I listen to NPR's Talk of the Nation, particularly on Wednesday's, when it is about politics. Today started about IL, but was followed by a discussion with someone named, I believe, Michael Duncan (I may have that wrong; I was listening while driving).
He was with the RNC and has worked with numerous Repub candidates over the years. I liked that he didn't slip into canned answers to embellish his own record or denigrate other people. He apparently is a bit of a political historian.
One comment that caught my ear had to do with how the Repubs got hurt in 2008 when there was an open race between the Dems and Repubs to succeed Bush. McCain won his party's nomination early while Hillary and Obama got all of the attention with their battle and McCain was largely ignored.
When running against an incumbent president, however, the party out of power needs to unite quickly behind a candidate, he argues. I think that is true.
But a party that is seriously divided on direction?