Survivor Nicaragua--Old v. Young

Green Witch
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2011 07:43 pm
I like the RI element, but I'm surprised they are keeping it for most of the game. It could get old. I would prefer if people didn't know who would be coming back or have so much opportunity to share information about each others tribe.

Matt must think God is messing with his head. First God lets him win all those challenges, but I guess Matt did something to make God mad because God made him cut his foot and then the challenge required he use that foot to win. God can be such a bitch.

I think we should start a drinking game for every time Philip says "treated like a redheaded stepchild". I don't even know what that means.
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2011 08:51 pm
Reyn wrote:

3 - We no longer are showed who voted how at the end of the show. I know sometimes you can figure it out, but not always. I also miss the individual comments.

No individual comments, but Survivor RI Wiki always posts the voting history for each episode right away:


Poor Grant. His heart must have been pounding away. (Mine was lol).
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2011 08:54 pm
@Green Witch,
Green Witch wrote:
I think we should start a drinking game for every time Philip says "treated like a redheaded stepchild". I don't even know what that means.

Dunno what it means, either, but I like how you think!!!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2011 10:14 pm
If someone other than Matt had been at Redemption Island at the time of the merge, RI could have made a real difference in the outcome. But Matt seems to lack the astuteness to figure out how to maneuver his way around. And he seems oblivious to how others view him. He may be a little too reliant on prayer to get him through the game.

I think Rob is a mastermind at this game. I continue to be impressed with how he's playing. I think he's learned a lot since the previous times he played. For some reason, people don't seem afraid of him--at least not yet.

Note to self: If I ever run across Phillip, don't interrupt.

Reply Fri 8 Apr, 2011 09:33 am
Yeah on Grant - but I think he knew what was coming - could be the editing, but from his looks prior to the voting at tribal - it made the appearance he was expecting his name to be written down - ie Matt let them in on the other tribes plan.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Apr, 2011 09:36 am
I think people are concerned about him - I think once there is only those from his tribe - he will be the target. I'd be curious about Grant though - he seems to trust Rob, when knowing Rob, Grant would be the first one he'd want out as Grant would be the biggest threat as far as beating him in a vote.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2011 12:10 am
Dear Matt, You got blindsided TWICE and God had nothing to do with it. It was all you, so please stop blaming Him. (That part you said about playing a stupid game wasn't His fault, either -- all you).

Dear God, Thank you for Phillip and his feather and his one-liners..."Stealth-R-Us!"..."David, your head is turning blue!"..."That leg will have to be decapitated!" (LOL) And thank you for sparing Grant (our eye candy).

(Jeff tweeted that David's head really was turning blue lol poor guy.) The medics were nearby.

Ralph, the girls couldn't tell you the plan because first they'd have to ask Rob (aka the Godfather).

Mike's "Mariano crime syndicate" crack was the best/funniest line of the night!

Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2011 01:10 am
Wondering how things will work at Redemption Island with three people there. Also wondering when they'll start filling up the jury. Also wondering when Rob will become the target.

I enjoyed tonight's episode. Two challenges made it more interesting. Also interesting was Grant's taking some fish. Rob is not the cult leader he's cracked up to be.

Gonna go hunt down Jeff's blog.
Green Witch
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2011 06:26 am
Rob's buddy system thing is actually very clever. It raises the odds that people will behave themselves or get snitched on. I think Rob is soon going to be a target and Grant will be the one to stick in the knife. Et tu Brute!? I was surprised Grant didn't eat more fish.

I think the RI people will have a showdown with one left standing to go back in the game.

I think I would have eaten the hamburgers, but it made me hate Philip even more.
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2011 08:47 am
Jeff's blog for Episode 9...an interesting hint about RI? It's towards the end and I bolded his comment. Also interesting is his last sentence about next week's TC. He tweeted last night that something HUGE happens.

Survivor: Redemption Island Episode 9 4/14/11
by jeff.probst on April 14, 2011 ·

Thanks once again to everybody who joined us for the “interactive living room” twitter session last night! It was our biggest yet!

Okay, onto the blog!

Today’s blog will be stream of consciousness, with no proof reading, so bear with me..


Was he a moron? What would you have done? I felt like he was in a really tough spot. Going against your old alliance and joining the other side is a risky move. Obviously, staying with someone as dangerous as Rob is also a major risk. I think the only mistake he made was sharing his inner monologue with Rob. That’s the lesson I learned – when playing a game like Survivor, you don’t have to be so honest, God will understand.

But I must say, his faith in his God is pretty impressive and inspiring. Love the absolute commitment.


Julie complained about how unfair it was for Ometepe to vote out Matt again so soon after coming back into the game. I do not believe Julie would have taken mercy on Matt if she were in the same situation. Not one bit. She didn’t hesitate to get rid of Russell. She would have done the same with Matt and it would have been okay, it’s part of the game.


When Ralph was trying to forge his way in with Ashley and Natalie, he was trying so hard to get something going. The only thing Natalie could safely offer, without risking saying anything wrong, was:

Natalie: It’s a hard game.

Damn! The insincerity of that lame ass line would have prompted a major response from me. There is no chance I could have contained myself at that point in the game.

“It’s a hard game.” Screw off.

They’re doing everything they can to try and find a way into the tight Ometepe group. That’s what you have to do in this spot. You have no other option. You have to stir things up, try to get someone riled, try to start an argument, anything at all.

Sitting back and saying, “I understand” is *****. It gets you nowhere.

The only problem facing Zapatera is Boston Rob. Without Rob, Ometepe would have no clue what to do. That’s clear by the way Rob is able to keep them in line.


For all the concern we had that both Rob and Russell would be voted out early – Rob has done an amazing job of not only staying in the game but staying in control. There are a few key factors to his success:

a. He has an incredible knowledge of the game and the key elements required to control your fate.

b. He’s a naturally gifted strategist. His “us” vs “them” while keeping himself clean is so brilliantly executed.

c. The luck of drawing the Ometepe buff. Rob would not have been as successful on Zapatera. He is relying on the naïve nature of his tribe. Everybody on Ometepe will take offense with me saying this, but without Natalie and Phillip, Rob is dead because Ralph, Julie, David and Steve would not have responded the same way.


The scene between Rob and Natalie where she reports on the actions of Ashley was straight out of the Godfather. Natalie just became “made.” That is what they call it when you earn your mafia stripes, right? Natalie just made a HUGE move. She locked in her alliance with Rob when she could have made a move and gotten him out of the game. From this point forward Natalie’s fate is linked to Rob.


Phillips story about his meditation with his great, great, great, great, Grandfather was 100% legit. Even the 99th mispronunciation of his own tripe, “Ometepe” was legit. There is nothing about Phillip that is a put on, at least as far as I can tell.

As for whether or not he was actually a former federal agent, I will get to the bottom of that during the live reunion show Sunday, May 15th. Mark it down.

I loved this challenge. I love individual challenges later in the game because there are always people fighting to stay in the game. I also love it when people let go of their humility and get in the mud.

Day to day motivation is a big factor in this game:

Grant & Rob wanted it from the word go but for different reasons:

Rob wanted to protect himself and remain in control because he understands you are NEVER safe unless you have immunity. Even with a hidden idol, if you don’t play it you can get blindsided.

Grant wanted it for his tribe because he is playing the “team game.”

The three Zapatera all wanted it because they needed it.

Ashley, Andrea, Natalie & Phillip – they didn’t fight because they aren’t worried and for now they don’t have to be.


When the low man on the other tribes totem pole tells you that he enjoys being the low man, you know you are in trouble.

Phillip embodies the loyal soldier. At this point I truly believe Phillip would fall on a sword for his tribe because in his mind he is part of an important group. What he doesn’t understand is he is being played by one of the best and the only way this ends well is if Rob gets blindsided and Phillip ends up in a final with himself.


Mike will be tough. Mike could be on Redemption for a while. He is an amazing competitor and from what I can tell an audience favorite.


I love these challenges as well! Love when we give them the chance to sit out and eat rather than compete for immunity.

I’m always amazed at who chooses to eat and why. You are so close to $1million dollar pirze. I would never give up a shot at immunity for a burger. But I think it makes perfect sense that Steve and Phillip did.

Steve knew he wouldn’t win and Phillip believes he doesn’t have to win. Turns out both are right.



Phillip is pure gold. Straight out of the river bed.

If there has ever been a more fascinating Survivor contestant, please share.

David brought up a great notion – that at this point, the best move for a Zapatera may be Redemption Island where you can control your fate.

I don’t think we’ve even touched what RI will bring to this game. For those of you on the fence, give it a chance. Let’s see where it goes.

Next week.. one of the most “water cooler” worthy tribal councils in quite some time.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2011 09:04 am
I worry that Rob's paranoia might be his eventual downfall. He's pretty good (really good) at the outwit, outplay part, but hasn't in past seasons done so well at the tricky 'outlast' part. One of my favorite players of all time, two-time winner Sandra, never became paranoid. Rather, she was able to cause it in others, always making the big moves and by standing up to Russell's bullying and getting in his face, she was able to outlast all of them.

I hope Rob doesn't go home with that immunity idol in his pocket.
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2011 09:42 am
I'm wondering if the will build up the population of RI and then let then have challenges -- not for immunity, but to see who will be on the jury.

That might be fun!

I liked the comment "It's not a tribe, it's a cult." I'm waiting for Grant to flip. He's got to realize that once Rob doesn't need him to advance, he's gone.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2011 10:48 am
@Green Witch,
The one thing with that sort of challenge - burgers vs immunity...even you know damn well that you will not win - it really puts a bad impression on your "tribe mates" that you aren't even giving a try.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2011 10:55 am
I have determined where the idol is hidden - everyone thinks it is under the flag because it moved - way too easy.

It is buried under where the flag used to be.

I like the comment from Jeff to the losing tribe - better keep digging.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2011 03:56 pm
Roberta wrote:

Wondering how things will work at Redemption Island with three people there.

I was wondering that myself. Looking forward as to the mechanics of it. I've got no particular favourite.

Green Witch wrote:

Rob's buddy system thing is actually very clever.

Yeah, I thought so, too! I have to admire Rob as to how he's been playing this game. Much more cleverly than Russell ever did.

Phillip is pure gold. Straight out of the river bed.

If there has ever been a more fascinating Survivor contestant, please share.

I'll disagree with Jeff on this point.

The show has played the Phillip card to death and it's getting real old by now.

I was afraid Jeff was going to ask about the feather as soon as I saw Phillip wearing it.


Enough already!
Green Witch
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2011 05:16 pm
The show has played the Phillip card to death and it's getting real old by now.

I'm also ready for Philip to get snuffed. I think one of the most fascinating players was the older Asian man a few seasons back. He was the first to make a fake immunity idol and it changed the game. Great strategizers make this game fascinating, not ranting mental cases.
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2011 05:24 pm
They might have Matt, David and Mike duke it out in a 3-way duel. I don't see any alternative, but haven't really thought it out. If they do it that way there are several scenarios that could follow. They could either leave the winner on RI or allow him back into the game immediately. If they let him back in, they could leave whomever came in second at RI and send Mr. 3rd place to the Ponderosa. Or...they could allow the winner back in and send the two losers to the Ponderosa together.

I don't see anyone going home, though, since the numbers are where they need to be for the finale, twelve total. There are six left from Ometepe, three Zapatero's left, and the three at RI. So there are the 9 jury members and the Final 3. Right, or am I missing something?

To me, the most interesting scenario would be if they let the duel winner return to the game, kept one at RI and sent one to the Ponderosa.

Anyone think we'll see another double elimination? There are only 5 episodes left. Finale is on May 15.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Apr, 2011 05:33 pm
@Green Witch,
I'm sort of looking for Andrea to make a power move against Rob. Or possibly Grant...or maybe both. They might wait until the 3 remaining Zapetero's are gone. I don't think either Ralph or Steve will fight to stay, but Julie could shake things up if she stepped up her game and tried to flip Philip or Ashley.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Apr, 2011 05:01 pm
It's a 3-way duel according to this promo. In what appears to be a 'house of cards'-type challenge (using tiles), it looks like David is beating Mike, but can't see Matt's progress. And, at some point in Wednesday's episode, Philip goes all AlSharpton on Steve over some contaminated rice, or something. I think that's also going to be the big blowup at TC that Jeff tweeted about. Not looking forward to that part at all.
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Green Witch
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2011 09:00 pm
Why!? Why!? Why is Philip still in this game??

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