Quote:When you operate outside set parameters of decency you become no better than the people you wish to overthrow and liberate, if thar's your intention.
Now you and I both know you have to bend the rules from time to time for the greater good. IMO this war has been a pain is the ass. Costing us way to much and making us look bad. But ask the troops over there,. the one who really know. We are making a difference over there.
Was the invasion sanctioned and justified? That can be debated forever without a real truth coming to it(we US are not bound by any UN, there is no illegal.). Simple fact is this country has been a sore spot on our world for a very long time. Did we provoke some of it,. maybe so.
We,. yes WE the allied forces are once again fighting the forces of evil. Why can the world not rally behind us? We are ridding the world of tyrants and all around bad folks. Is this not true? And NO we are not talking the Muslims,. or the Christians,. or anything of that nature. We are talking about the "bad" guys here. We are getting close to a world where war is unheard of, and is not needed. Sadly that day has not come yet. Should we give up the fight? Yes we have blood on our hands,.. but I feel this is not a bad thing. Rid the world of all the bad apples, and we got ourselves a good world where we can pursue what we choose.
The debate is with our goals for this war. If you want to look upon it for what it is,. then we are helping. You will soon see Bush is not that important. We will have a new president soon,. and guess what? We are not pulling out of Iraq. This is voted by the people. I would like to see us get out of there,. simply because it will come to a point were we are doing it alone. It is not the US's job to do this by ourselves. We need the world to rally behind us and do SOMETHING about the places in the world where we still have subjugation of people,.. without rights(and the all around blights on our world. This includes the poor and down countries that need our help,.. war is not always the answer of course) Yes I may be wanting to push my way on some people. This may be true, but I have no problem with any form of government. So long as those governments do not threaten my own. Was Iraq a threat to our way of life? There again is a great debate.