Love it.
Glad you got to talk like that.
I still have old pals and I suppose would have more if I cranked my way into facebook. The ones I do have are very good.
Just heard from a bunch of years pal, friend of my xhusband first (script reading class). She was a friend of Vidal - not to brag, that is just who she is. I thought of her earlier, some thread going on, re people like her, as she tends to talk a blue streak invested with a lot of data. She's always interesting, she knows a lot. We're so different in that regard. Do I ever bother you with data? Anyway, I'm so happy to have heard from her.
Soooo, keeping up with everybody forever is impossible, not just re the work, but the interest. I think keeping up with some is good. If you have lived in the same place all the time, probably obvious. For people who've moved around, this can be interesting to figure out.