Elin Nordegren claims Victim Status

Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 11:52 am
Even in Florida, adultery has a bearing on child custody.
And if the adulterer is frittering common property, the court can raise the amount appropriated.
A marriage is more than a legal contract Bill. Know what I mean?

Unless you a lawyer in the state of Florida I question all of your above comments, as I had gone through a divorce in that lovely state and had friends who had also.

Adultery have zero to do with child custody in Florida unless it can be shown to somehow effect the fitness of the parent to raise a child and normally that is not the case.

For example if one of the parents is dating a known child abuser.

Otherwise, the courts could care less who and how many partners a parent is sleeping with.
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 11:58 am
You're absolutely wrong Bill. And it doesn't take a lawyer to figure that out.

From a lawyer in Florida.
Florida is a "no fault" divorce state. This means that either party may seek a divorce without a showing of cause. The spouse seeking a divorce simply needs to state that the marriage is "irretrievably broken". Who broke it or played the greater role in breaking it is not relevant. The "irretrievably broken" standard relieves the court of the complicated duty of deciding who is at fault, and the parties to the marriage are spared a very contentious court battle.

Nevertheless, the adulterous conduct of one spouse can impact other important issues raised in a divorce. In child custody battles, for instance, a court considers the "moral fitness" of a parent seeking custody. This "moral fitness" question opens the door for an introduction of the parent's adulterous behavior. According to the courts, the critical question is whether the adultery had or is reasonably likely to have an adverse impact on the child. Accordingly, adultery, while not in and of itself a bar to custody, requires an evaluation of the adulterer's conduct and the surrounding circumstances to determine the impact on the child.

The division of marital property and liabilities is another issue that may be impacted by adultery. Florida is an equitable distribution state so there is a presumption that the marital assets and liabilities should be evenly divided. This presumption of an even distribution may, however, be overcome by proof that one spouse has intentionally dissipated or wasted marital assets. Gifts, trips, apartment rent, car payments, and dinners for one's "friend" are all a waste of marital assets. The court may reduce the adulterer's share of martial assets to compensate a spouse for this waste of assets.
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 12:07 pm

Under Florida Statutes adultery is specifically listed as a factor to be considered in determining the amount of alimony awarded, but courts have struggled to reconcile the consideration of adultery with the "no fault" concept. The bottom line is that the amount of alimony awarded a spouse is only increased if the adulterous conduct increases the spouse's monetary needs. But, remember judges are only human and evidence of adultery could conceivably color the judge's view of the parties.

Pre-nup overrule the above in any case and how in the hell does Tigers sexual partners effect Elin needs for more then thirty millions?

Accordingly, adultery, while not in and of itself a bar to custody requires an evaluation of the adulterer's conduct and the surrounding circumstances to determine the impact on the child.

So Elin could had put on a public show but in the end the likelihood of it changing child custody arrangements is zero.

Otherwise one hell of a lot of mothers would end up without custody and we can not have that happen<grin>

0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 12:19 pm
You're absolutely wrong Bill. And it doesn't take a lawyer to figure that out.

Sorry I had far too many male friends over the years in Florida who had been told by their lawyers that is does not matter who the mother is sleeping with before or after the divorce as long as it can not be proven that her sexual partner or partners should not be around children.

So Elin could had have fun in a very public way during the divorce trial but unless one of Tigers partners had a record of child abuse it would had zero effect in the end.

As far as settlement of the marriage property is concern once more too many of my friends ended up losing their homes with a boyfriend sleeping for free in his former bed for me to give great credit to your position that it is at all likely to effect a settlement in that area.

And that is without a pre-nup.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 12:25 pm
BillRM wrote:

Oh second note, I had found out the hard way that the only correct way of dealing with a woman in a divorce situation is to play hardball.

Being nice is a good way to get screw and the only way I could deal with my ex-wife was just to allow my home to go into foreclosed. This was done on the advice of a drinking buddy lawyer and against the advice of the lawyer I was paying good money to.

This explains a lot about your warped opinions of women in this and other threads.

The drinking part may explain the incoherant posts that are displayed most times. The odd coherent spasm is seen far less frequently.
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 12:30 pm
The drinking part may explain the incoherant posts that are displayed most times. The odd coherent spasm is seen far less frequently.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 12:52 pm
I don't suppose you've considered the fact that Elin may have been a very good wife and mother, and that Tiger might actually have felt quite guilty about what he did to her and the public ordeal he put her through. He did go through some therapy prior to the divorce. He may have felt that she deserved the money. Money is the least of his problems and, given his wealth, the amounts probably don't matter to him all that much. He also destroyed whatever family life his children might have had with their parents, and no amount of money can give that back to them. He hurt a lot of people with his philandering.

No one in their right mind should listen to your advice on "dealing with a woman". I suspect that Tiger, with all his failings, might have more character and basic decency than you do. He probably knew this woman didn't need to be screwed with the divorce settlement, he had already hurt her enough. And, if he wants to have a good relationship with his children, don't you think he needs to stay on the best possible terms with their mother?


Sadly, it seem that he was a nice guy to the tone of 70 millions and it gain him nothings for being so.

You sound as if Elin was the one who committed all the adulteries. She didn't break up this marriage, he did. Maybe he regained some sense of self respect with the divorce settlement, since he had no other way of making amends to her.

You are so angry and mistrustful of women you seem to assume that all other men should feel the same way. For all you know, Tiger might still love and admire Elin. His womanizing might have had little or nothing to do with her or the state of their marriage. Why would he have any desire to punish her or "hold her feet to the fire"? You keep forgetting that they have young children and they have to have an ongoing relationship because of that. The less bitterness between them the better. But you may not be capable of understanding that.

Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 12:56 pm
No one in their right mind should listen to your advice on "dealing with a woman". I suspect that Tiger, with all his failings, might have more character and basic decency than you do. He probably knew this woman didn't need to be screwed with the divorce settlement, he had already hurt her enough. And, if he wants to have a good relationship with his children, don't you think he needs to stay on the best possible terms with their mother?

LOL....Thirty millions plus millions more in child support payments is being screw in your opinion!!!!!!!!!

Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 01:28 pm
Haven't you received all the juvenile attention you crave already? You must have been really left destitute after your divorce to hate women so much and try to deny them whatever settlement they got.

Get over it, Billy. It's over.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 01:47 pm
Given Tiger's rather outrageous womanizing, there was little reason for Elin to settle for $30 million. "He who dances must pay the piper," and Tiger did enough dancing to warrant a big payout to Elin. Even $100 million is only 1/5 or 1/6 of Tiger's net worth. And he's used to paying large sums to women--he was paying big bucks to his girlfriends to keep their mouths shut. He reportedly paid about $10 million to Rachel Uchitel.

Woods apparently wanted two things out of his divorce settlement--legal joint custody of the children, and a confidentiality agreement from Elin that she would never discuss any aspects of their life together (apparently not even after his death). He was only interested in holding onto his children and his privacy, and he got both of those things. Money was not a main concern for him. He can live quite well if he never earns another dime.

In the People interview, Elin talked only about her own feelings regarding the breakup of her marriage. She was entitled to give her side of the story given the things about her that were said in the media. She did not violate the confidentiality agreement and she has said that was the first and last interview she will give.

Tiger seems used to buying his way out of things. He got what he wanted, and what he paid for, with his divorce settlement.

Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 01:48 pm
BillRM wrote:

LOL....Thirty millions plus millions more in child support payments is being screw in your opinion!!!!!!!!!

That didn't even make sense, as usual. It's YOUR opinion, not firefly's, duh. What exactly are you trying to say here? I think you're so excited about this that you're losing all coherence. Please try to calm down and write one word at a time, then read it over and see if you can understand it, or if we might. It's such a puzzle trying to figure out what you're really saying. Oh, and punctuation (except for !!!!) helps a lot. A period separates sentences.
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 01:48 pm
Given Tiger's rather outrageous womanizing, there was little reason for Elin to settle for $30 million. "He who dances must pay the piper," and Tiger did enough dancing to warrant a big payout to Elin. Even $100 million is only 1/5 or 1/6 of Tiger's net worth. And he's used to paying large sums to women--he was paying big bucks to his girlfriends to keep their mouths shut. He reportedly paid about $10 million to Rachel Uchitel.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 01:52 pm
The drinking part may explain the incoherant posts that are displayed most times.

there's no need to attack Bill in this manner. He's always had difficulty writing and I don't think it's due to alcohol
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 02:02 pm
A contract is not valid if it is unreasonable. I explained about the law of Genetic Susceptibility at 50 atm. pressure.

Possibly my explanation has been put on Ignore so that unscientific generalisations about the condtions at normal atmospheric pressure can be assumed to apply at the levels I specified, where the magnetic effect of money and fame on a number of young and farouche females creates temptations to which the gentlfolk in the courtroom are never exposed, in the service of maintaining an efficient Kangaroo court.

I would like to see a stout evolutionist appear to defend Tiger.

To envisage his escape from the trap one might have to set aside and negate the power of the charm and guile of predatory females which would not only be unscientific but a gross denigration of those fair attributes and as Christian as Christian gets to boot.

One might not wish to be found promoting the teaching of evolution theory after taking such a fanciful position as that. At least not in company which has the capacity to remember what has been said for longer than half a minute.

Gustave Flaubert, in his Temptations of Saint Anthony, described a 50 atm. pressure test and Homer has his great hero, one of the barmiest heroes in all art, have his crew tie him to the mast to withstand it. And stop their own ears up with wax.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 02:04 pm
there's no need to attack Bill in this manner. He's always had difficulty writing and I don't think it's due to alcohol

How interesting your posting left me completely speechless. Razz
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 02:04 pm

Given Tiger's rather outrageous womanizing, there was little reason for Elin to settle for $30 million. "He who dances must pay the piper," and Tiger did enough dancing to warrant a big payout to Elin. Even $100 million is only 1/5 or 1/6 of Tiger's net worth. And he's used to paying large sums to women--he was paying big bucks to his girlfriends to keep their mouths shut. He reportedly paid about $10 million to Rachel Uchitel
It only partly ammazes me that so many fools are still rolling around the $100 Million figure as if it is fact. The fact is that we do not know, but the speculation is that it is between $100 and $500 Million.

West Palm Beach divorce-law guru Odette Bendeck, who had nothing to do with Tiger's divorce but handles plenty big-money splits, explained what's behind it all.
"What I believe is happening," Bendeck said, "is that the settlement calls for deferred payments to the ex-wife. I'm pretty sure there's a promissory note behind the mortgage, and the mortgage is just to secure the note. They did it like this for privacy."
Elin probably got some dough up front, Bendeck said, but she'll have to wait five years to get it all.
"I have a feeling this (the $54 million) is just a piece of the entire package."
Speculation has placed the value of the divorce, after six years of wedded bliss, between $100 million and $500 million. There is, however, no way to know for sure, Bendeck said.
"The prenup they signed could have set a percentage of Tiger's earnings during the marriage as settlement," she said. "What looked reasonable then can seem insane at the time of the divorce."
Just goes to show how tenuous this being rich business is. Woods may be worth $900 million total, or whatever. But most of that's represented by real estate and other holdings. Sobering to reflect on the fact that if his game really hits the skids, he might end up losing his main house to his ex.

Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 02:08 pm
YOUR opinion, not firefly's, duh. What exactly are you trying to say here?

Below is firefly statement that I was responding to. You do know how to read I assume.

He probably knew this woman didn't need to be screwed with the divorce settlement

My reply--------------------------------------------------
LOL....Thirty millions plus millions more in child support payments is being screw in your opinion!!!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 02:20 pm
She have zero moral high ground to stand on as a result of not honoring her freely enter into agreement.

There is no moral high ground where a pre-nup exists. No low moral ground either. It's a no moral ground zone. Many would consider such an arrangement as not qualifying as a marriage in the strict sense of the term. Legal niceties have nothing to do with morals. As the banking crisis shows sufficiently. And if the strict sense of the term marriage is to be nibbled at the edges then it might as well be shredded altogether from a moral point of view, and go the way of words like "plackets" and "venter".

I think Tiger could reasonably have any member of the jury challenged and disqualified for not being an evolutionist. With Prof. Dawkins as foreman I hardly think awards of the levels we hear about would come into operation.

Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 02:25 pm
Many would consider such an arrangement as not qualifying as a marriage in the strict sense of the term.

It nice to know that I am not in a marriage after all. Evil or Very Mad

But I assume that it is far more moral to allow a state legislator to set up the legal guidelines in case of divorce instead of rolling your own with your partner.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2010 02:48 pm
panzade wrote:

The drinking part may explain the incoherant posts that are displayed most times.

there's no need to attack Bill in this manner. He's always had difficulty writing and I don't think it's due to alcohol

Why do you consider it an attack. He is the one who brought up drinking.

What do you think the reason for his incoherent writing is? Some threads seem almost normal with actual sentences and everything. i.e. His latest reply to you. Either he is having someone write them for him or there is another reason for the incoherent posts.

If you read many of his posts, you will find that he uses a lot of name calling and bad language. Have you called him on that?

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