What would your gut be telling you?

Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2011 02:36 pm
I didn't say always right, far from it.

If I'm wrong about a person, and they are better than I supposed, I'm plesantly surprised

If I'm wrong, and they are not as good as I supposed, I ask myself what I missed, or why I chose to not pay attention to something I saw, but chose to supress.
Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2011 02:46 pm
wandeljw wrote:

The person may not know what my impressions were, but I may behave unfriendly toward that person, and then, if my impressions were wrong, I may have missed out on a good friendship.

Something else interesting about this....

I don't think good, I mean really good quality friendships are deterred by the fact one person misread the other at first.

Thinking about it, I've had people who for whatever reason didn't click with me on first meeting. In one particular instance I can recall, when meeting someone, it was in the middle of hectic activity, I barely had a second to say hello, because demands were being placed upon me.
Later on, I heard from someone that person felt like I hadn't taken the time to talk to her (although I couldn't, and it was obvious)

I was in her company several times after that, when everyone could converse at leisure, but she never warmed to me.

You know what? I didn't care, because someone with that sort of holding on to the past characteristics isn't someone I'd be interested in having a friendship with anyway.

I guess too it depends on how one defines friendship. I'm sure I've missed on on aquaintanceships, but not sure I've missed out on real friendship.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2011 03:00 pm
chai2 wrote:

I suck at being able to program a cell phone, or understanding the rules of any sports game...

I can help you some with those issues, honey.

I think the subconscious is not the same as gut instinct. I don't really know what the subconscious is, but I don't believe it has to be involved when your instinct is. How much time is there between a situation and when your instincts kick in? A nano-second? Do we have time for our subconscious to get involved as well? No. I don't think so. Just my opinion. Your subconscious, I believe, is your mind processing information whereas your instinct is your ... well, your instinct... your innate reaction to something. Again, JMO.
Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2011 03:25 pm
You know what mame, you're right.

I really don't know what the term "subconscious" means either, and for the person walking around through daily experiences, it doesn't mean a hill of beans.

Thanks for shaking me up a bit to realize that.

Not addressing it to this particular thread, God knows it happens in conversations, and other situations too...But sometimes we get side tracked away from what is important by trying to use various terms correctly in order to either not appear unknowledgeable, or to placate those (not anyone on this thread) who just aren't happy unless all sorts of fancy talk is thrown around.

Long before Freud, Jung and many others showed up, people knew when "something was telling them something" and they should pay attention. Back then, if someone didn't want you to pay attention to that, or because they didn't have that happen to them, they said something like "Aw, you're nuts"

Today we have fancier words, and the same person would say "Aw, you're paranoid."

I guess if you didn't know the word subconscious, one could say "Aw, that's just your imagination."

Until of course, we all had to get concerned about saying things exactly perfectly so as not to offend someone, and ending up not saying much at all.

BTW, I have no interest in learning the rules of any sport. Razz
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Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2011 04:08 pm
Did I say you say you say are always right?

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Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2011 05:03 pm
The subconscious mind is the part where we're not fully aware of something yet it influences us to react and feel something. To me it's fully part of your intuition, instinct or whatever you want to name it.
Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2011 06:05 pm
Is everyone's subconscious have the same capacity though?

What might be subconscious to me might be conscious to you, or vice versa.

Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2011 06:14 pm
ok, for definitions sake, my definition, how I interpret this gut thing.

My gut is not subconscious, nor is it instinct.

If my gut tells me something, if I look at what it's telling me, the reason is there. Maybe it's only a word, a way of saying something, or a glance in passing, but looking at it in context, it means something. Sometimes, many times it happens so quickly it's easy (or you tell youself it's easier) to say you see it or that it meant nothing.

I'm going to have to look up examples of subsconscious behavior and see what it says. I know it's not what I'm saying.

Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2011 07:10 pm
Gut feelings come from the normal senses, and tempered by previous experience. What your senses are picking up may be very subtle, but the sensations are real.

Off topic, I'm sure, but I was looking at a lady in the laundromat today. Actually, I was watching her ice cream cone. Every time she looked my way, which got to be kind of often, I would lean just a little closer and try to look hungry. She didn't even offer me a little lick. Later, I bought a package of miniature donuts and ate them right in front of her. Revenge is sweet.
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 05:53 am
roger wrote:
Gut feelings come from the normal senses, and tempered by previous experience. What your senses are picking up may be very subtle, but the sensations are real.

Off topic, I'm sure, but I was looking at a lady in the laundromat today. Actually, I was watching her ice cream cone. Every time she looked my way, which got to be kind of often, I would lean just a little closer and try to look hungry. She didn't even offer me a little lick. Later, I bought a package of miniature donuts and ate them right in front of her. Revenge is sweet.
What u desired was unsanitary & dangerous.
She was wise n sanitary to avoid what u wanted.
U wanted to play Russian Roulette.

If I were socializing with my best friend (let alone a stranger)
I 'd never expect to receive what u wanted and woud never accept it.
Either of u coud infect the other with a variety of diseases.

Additionally, tho I have never gone to a laundromat,
if I ever went there (or anywhere) with food, I 'd eat my own food,
not distribute it among others.

In the event that I felt generous,
I 'd give someone $5 or $10 and let her or him get his own food.


What Is Meningitis
Meningococcal meningitis, a form of meningococcal disease,
is a serious bacterial infection. Unlike viral meningitis,
it can potentially kill an otherwise healthy young person within 1 day
after the first symptoms appear.2-5

Meningococcal disease can be difficult to recognize,
especially in its early stages because meningitis symptoms are
similar to those of more common viral illnesses, but unlike
more common illnesses, meningococcal disease can cause death
or disability within just 1 day

Many of the people who survive meningococcal meningitis can be
left with serious medical problems that may include amputation
of limbs, fingers, or toes, severe scarring, brain damage, hearing loss
kidney damage, and psychological problems.

Who’s at Risk for Meningitis
Even people who are usually healthy can get meningitis.
However, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
have shown that the risk of getting meningitis increases in teens and young adults.

How Meningococcal Disease Spreads:
Common everyday activities can spread meningococcal disease.
This includes kissing, sharing utensils and drinking glasses

[All emfasis has been added by David.]

Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 06:32 am

roger wrote:

Off topic, I'm sure, but I was looking at a lady in the laundromat today. Actually, I was watching her ice cream cone. Every time she looked my way, which got to be kind of often, I would lean just a little closer and try to look hungry. She didn't even offer me a little lick. Later, I bought a package of miniature donuts and ate them right in front of her. Revenge is sweet.


Off topic, I'm sure... I'm heading out to the flea market this morning. I get great books there for quite a good price, and in great condition. Plus, I have bought 4 barbies for all the grandchildren at 4 for $10, which I think is a helluva bargain. Everybody's getting flea market gifts this year, whether they like it or not! Anybody want anything?
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 07:06 am
Who tagged this homophobia?

What a dim bulb.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 08:24 am
Female version of story:

I'd like to relate a story of something that happened last evening. It's been something that keeps coming up again and again in my mind. I do always try trust my gut, but I'm wondering what other peoples reactions/observances would have been.

As a preface to all this, I'd like for this not to become some kind of debate judging the quality, or lack of of preceptions. This story does contain references to sexual orientation, whether preceived or real. My intent is not to indicate anyones sexual orientation make them more or less likely to arouse my suspicions, my gut that something is amiss. I am merely going to tell the story as it appeared in front of my eyes. People from all life styles/ages etc. pass in front of my eyes every day, and I personally celebrate the diversity of the people I come across....ok, enough of that.

I go to a arge public pool near my house most evenings. It's a different one from which I've gone to in years past. Bigger, more diverse crowd. I like it a lot. Some evenings crowded, some not. Yesterday was more on the crowed side. I'll be honest, the reason I wear reflective swim googles when going there is because I really enjoy watching peoples interactions, especially parents with their little ones. I don't want them to think I'm staring at them in particular, I just love catching the nuances of relationships. I think I'm very observant about that.

If this story is long, it's because I'm trying to eliminate any questions of what I saw.

When I was going into the pool area, a man, early to mid thirties, and his little boy, maybe 3, 3 and a half, were walking in front of me. The little boy caught my attention because he was just so full of trying to absorb everything around him. He was so happy to be with his dad, going to the pool.

They went off to put their towels down, and I tossed my stuff down and got right in the pool. There was a little girl standing in the water right by the ladder, so I guess that's why I didn't realize we were at the last 2 minutes of a break time, when the life guards make everyone get out of the pool. The lifeguards didn't say anything, I guess they didn't think it was worth it.

I mention this because while I was in the water, before the "everybody can get back in" whistle, I noticed this man, mid twenties, giving me a very intense look. When the whistle blew, I thought "DOH! No wonder he was staring!" My 2nd clue was when more than 25 people jumped in.

Intense look guy (ILG) was Mexican (later verified in my mind because I heard his accent) was with another guy, a little older, maybe earlier 30's, who was white, a little balding, fair skinned white guy (BFWG). They got up together, got in the pool together, treading wather together and talking. If someone asked me at that moment, I would have said it was 2 gays guys at the pool.

This pool is a great mix of all kinds of people. Black, white, brown, gay, straight, gay dads with their kids, and without, lesbians with their kids, and without, straight people with their kids, and without, old young, attractive, average, and other than average looking.

The dad with the little kid ended up standing near me, his little boy jumping off the side of the pool, dad there to catch him, boy paddling 3 feet back to the side, to do it all over again. Again, I noticed them because at one point when the boy was caught up by the dad, he said, very matter of factly "Daddy?"


"I like to swim."

It was just so sweet.

The dad eventually backed a few feet away from the side with his son, still in standing water, so the kid could paddle around him.

At this time, the ILG and BFWG were swimming (treading really) closer to the edge of the pool. BFWG said in what sounded like a coquettish voice, to ILG "I saw you looking."
I saw ILG quickly glance over and back from what BFWG had said he was looking at, and I saw that it was the dad and little kid. No one was behind them, or around them.

I'll say now that the dad was a totally average looking guy, maybe even a 4.5 on a scale of one to 10. Just a regular dad looking guy. Maybe a little slump shouldered, skinny legs, not unattractive, just not anyone you'd take notice of. Not someone you'd say "wow, that's my type"

Since no one was wandering far from where they were, I could hear what was being said next, and see (because of side looking through my "you can't see my eyes" goggles.)

The 2 guys then had this brief interchange that's hard to describe, but I know we've all heard it.
Like when 2 people know each other well, and they don't need to say an entire thought, or communicates a meaning with a glance, raised eyebrow, a look away, etc.

This kind of thing went back and forth a few times. It bothered me. I looked at the dad and thought "maybe one of these guys, or both of them knows this man. maybe he's gay too. Or maybe he's closeted, that's why they aren't directly talking to him." I watched the dad, and it became clear he didn't have any idea who the 2 guys were, or even for that matter, noticed them. More on that later.

I was, more importantly, wondering if they were looking at the dad, or the boy.

So I don't know, a half hour goes by. The 2 guys get out of the pool and start to dry off, like they're going to leave. the BFWG sitting down on a concrete wall to put on shoes.
At that moment a man came walking by, really handsome, well built. Either he was gay or very metrosexual. He walked between where BFWG was sitting, and ILG was standing. Neither on of them gave him more than a glance. I sure did, regardless of whether he was straight or gay, he was just a fine looking human. I'd already spent some time admiring a fine looking female human.

Within a minute the dad and little boy got out of the pool and they walked between the 2 guys. If I wasn't sure before that the dad didn't know these 2, now I was. He wasn't playing oblivious to them, he was oblivious. He was just a dad walking with his little boy back over to their blankets. Him with his skinny pale legs, slightly slumped shoulders, probably thinking of wrapping it up and driving home.

The reaction was subtle, wouldn't have been noted by anyone unless they were being observed, as I was doing. Both looked, tracked with their eyes, had non verbal facial communication with each other. The ILG then looked down and away, again like the BFWG was going to say something again. It was impossible to positively say who they were looking at.

If the ILG hadn't given me a look when I was in the pool and later realized I shouldn't have been, I never would have noticied either of them. But now I have noticied them.

I'm not asking "what should I do?" nothing happened, there's nothing to do. If I ever saw something happen, you'd have to shot me to keep me from getting involved or telling someone.

The reason I brought up sexual orientation was because in this world, anyone can look at anyone they think is attractive, same sex or not. A gay person can look at someone in a sexual manner at someone they have no business looking at. A straight person can look at someone in a sexual manner at someone they have no business looking at. However, since only men were involved in this, it was a factor I wanted to bring up.

I do know I will notice if I ever see ILG or BFWG again. My gut tells me it's right to notice them again.

Male version of story:

I saw a couple of guys at the pool today. I think they might be gay pedophiles. I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure.
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 08:29 am
Well aren't you clever Joe.

I thought this thread wasn't worth your time.

Oh wait, no, let me explain YET again why I included all that.
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 08:32 am
No, your shaggy dog story of an initial post was a waste of my time. This thread, on the other hand, has become interesting.
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 08:43 am
Where has it changed that's it's become interesting?
The topic is the same, trusting your gut.

It all leads back to the story.

No in fact you are mistaken, if I were to grunt it down to caveman talk, I would have said

"I think I saw some pedophiles"

Then, the questions would have started, ending up in the long run with me having to include every little detail I did, because the questions of "why did you thing that, what happened then, blah blah blah would have commenced."

Since you obviously don't listen....I put all that down to paint the entire picture, including everything as I could remember, wheter pertinent or not, so one could get all the info with one stop shopping.
I, obviously was incorrect in thinking that would help.

No one forced you to read it joe, and I don't particularly care if you thought it was a waste of your time.
But, my gut is telling me you're just trying to draw me into an argument, and I'm not going there.
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 09:01 am
Yeah but subconsciously, what do you think?
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 10:15 am
I just asked my sub concious, and she said "it's time for lunch"
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 10:18 am
ossobuco wrote:

I can only guess how much queer hate you have been through, Sturgis, but I don't think that is on Chai's screen, I know her better than that - though I'll admit there is plenty of hate running around even now. My second serious lover turned out to be gay (no one will believe me about how good it was, in itself a kind of fear), back when quiet was mandatory.

I don't have any idea re the data re child molesting, broken down to age groups, re who does all that.

Don't assume the rest of us wallow in ignoramosity.

Yes you can only guess since as strange as it may seem I really haven't been through any queer hate aside from that incident when I was 7 and I wasn't an open queer at the time, it was a Halloween from hell which culminated days later in a toss down the stairs. If there's been more it's essentially been lost on me. Direct hatred of me as a homosexual male based on my sexuality and not my cheery demeanor hasn't been in view (or maybe I'm just oblivious to it).

I don't see Chai2 as hating queers or anybody in particular, she was in my view my view my view my view making assumptions about the sexuality of people. The 2 men, the Mexican (lookie there his accent confirmed her belief that he was indeed a Mexican ) and even the father of the young boy. If she doesn't know him personally/directly then how can she for certain say he's
not a homosexual? Hell, she'd already made the point about the oodles of gay dads and their children (not to be eclipsed by or to overshadow the lesbians and their children), Maybe this man was a homosexual and just had no interest in anybody at the pool. She decides the 2 men looking, the possible pedophiles, are homosexual after all they are eyeing a little boy.

Again, what does it matter what the sexuality of any of the pool goers is or the nationality or skin color or anything else? They're people at the pool, adults and children, male and female and that is all.

A simple "I went to the pool and had my staring glasses on so's I can oggle you privately and you won't be a-noticing when I saw these 2 men looking at a little boy and making back and forth comments. I felt they might be looking at the boy sexually; but, didn't say anything to the father of the boy but hey my gut says something wasn't right but not to worry if I see those men again, I'll keep an eye on them let me tell you that boy howdy."

My saying she (chai2) was a bigot was extreme, however, she clearly had preconceived notions (we just about all do).

My real beef with the whole 'gut reaction' matter is that she did NOT A THING!
Oh yeah, um, she'll be sure to keep an eye out if the same men appear at the pool again. Yippee! What about if she isn't there? As I
indicated the one man can distract and the other can grab and
take the child. Always act upon that uncomfortable instinct when a child is involved. The parent may be angry and verbally abusive but they will most likely keep a sharper eye.

Look, I'm not about to divulge in detail my personal past regarding the numeric value the number of mentally ill men and women with regard to pedophiles and other sexual attackers that/which exist.

I don't have statistics either and frankly I don't care about statistics when it's a human being, an innocent, being placed in danger by an attitude of

"I do know I will notice if I ever see ILG or BFWG again. My gut tells me it's right to notice them again."

I don't make any assumption that members here "wallow in ignoramosity" a level of ponderous pomposity however stinks many a thread up.
Reply Sun 12 Jun, 2011 10:47 am
Sturgis wrote:
My saying she (chai2) was a bigot was extreme, however, she clearly had preconceived notions (we just about all do).

We should all acknowledge that our "gut feelings" are affected by preconceived notions.
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