Sat 19 Dec, 2020 04:59 am
My spouse doesn't know it but we're in a bad situation. Because of this he refuses to consider moving away, which I understand but I feel more and more helpless every day and I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm carrying the burden of something potentially bad happening to us and I can't tell him or anyone else about it. I need to find a way for us to move but don't know how.
What's wrong with telling him the truth?
Maybe her problem is that their house is haunted.
I had a wife like that once.
What part of her was haunted?
Maybe her lady parts.
...handbag, curling iron, plastic rain bonnets, other parts which would earn this post and thread a NSFW tag...
Well, I didn’t want to say.
You are more of a gentleman than me.
...or I.
Quote:What part of her was haunted?
T'was what is usually the sexiest part of a woman - her mind.
But that’s just me.
I wouldn't tell him he's just going to say you are crazy. Go with the haunted ideas for sure!!
This was a one and done from three years ago.
Just to be sure: today is July 2, 2023.
Synchronize calendars ...... Mark!
Never hide anything with partner
If only they were around to read that.