
You're about to become overloaded with spam I suspect. Plus, if you have read the entire thread, you will see that the individual who started the thread likely wasn't being truthful in her comments here.
kandikiten, you can edit your own posts. I suggest you do so. This topic is not private and your inbox will probably become loaded with spam, as caprice said (thanks, caprice), because this topic can be seen by all on the Internet, even spammers. If you're not sure how to edit your post, write up another post and ask.
Is it OK if I forward the her the 400 penile enlargement/Viagra/refinance offers I got this morning?
cjhsa wrote:Is it OK if I forward the her the 400 penile enlargement/Viagra/refinance offers I got this morning?
For all we know, "she" might need it. (Not that that stuff actually works.)
caprice wrote:You're about to become overloaded with spam I suspect. Plus, if you have read the entire thread, you will see that the individual who started the thread likely wasn't being truthful in her comments here.
I would venture to guess that kandi is identity number three? She's NOT very sneaky
Has anyone else seen this? Montana? I don't talk to her anymore, but angeleyes sent me this pic. And well I just thought i'd be funny to bring this topic up one more time...lol
Oh my God, she's headless, lol ;-)
Sure is, and isn't the pic just sooooo believable!!!! Is she still tryin to yap at you montana? (just out of curiosity, no need to reply if you don't want to of course)
Actually, I blocked her from my email account and my instant messenger a long time ago, so I haven't heard a thing. Is she still talking to you?
Yeah, she popped up yesterday with this pic. I have her deleted aswell, and i thought she was blocked too but apparently not!!
She might have used a different email to write you. I haven't heard from her at all since I blocked her. I can't understand why she's trying so hard to convince people she doesn't even know that she's telling the truth. Hell, whether it was true or not, I would have given up a long long time ago!