Quote: My fingerprints are on several political threads going back a few years. I am a Democrat but I try to be non-partisan in setting the things up. Of course, I can't control what people write or how off topic people become.
I have been on A2K since the beginning and it probably still has a liberal bias.
There is a reason for that, I think.
There truly isn't an issue with you or in general your placing up new threads. Even this one, although as indicated bothers me because I have an unsettling feeling of how it will spin down into depths previously unknown. From what I have read, you are non-partisan at the thread creation and in fairness, your posts tend to be displays of facts, not the fiction which many pull into threads.
I could also see why it was necessary to begin this thread as the last one had become far too large a mess to contend with. I don't expect you you to control the contributors or force them to stay on topic. To me, that becomes a task of the membership. For me, it tends towards responding a handful of times when things are taken off track, then removing myself from the thread when it clear becomes that it is staying off track.
For the most part, I avoid political threads on any board, because every board I've ever landed at has had a majority leaning either one way or tother and the topic becomes mudslinging. I recently made 3 attempts to educate a poster on another board, he just kept repeating his same 4 paragraphs of glue trap catchings, and crowing how he'd gotten his information from wikipedia. At one point, myself and a few others, suggested a full Google search on the subject, mainly because there were dozens of news stories there which contradicted him. He would not be swayed, I left the topic, looked back in a few days later, he was still putting up the same paragraphs. Hey, whatever works for him.
Quote: Maybe it is hyperbole, but the rhetoric from some is that this is the most important election in our history. Do you agree with that?
Honestly, no. I believe every election is of equal importance as each election brings an opportunity for change. Change is important inasmuch as it keeps the area (whether it be town, city, county, state or country) in motion and each election brings some change even if only an infinitesimal nearly impossible to notice change.
Quote: My comment about Mitch Daniels was that, if there are Republican leaders who sincerely believe that, shouldn't they step forward to ensure that Obama is defeated?
Thank you for participating.
My feeling is that Mr.Daniels is doing the only thing which he is capable of. He didn't believe he could continue along in the Primaries, or secure the nomination. All he has left is to explain his thoughts and belief that the nation is currently in grave danger, therefore a new body needs to be placed in the White House. This does not mean I agree with how he does it, his approach is far from persuasive to many. Even if he has valid ideas in what he is saying, his demeanor makes it difficult to pay him any mind. I have a similar view of NJ Governor Christie who as near as I can tell is infatuated with Romney and can say nothing nice about any other Republican candidate. Sad to see it, made worse due to the promise he (Christie), once seemed to hold.
That aside, I still believe he has the right to voice his ideas, whether or not he is still running. Same as you and myself he has that right. If that is taken from him, even as a former candidate, then how can either of us think we have the right to say the country needs A or B or even choice T?
As stated many times in the past, I am not a strong supporter of either party, I am registered as Democrat, have at times voted Republican. I take it according to candidate and what I can learn about them prior to election day.
Additionally, I am not a supporter of President Obama. I did not like him from the start. In 2008 I did not vote for him. Then again, I did not vote for his opponent, John McCain. Neither candidate seemed worthy or capable of handling the Presidency. This season, while not thrilled by President Obama, I am not truly satisfied with the remaining persons looking to unseat him. How bad is it? My top choice at present would be Newt Gingrich as the opponent to President Obama. Not to worry, I won't be voting for Mr.Gingrich, I simply feel he's the best the Republicans have to offer from their list. (It amazes me that they knew this election would be coming and they couldn't even scrape up a half-way decent candidate in the 2+ year window of opportunity they had after President Obama was elected).
Of course, I most likely won't vote for President Obama to have a second term. I say most likely won't, because there are scenarios where I'd show up at the polls (or submit an absentee ballot at the very least). When would that happen? If Ron Paul or Rick Santorrum gets the Republican nod.
Last up, yes, the Republican debate from Arizona, is tonight on CNN, 8:00P.M. Eastern time.