I wonder if I should put my "duck performing fellatio on platypus" jpg in my avatar box? Just in case Nation Jr. stumbles upon this thread.
That should put him over the edge.
Should we take a vote?
dagmaraka wrote:dlowan, your bunny ceased to blink! why'z dat?
Made me nervous. I have three now - I'll rotate 'em.
My son is thirty-two years, a rock drummer, and at last report, a jackrabbit, if you get my drift. I've made him promise not to tell me about groupies and campfollowers and the like..... he has not kept his promise.
He's in NYC? (no I don't want to meet him)
And, by the way, Joe, I think MA is the bluest state.
I challenge le Massachusetts to a duel......
Ok. We had no red counties this last presidential election.
We are still wearing our buttons.
We still have our VOTE KERRY EDWARDS signs up in our yards.
Oh wait. I forgot. This is the thinking during sex thread,,,,,'''
We are still wearing our buttons AND that's all we are wearing AND the buttons are pierced through our nether regions,,,,,......''''''
We're still begging the kerry/edwards to take our donations, er, while having sex in the bushes, next to their sign in our yards.
l'k lies when she says she's not interested in a 32-y.o. drummer.
she likes those dirty musician boys.
she could knit him a cover for his set.
Nono! I am not lying. I am done with those sexy, funny musicians.
Not good enough. We are forcing our sons into gay marriages and making our daughters lure Swift-boat for Truth guys into compromising videos.
We are demanding recounts of votes in the areas where we know Kerry won in a landslide just so we can hear the results again. AND we haven't read a newspaper or watched any network news since the Nov 3rd, as far as we are concerned it's still all up in the air.
Oh, yeah, and we are having continuous immoral non-values oriented sex with anything or person that resembles having sex organs of any kind.
Pass the squid.
hmmmmm, I can't beat that last post.
Just so everyone knows: I given the co-ordinates of LittleKs location to a certain jackrabbit, by the end of the Thanksgiving weekend the definitions of paradiddle and lapadiddle will be defined with a littlekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ,,,,,,,,
There are going to be some strange dreams about squids and drummers and campaign signs tonight.
I may have to have sex to get the thoughts out of my head.