Is that stuff that JTT says about America true?

Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 09:17 am
Well, good freaking morning to you guys! Rolling Eyes

BillRM said:
LOL a little 13 years old feeling free to talk about a 62 years old in that manner.

There's nothing little about me and you being 62 means nothing to me. I'll stop calling you a moron when you stop acting like one. Moron!!

Hawkeye said:

I think she is 15

Thanks! I'll take it! I think that's the only compliment you've ever given me. Mr. Green

regardless she certainly missed a few tanning of her backsides that she had coming to her years ago. American parenting is now a complete disaster. What do the Brits call uncivilized youth?? ..."Feral" I think, and it is a good word.

First of all dude, you dont know SQUAT about me or my father so cut the crap. If anyone needs their backsides tanned its YOU! I feel sorry for your kids. JERK!

her father has more to answer for than I thought. It certainly appears that she lacks a mother and that her father is too weak to raise his daughters well, but I dont care enough to investigate. She is a brat child playing around...IE not worth my time.

There you go again Hawkeye, acting as if you know my father or me or what goes on in our life and in our house.My dad's anything BUT weak! And he's an awesome Dad and he's been raising us on his own for 13 years and he's doing a GREAT job!! You can talk about my mom all you want. I dont know her and I dont care, but LEAVE MY DAD ALONE!!!! Jerk off!!

BillRM said:

Still it seems sad that such a bright young lady is not getting the guided that she is entitle to from her parents not random adult strangers on the net.

Hmmm. Taking a page from Hawkeye's book, huh? Moron!!

Finn dAbuzz said:

While no criticism of her is intended she is only 13, and some of the threads she pops up in are less than age appropriate.

13 isnt a baby Finn dAbuzz. I get that you're concerned or whatever but I've heard plenty of swear words, my friends swear and so do I, and I know about sex, so what's the deal? I havent been on 'less than age appropriate' threads. Im a freaking teenager, not a toddler. Dont patronize me. Im not a little kid. Rolling Eyes

I could be wrong but it seems that her use of profanity has increased since she's been visiting

Has it? Maybe. But, I was using swear words before I joined here. Besides, swear words are just words. Its no big deal.

I guess I'm an old fart because 13 is still quite young to me, and I would not have allowed my 13 year old daughter to spend time in this forum.

You're not an old fart. Hawkeye is. 13 isnt that young. Im a teenager. Im in high school. In two years I'll be in college. Get the 'little girl' image out of your head. That's not who I am. Maybe if you get to know me you'll see that. Im mature for my age, Im smart and I can handle being here. Most 'adults' here act my age anyway. Wink

I'm not criticizing her dad either, because she actually seems like a good kid and I'm not sure I would be able to keep track of every site my daughter visited today either.
I don't think anyone should be censoring themselves because she has become a regular visitor, but I would like to see less instances of some of the supposedly mature members acting, themselves, like 13 year olds at a sleepover party when communicating directly with her.

Thank you! That's more like it! Mr. Green

Hawkeye said:
find a quote that shows me being mean to Gracie or shut the **** up

How about these, butt head?!!

she certainly missed a few tanning of her backsides that she had coming to her years ago.

It certainly appears that she lacks a mother and that her father is too weak to raise his daughters well, but I dont care enough to investigate. She is a brat child playing around...IE not worth my time.

It sucks that Gracie is so poorly raised that she feels free to come to A2K to play around

I am not talking to Gracie any different than I would have been talking to my kids at that age had if I had screwed up so badly that that they had turned out as frivolous and disrespectful of their betters as Gracie appears to be.

Where the **** are this girls parents that she is such a brat at her age I'd like to know....this should have been beat out of her many years ago.

Not only are you a butthead Hawk, but you're also a LIAR!! Get your head out of your ass Hawkeye. Rolling Eyes

BillRM said:

a 13 years old should not be on this website to see how badly so call adults can behave.

I dont need this website to see how badly adults can behave. I can watch tv for that. Or maybe read a book or watch a vid about Domestic Violence or war crimes or rape or murder. That's what I call 'adults behaving badly'. Not them using swear words. Rolling Eyes

In any case, I question if the father even know his daughter is on this website or anywhere else on the web for that matter.

NONE of your business.

This lack of adult supervision of children had often resulted in bad things happening to children and then calls for child proofing the whole internet.

Wow. Shocked Dramatic much? Rolling Eyes

Setanta said:
Anyone who thinks 13 year olds don't hear things as bad, or worse, than that every day is seriously naïve.

Thank you!! Thumbs up! Mr. Green

Hawkeye said:

It sucks that Gracie is so poorly raised that she feels free to come to A2K to play around, but that is NOT. MY. PROBLEM. In real life if a kid wanders where they dont belong you shoo them away, we cant do that here, so **** it. Kids have a right to not get hurt but adults have the right to not have our lives unduly diminished because kids exist. Gracie decided to come here, that she is not a kid, and her dad either does not care or does not know and we cant check..... if her mind gets warped by hearing things that she should not hear then that is either her fault or her dad's. Oh well, sometimes life sucks and sometimes (often) fools get hurt. As my 19 year old says " we cant save everyone, and the stupid ones need to go first".

If its not your problem and you dont care then why the CRAP do you keep discussing it and bringing it up and acting like you know everything? SHUT UP ALREADY!


Bill and Hawkeye, you are on ignore. You're both idiotic morons and you're full of crap. I hate you both and if I saw you in person I'd probably kick you in your manly parts and spit in your face. LEAVE ME ALONE and STAY OUT OF MY THREADS. Nobody cares what you guys have to say.

You guys really make this place suck! No one wonder soo many a2kers on facebook dont like to post here anymore. It gets tiring after awhile. It's not even fun here anymore. There's too many jerks!

(Yeah, this is why I like facebook better.) Rolling Eyes

I need another break from here.

Grow up losers! And I'M the one whose too young and immature for a2k?! Yeah right. Rolling Eyes
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 09:22 am
GracieGirl wrote:
Well, good freaking morning to you guys! Rolling Eyes

BillRM said:
LOL a little 13 years old feeling free to talk about a 62 years old in that manner.
I 'm older than 62 and any 13 year old has a Constitutional Right
to talk to me in any manner of his choice, Bill.
When I was 13, and younger, I felt equally as free.
I remember when I was younger than 13, my next door nabor
tried to encroach on our family realty and I chased him
and his wife away, telling them both off and preventing
them from so doing.
America is the Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free.

Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 09:29 am

Don't hold back now Gracie; give 'em both barrels.

I agree with the pains in the arse theory of posters leaving this place.

Such a shame really. There's some great minds on this site.

Some regulars here aren't even worth reading, so I understand the ignore thing. I just manually ignore them.

Hope you hang around for a while. There's definitely a reason to stay here.
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 09:33 am
Builder wrote:

Don't hold back now Gracie; give 'em both barrels.

I agree with the pains in the arse theory of posters leaving this place.

Such a shame really. There's some great minds on this site.

Some regulars here aren't even worth reading, so I understand the ignore thing. I just manually ignore them.

Hope you hang around for a while. There's definitely a reason to stay here.
I have 3 categories: the people I freely read,
the people I manually ignore and the people on my Ignore list.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 09:38 am
GracieGirl, You have more smarts and gumption than those losers who believes they know you from your postings on a2k. That's not only stupid, but dumb as hell! I've been around a2k longer than most, and I can tell you that you're anything but what bill and hawk says you are.

Stick around, GG; I enjoy reading your posts.

BTW, I'm 76 years old.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 09:44 am
Finn dAbuzz said:
While no criticism of her is intended she is only 13,
and some of the threads she pops up in are less than age appropriate.
ALL threads are age appropriate, unless the poster deems them not to be so. U have insulted the youth of America.


0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 09:45 am
Hello GracieGirl and thanks for sadly proving my point with your last posting that such young "ladies" or young gentlemen should not be allow to roam the internet with out adult supervision.

I would email that last posting of your to your father in case/hope he is just asleep instead of being an uncaring parent if I could.

It a damn shame as it is not your fault the road you are going down.

All my best wishes for your future even if at the moment that future seem not all that bright to me.

On my ignore list you go as to keep interacting with a child that had just shown how badly she is out of control and being harm by being here would not be the correct thing to do.

Damn this is sad......................
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 09:47 am
Bill, So, you're going to send GG's posts to her father? You're the immature one here. Grow up!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 09:52 am
BillRM wrote:
Hello GracieGirl and thanks for sadly proving my point with your last posting that such young "ladies" or young gentlemen should not be allow to roam the internet with out adult supervision.

I would email that last posting of your to your father in case/hope he is just asleep instead of being an uncaring parent if I could.

It a damn shame as it is not your fault the road you are going down.

All my best wishes for your future even if at the moment that future seem not all that bright to me.

On my ignore list you go as to keep interacting with a child that had just shown how badly she is out of control and being harm by being here would not be the correct thing to do.

Damn this is sad......................
BILL, u sure use BEAUTIFUL English when u r upset!

If u were this mad all the time,
it 'd be a lot easier to read your posts.
Please don 't calm down.

Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 09:53 am
OMSigDavid this is not a personal attack on you but I would not allow my grandkids to be on a website with you at such an early age.

Your outlook on life is too many SDs from what I would wish them be exposed to until they had a better understanding of the world.

cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 09:54 am
Yea, Bill, watch your grandkids every second, and make sure they don't have access to a computer.
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 09:55 am
Damn this is sad......................

This is sad? Or you are sad?

It's okay to hold beliefs and back those beliefs with rationale.

It's another thing altogether to ingratiate yourself to yourself with myths and out-dated constructs.

Arguing with you is akin to driving at high speed into a solid block wall.

The results are similar, at the very least.

I wonder why you (or I) even bother at times.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 09:58 am
BILL, u sure use BEAUTIFUL English when u r upset!

If u were this mad all the time,

I am not mad just upset and sad to see what a fairly short time period on this website by this child had done to her.

Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 10:06 am
@cicerone imposter,
Yea, Bill, watch your grandkids every second, and make sure they don't have access to a computer.

Their father is an IT person who swear up and down that he is going to filter and monitor the kids used of the internet.

For one thing no computers in bedrooms.

Maybe this young lady father is completely uncaring concerning his daughter however the odds are that she feel that he will not become aware of her behaviors on the net not that he would approve of such behaviors.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 10:09 am
BillRM wrote:
OMSigDavid this is not a personal attack on you
I don 't feel personally attacked,
and the truth is that I kinda LIKE U, personally,
tho I am saddened by some of your anti-freedom rants.
I have always felt that I remain the same kid intact, inside,
tho I have grown older and uglier on the outside.

BillRM wrote:
but I would not allow my grandkids to be on a website with you at such an early age.
Well, Bill, with all good will: if I were your grandson
and u tried to censor my information,
I 'd kick u in the balls and instruct u not to interfere with my personal freedom.

BillRM wrote:
Your outlook on life is too many SDs
What are "SDs" ??

BillRM wrote:
from what I would wish them be exposed to
until they had a better understanding of the world.
If thay wanted to prevent U from learning something that thay desired
to keep from u, thay 'd have no right to interfere.

Being older than thay are does not make u better than thay are.
If I were your grandson, I 'd defend myself from u
and tell u that. (no offense)

In my opinion, u don 't have enuf respect for freedom.

U don 't have enuf respect for the freedom of other people.

Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 10:12 am
DAVID wrote:
BILL, u sure use BEAUTIFUL English when u r upset!

If u were this mad all the time,
BillRM wrote:
I am not mad just upset and sad to see what a fairly short time
period on this website by this child had done to her.
HOW did it change her?

PLease explain.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 10:13 am
BillRM wrote:
I would email that last posting of your to your father in case/hope he is just asleep instead of being an uncaring parent if I could.

I would email that last posting to her father to show him how GG can aptly handle her own on these fora.

All my best wishes for your future even if at the moment that future seem not all that bright to me.

The fact that her future seems not bright "to you," is of no consequence. Her future is much brighter than yours.

On my ignore list you go as to keep interacting with a child that had just shown how badly she is out of control and being harm by being here would not be the correct thing to do.

She may be 13, but at least she can formulate a coherent sentence.

Damn this is sad......................

What's sad is that posters like GG leave A2K, and yet you remain.
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 10:15 am
I don 't wish to condemn Bill personally,
but I must AGREE with your observations.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 10:15 am
Ticomaya wrote:
She may be 13, but at least she can formulate a coherent sentence.

Damn this is sad......................

What's sad is that posters like GG leave A2K, and yet you remain.

It's not often we agree mate, but this is one of those occassions.
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2011 10:19 am
0 Replies

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