For additional support, you might want to check for a local "crisis pregnancy center". They are commonly supported by churches (all denominations), but they offer free counseling and general support to women with unplanned pregnancies. They can be of great help with the transition to motherhood--they provide mentors, educational material, etc.
It sounds like you have a lot in your favor--a supportive boyfriend, good parents, a strong sister.
Wow... haven't been so moved by a thread in long time...
Angeleyes, what Phoenix , Montana, and Jespah told you so far is probably much along the way your own mom is thinking.
Wishing you all the best from Germany, honey!
Thanks everyone, today has been pretty horrible so far. My mom is still pretty upset but she's trying to understand... my dad on the other hand isn't talking to me

uhh I feel so stressed out, with school, family, and thinking about this.. I need a day all to myself to get my thoughts straight but it seems like nobody will leave me alone for 5 minutes. Me and Andrew are going over to tell his parents today.. they're not as understanding as mine are... so fingers crossed. I have a doctor's appointment today too so i'll let you know how it goes..
Loves ya lots, Angel
See, you're mom has already calmed down quite a bit and it hasn't even been 24 hours since you told her and if all you're getting from your dad is the silent treatment, then you're good to go. It's good that you're also going to cover Andrew's parents right away as well, since you really want to get all of this over with so you can consentrate on making plans for your baby. Everything is overwhelming for you right now Angel, but you'll be ok.
Angel, I thought about you a lot (no wonder I couldn't sleep - j/k - no worries there), and you're very brave, telling them, and you may not feel very brave or strong right now, but you are both.
You're going to come through this. And if you ever need someone to talk to, we're just a click away.
PS As Bigdice noted, there are folks all around the world who are concerned for your family. From where I sit, that's means you're kinda special, and pretty cool. :-D
Jespah is right Angel. We'll be here whenever you need us, so you're far from alone. There are some pretty amazingly caring people here at A2K, so you've come to a great place to get virtual support. My thoughts are also with you and I think you're special as well. So far, you are handling this quite well, so hang in there and know that people care.
You and Andrew and the little one are in a mess, but you are trying to act as an adult and face the implications of your actions without wincing and whining. Congratulations. Doing the "right" thing isn't always fun and it isn't always easy.
Do your best--angels can do no more.
Hold your dominion.
Everything will turn out well - you've got a pretty good head on your shoulders from what I can tell.
Thanks everyone, it means a lot to me to know there's always someone there to help. I got back from the doctor a little while ago. He said everything looks pretty cool, i've just gotta get my stress level down. I've gotta eat right, and take a few vitamins everyday.. and just take it easy. He said i've got a greater risk for something to go wrong where i'm so young.
We told Andrew's parents today.. things didn't go so good, they kicked him out and are refusing to have anything to do with the baby. He's staying at a friends for now.. My dad still hasn't said anything to me, after the HUGE fight we got in last night things around here have been pretty weird. We still haven't told anyone else about it.. Mom's still pretty upset and still in shock, I think everyone is, including me. It still really hasn't sunk in yet that I'm gonna have a baby.
Hang in there Angel! They'll all come around.
(Do we all get to be aunts and uncles when the big day arrives?

Of course! i wanna be one too! lol Hang in there Angel, from what I can tell you seem like a pretty strong person. Some of my friends have gone through the same thing, I know you can do it.
Well I think it appears to be pretty normal reactions to your news. You might not think so but be assured when the initial shock/anger/upset wears off you will all be able to think and do things more clearly.
Your dad is finding it best not to talk to you right now because his emotions are probably too raw right now. I know my dad always stayed quiet when he was mad at us because he knew an outburst of his anger would frighten us. Give him some time.
Your mom is talking but still very upset. That's like most moms. I am thinking she is a pretty reasonable type of person. Give her time too and talk to her to get some of her views on what your options are. The more involved she is perhaps the better she will begin to feel.
It's a shame that Andrews parents threw him out - it's a little frightening for parents to do that to their child - but I hope they will come around too.
I hope so.. I'm not feelin too great today, been sick all day and my back is killin me. But I guess I can't do much about that..
From a public relations point of view, it would probably be a Very Good Idea to start helping out with household chores without being asked--or reminded.
Your parents are reacting in shock--which is hard for you. They know you are very young. You know you have to grow up in a hurry and dealing with dirty dishes and dust woolies is part of maturity.
Andrew's Parents' reaction is frightening. I know your bucket of woe is pretty close to full right now, but you're going to have to remember that Andrew has some pretty lousy role models for supportive parenting and you're going to have to help him find new ones.
You have a large population of aunts and uncles cheering for you. Hang in there.
This web site may help you understand what is happening physically.
Auntie Montana strolling in to say that I think it's awful that Andrew's parents threw him out. Shame on them. Well, I'm glad that he found a place to stay in the mean time. You're mom and dad will come around in time and I can picture you and your mom smiling together while looking at cute little baby cloths and all that stuff.
Hang in there sweetie and do try to relax for the babies sake. Get yourself a good book to keep your mind on more pleasant things.
Great to hear the doc's went well, and the lowering of the stress level is a good idea but, you know, that'll get better with a few days when everyone's shock and all has worn off a bit so--just do the best you can-you sound pretty good so far--keep up the fine work.
I find it hard to believe about Andrews parents, not that it doesnt happen, and you're lucky to have good parents yourself--remember that. Hopefully that is just their knee jerk reaction to the situation at the moment and they can come around in time for all three of you.
You might find some interesting articles here:
Thanks for the links, i'll look into them. I'm planning on taking a night all to myself tonight. I'm going out with my best friend and we're renting a load of movies and having a "girly night in." I thought it might be better if i left mom and dad alone to get their thoughts together as well as mine. Andrew's parents don't want anypart of this, called me a whore for going and getting myself knocked up.... not the most pleasent thing to hear. uh my jeans are startin to get a bit tight lol I'm gettin fat!! but for now it's easily covered up by hoodie.
You'll also need to get some loose clothing. I forgot to mention that.
Andrew's parents had no right to call you what they did, so please try not to take it to heart.
Have a great girly night with your friend ;-)
Yeah I know.. I'm gonna have to go shopping pretty soon and get myself some clothes. I feel like a cow!! lol I'm still pretty active so I'm hoping that'll help me lose the weight afterwards. It's gonna feel really weird when I get bigger because everyone's gonna be staring at me, nobody at school knows yet so they're gonna find out pretty soon, I'm not looking forward to it. Anybody got any ideas for names? I was looking for something kinda different?