Gallery? There's a damn gallery? What the #%#@!!!
Look at the top of this says HOME>>>FORUMS>>>PORTAL>>>GALLERY>>>...
Yeah, I'm stupid. I never even noticed that. I checked it all out, and I must say, Littlek is a babe. I was kind of turned on by the pics of dlowan too. Nice . . . I didn't see you colorbook. What's up with that?
Thanks alot colorbook! *hands on hips* I coulda had a world trip outta the deal! Now look, kickycan found it!
caprice wrote:Thanks alot colorbook! *hands on hips* I coulda had a world trip outta the deal! Now look, kickycan found it!
Sorry caprice
He sure knows how to follow directions, though...I like that in a man.
Oh come on dlowan, you used to be a free-spirited hippie! How could my comments have upset you?
Yeah, colorbook. I'm a real good listener too. I've heard that's one of the main things that women want in a man.
colorbook: *sigh* I hate to see anyone unhappy. I'll deal with the loss of that world trip. *sighs wistfuly*
colorbook wrote:He sure knows how to follow directions, though...I like that in a man.
kickycan wrote:Oh come on dlowan, you used to be a free-spirited hippie! How could my comments have upset you?
It's just that...well....considering what a horndog you are, your comment isn't much of a compliment is it?
*teasing grin*
Gee...."gettin' some" doesn't last long for ya, does it?
*raised eyebrow*

I'm always looking forward to the next time! Are you planning on a trip to NYC anytime soon? He he he . . .
As I recall, it was the day after Valentines day...
Good recollection colorbook! I remember that too...because of his thread and all. *ahem*
Sheesh kickycan, surely you haven't gone through all the available wimmins in NYC, have you??
No I haven't gone through them all, but I went out tonight with no luck. Dammit! How can I not get a little charged up when I see all these women dancing around in the NYC bars and I end up leaving alone? Don't hold it against me. On second thought, it would be nice if you'd hold it against me . . . need a cold shower kickycan! *L*
' don't want that kinda life do you? Having one meaningless physical encounter after another? Hmmmm???
What happened to Ms. Post-Valentine? She live the city or what?
Well, you know, it's the single life. I can't expect her to be there whenever I want her. I don't mind though, because I really love my freedom. And besides, I met a new woman about a month ago who I'm getting closer to . . . hey, aren't we supposed to be talking about what we think about while we're having sex?
And no I don't really want one meaningless physical encounter after another, but if it's what I'm getting, it's better than sitting home alone!