Hey Spades.
Let me remind you... Bully's want to get someone so worked up... Do you let them?
Being brave is speaking just your mind, of reality.. Not arguing with those that want to rub you the wrong way, isn't that their purpose? Do you, should you, let them? Don't let anything bother you.. Just be you... It seems you feel that he's going to do this to you for years and so you have to put a stop to it, as it bothers you... Reacting doesn't put a stop to it...
I think somethings Set stated, in reality was fair, a fair call... I also think however that he just is himself, you know.. Likes to wind ... This is where you have to see the difference as a person that you are... And, say fine... nothing more needs to be said.
That, mind you will prob piss him off but not really, he's in understanding, he just doesn't like being dissed, nor do you.