Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 09:48 pm
I am curious mostly to Atheists as to if Jesus did come in the second comming and said to you. I am Jesus, what will I have to do to prove to you I am the savior and God in the flesh....

What would you ask Jesus to do for you to prove he is the savior??
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Type: Discussion • Score: 52 • Views: 401,239 • Replies: 9,410

Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 10:09 pm
If he got me laid regularly I'd think he was a pretty swell guy.

Maybe he could also tell me what his haftorah portion was when he was Bar Mitzvah. Also did God Himself tutor him? Was his party a big one? Did he rent out a hall in Nazareth for the Oneg and reception?

Inquiring minds want to know these things.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 10:17 pm
I take it you being sarcastic...or extreme, one of your core values from Jesus Christ, would be if he could get you laid regularly?? Also please explain with your comments above, what in ANY way was Inquiring? except rather slanderism of Probably the most sacret Man who ever lived...I almost feel sorry for you that you would ask such nonsensefull things...i f you were being serious which I think you were trying to take cheap shots at Christianity....
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Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 10:21 pm
I think that's a really good question. Walking on water wouldn't do it, or water into wine. To quote someone, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" so miracles as such would be suspect to me.

Maybe if he took me on a tour of heaven for several hundred thousand years?

Or gave me credible explanations for why his dad/him:
a) Has been so conspicuously absent (or at least appearing so) from world affairs for so long, when in biblical times he thought nothing of tossing off a burning bush or pillar of salt to impress the plebs.
b) Did the garden of eden thing when being omniscient he knew exactly what would happen, why pretend it was free will?
c) Has allowed so much suffering of the good and innocent
d) Gave catholics have a hell but not jews
And above all where he came from and what's the point? What is the meaning of life, death, the universe and everything?

I'm guessing it's not going to happen though.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 10:25 pm
I'd ask him to feed the hungry. And when everyone had sufficient food in some sustainable way I'd believe it was him.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 10:25 pm
If he's going to prove he is the savior, then he better be able to save something.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 10:35 pm
Maybe if he took me on a tour of heaven for several hundred thousand years?

I don't think you would NEED to be in Heaven that long...maybe 5 min would do it for you....

a) Has been so conspicuously absent (or at least appearing so) from world affairs for so long, when in biblical times he thought nothing of tossing off a burning bush or pillar of salt to impress the plebs.

God the father did these things to get the firstfruits to follow and obey him...then Now, it is by faith God is accepted...

b) Did the garden of eden thing when being omniscient he knew exactly what would happen, why pretend it was free will?

what suggests it was pretend free will, or that it was in fact MANS choice to fall below God...

c) Has allowed so much suffering of the good and innocent

the penalty of sins is death, who amongst us is not guilty of death then? by ANY acceptable codes of conduct? death being the worst thing to endour for humans...so therfor, one can see other examples as to less suffering acts...

d) Gave catholics have a hell but not jews

jews don't accept Jesus, though the Torah speaks of a comming savior, no question to me it is Jesus, therefor, jews basically deny hell exists to me if you want my opinion...which is being a soothesayer...

And above all where he came from and what's the point? What is the meaning of life, death, the universe and everything?

I don't know where he came from, the point is submission to him for saving us from death, the meaning of life is to do good in abundance always and follow the 2 most important commandments always...death is penalty for sins, which we all do or would not all die, and raises up into Heaven, the universe and everthing are at the hands and feet or disposal of humans to do what we need to do in order to find fullfillment in God....
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 10:39 pm
Clearly you're not Jesus, those were thoroughly unconvincing arguments.

Damn right I want several hundred thousand years in heaven. Five heavenly minutes would be easy to fake, but if I can cope with anything for several hundred thousand years without screaming for the release of death then it must be heaven, or as near as I can imagine.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 10:40 pm
what if when you die, you will NOT have to fight off a demon on your quest to heaven for even asking this question, but that Jesus himself will....would that not be saving something??
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 10:44 pm
Oh so I've still gotta die before I find out? That's not at all what your op led me to understand your hypothetical situation to be at all.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 10:44 pm
Damn right I want several hundred thousand years in heaven. Five heavenly minutes would be easy to fake, but if I can cope with anything for several hundred thousand years without screaming for the release of death then it must be heaven, or as near as I can imagine.

if thats your position, then eternity, makes more sense then doesn't it? which convieniently is how it is stated in the Bible...but the point was if you could feel Heaven for 5 min...you would KNOW it was Heaven and not want to leave...by having expectations as to what you WOULD NEED in order to be proven Heaven is real shows your far from your path there right now and have little faith....
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 10:47 pm
do you sin? (yes) is your penalty death then? (yes) are you being saved by Jesus at the time of your life and accention into Heaven, when you proabably need him the most? (yes) I answered ALL of your questions in ONE shot and in a way you didn't expect but shows it's possible...
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 10:48 pm
Prove it.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 10:53 pm
Do you follow YOUR codes of conduct ALL the time? (No) by then your own actions do you believe you will die someday? (yes) if an afterlife exists and you now have a choice between eternal pain or Heaven, as an intellect would you choose Heaven? ( i'm guessing yes)it is said Jesus can save, would you call on Him (Jesus) if you knew he could aid you in battles against demons you may face for each and every one of your sins? ( my guess is yes) I just proved it....
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 11:05 pm
if Jesus did that, such as the miracles he performed in his first life....would the path lead to him being killed again in your views? if so, why would God reveal himself in miraculous ways and not by faith alone...which is greater and harder to do...proving the rightous are in fact with him...not for gain, in earthly things but spiritual things, other than salvation....read the bible carefully A LOT of extremely faithful ones were horrifically killed...they grasped this life for what it is worth, and according to Atheism it is EVERYTHING...but didn't think twice about sacrificing their lives to be with God who quote unquote does not exist in Atheistic views? what more would a believer have to endour to show that Prophets who seem to ALWAYS speak of the same God, and had insights understood, that glory is not in earthly life, but in an afterlife...unless God felt like deceiving EVERYONE, but then I guess if God is corrupt it doesn't matter what we do for if he is corrupt then where all gonna suffer later on....makes sense to believe they died those ways to show value life eternal with God oppossed to King or queen on earth....
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Lustig Andrei
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 11:14 pm
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

I am curious mostly to Atheists as to if Jesus did come in the second comming and said to you. I am Jesus, what will I have to do to prove to you I am the savior and God in the flesh....

What would you ask Jesus to do for you to prove he is the savior??

Oh my. It seems you are really serious, aren't you? If there really were such a thing as a so-called Second Coming, no proof of identity would be necessary. An avatar of the One does not engage in cheap parlor tricks e.g. turning water into Coca Cola or pulling a rupee out of someone's ear. I wouldn't ask Jesus to prove anything . If he were real, it would be obvious to anyone not mentally impaired. (OK, even the mentally impaired could probably sense it!) He either is, or he isn't. And if he is, there's no need to prove it.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 11:27 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
ty and I respect that comment...seems I got about 5 cheap shots on Christianity from atheists before I got One who answered it with a reasonable logical point of view...
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 11:41 pm
Your logic fails you if you agree with Lustig's premise. Merely to meet Jesus you would know he was the saviour? I'm pretty sure Pontious Pilate, King Herod and a bunch of Hebrew priests and roman soldiers met him and they weren't convinced.

And I wasn't having a cheap shot - though I'm tempted to now. I seriously thought about what would convince me I'd met JC mark two. And I toyed with Lustig's idea that you would just know, until I considered the point I make in the first paragraph. Think about it. Adam was on a first name basis with God and clearly he didn't believe in God's omniscience/omnipotence.
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 11:47 pm
yes because like I said in the first post it is mostly for Atheists...for honestly I am Christian and believe like lustic, I would not need of a deed to know Jesus, the question was proposed to see what a devout Atheist would "think" is an acceptable way of being shown "proof"

also name me one of these men, you listed in (Pontious Pilate, King Herod and a bunch of Hebrew priests and roman soldiers met him and they weren't convinced.) that were "rightous men" who knew good from evil? according to the Bible...
Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 11:55 pm
also where do you come to the conclusion ADAM didn't believe in the omnipotent onicentness...he fell because he listened to the devil when tempted, but after he fell, he and eve felt shame, and were cast out of eden... shows they THEN knew God WAS omnipotent...but their lack of faith lead to their doom....

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