I just had a vision cross through my mind -- a vision of littlek and Slappy on the beach....
The bouquet is nice though, isn't it littlek?
Which image are you disputing, littlek?
Funny, Caprice, I was thinking just that!
Gus, what do you mean? This one above vs the perfect woman image you posted on the other thread?
What I mean is... did you think I was implying that your were the one in the sandals?
cause Slappy has been known to wear some pretty outrageous outfits
gus, what do you think she's wearing? Combat boots?
I'm going to wager that she is wearing little pink wingtips with a floral design on the side.
Thats not littek, her picture is in the gallery. The woman in the above picture is much older.
Oh my god, this thread is out of control . . . I love it!
Hey, kickycan, you're pretty new here (536 posts - laughable) so you probably are unaware of what littlek actually looks like. She's a babe, kickycan, and the fact that she is carrying on this stimulating discourse with us mere mortals is un-friggin believable!
I am in seventh heaven right now!
I am going to have some proof, Gus. Got any pictures?
You are not worthy yet.
When you reach one thousand posts, grasshopper, then you shall see.
Not before then.
Master, I will abide by your wise and enlightened rules . . . but hot-damn I'm lookin' forward to it!
I've seen her pics!

And I know where to find 'em....all you have to do kickycan is invest in the Caprice Travel Fund and all shall be revealed to you! *grin*
Caprice, you are such a tease!
Kickycan, my last post gives you a clue.
Hey I'm not teasing, I'm serious!