Oh ******* Jesus Christ you people, I have had enough of this ****.
Did no one read what my 2nd paragraph of OP was, or what I have repeated ad nauseum since then?
Since there are so many people impatient and chaffing at the bit to connect my simple observation that these 2 men were gay, and the the fact I am not connecting homosexuality to pedophilia, I suppose I will have to cater to the the weakest link, the lowest common demonimator, and cut and paste this once again...
As a preface to all this, I'd like for this not to become some kind of debate judging the quality, or lack of of preceptions. This story does contain references to sexual orientation, whether preceived or real. My intent is not to indicate anyones sexual orientation make them more or less likely to arouse my suspicions, my gut that something is amiss. I am merely going to tell the story as it appeared in front of my eyes. People from all life styles/ages etc. pass in front of my eyes every day, and I personally celebrate the diversity of the people I come across....ok, enough of that.
In other words, for the PC police....and pay attention now....are you reading this....?
I was trying to paint a picture of what was in front of my eyes.
The 2 men happened to be gay....and ******* no they weren't fondling each other under the water or above.
I am not going to pretend to be such a naive person to say I cannot much of the time, yes and I said it, much of the time identify someone as being gay. Does that make me hate them? No. No more than looking at someone and saying "they're (insert description)" makes me hate them.
As far as assuming "they're going to adopt a baby. Maybe they were just observing the life force of this wonderful child"
Why this child and not one of the 20 or 30 children in and out of the pool? They were not observing the miracle of childhood with anyone else.
These 2 people, whether gay or not...as I again said before....were NOT giving any indicators they were a commited couple. My belief from my observation....and no one else was there to observe, so your observations are moot....was that these were 2 people who where more casually together, more than being together they were working as partners toward a common goal.
I fully respect what someone gut says. Notice I have argued with a single person as to their gut.
What is royally pissing me off is this obssession with their homosexuality. Yes, these 2 people were homosexual. Enough of the "how could you know that" bullshit.
No that doesn't ******* make them a pedophile.
I was freaking describing the scene.