If you were President...

Reply Tue 4 Mar, 2008 01:35 am
Sabz5150;54161 wrote:
*They* (us) forgot nothing. It was not in *their* (our) best interests to install a democratic government. The government that was there in the first place was, guess what bro, democratically elected.

Again, isn't this one pooch we've already screwed?

looooolz didnot know that , its pretty hard to defend the US isnot it .
Reply Tue 4 Mar, 2008 06:35 am
politically-wrong;54170 wrote:
looooolz didnot know that , its pretty hard to defend the US isnot it .

And that is one of the things at the root of the world's dislike towards us. We're seen as warmongering conquers for lack of better words. Nobody likes that.

The world understood why we were opening a 55 gallon drum of whoopass on Afghanistan. Nobody ever disagreed on that. However when we pointed our guns at Iraq and started dishing out this shaky evidence, the world scratched it's collective head and went "Wha???" Our evidence turned out to be less than credible. Ask any nuclear physicist and they will tell you that the materials Saddam had could not be used to enrich uranium (I am referring to the 'tubes' and such). The 'mobile bio labs'... they turned out to be wheeled crop dusters. Looking at things other than the famous 'sixteen words' from the President's SoTU speech, hardly any of that was found. The bio and chemical weapons were so old and beyond their expiration date that they probably found a six pack of Crystal Pepsi hanging around there somewhere. Those weapons have a short shelf life, giving to the general belief that they're usually gonna be used shortly after they are made.

Don't get me wrong. I love my country, but damnit... we fucked up. We really did. The only thing we can do now is fix it the best we can, and learn from past mistakes.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Tue 4 Mar, 2008 10:28 am
Sabz5150;54178 wrote:
And that is one of the things at the root of the world's dislike towards us. We're seen as warmongering conquers for lack of better words. Nobody likes that.

The world understood why we were opening a 55 gallon drum of whoopass on Afghanistan. Nobody ever disagreed on that. However when we pointed our guns at Iraq and started dishing out this shaky evidence, the world scratched it's collective head and went "Wha???" Our evidence turned out to be less than credible. Ask any nuclear physicist and they will tell you that the materials Saddam had could not be used to enrich uranium (I am referring to the 'tubes' and such). The 'mobile bio labs'... they turned out to be wheeled crop dusters. Looking at things other than the famous 'sixteen words' from the President's SoTU speech, hardly any of that was found. The bio and chemical weapons were so old and beyond their expiration date that they probably found a six pack of Crystal Pepsi hanging around there somewhere. Those weapons have a short shelf life, giving to the general belief that they're usually gonna be used shortly after they are made.

Don't get me wrong. I love my country, but damnit... we ***ed up. We really did. The only thing we can do now is fix it the best we can, and learn from past mistakes.

Well said :thumbup: but when you say fix,do you mean stay in Iraq for how long exactly ?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Mar, 2008 05:01 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
We the baddest mofo's on the planet, period. Ain't asking for acceptance or forgiveness.
However when we pointed our guns at Iraq and started dishing out this shaky evidence,

So Sab, when did Iraq start for you? According to history, we aimed our guns at him when he invaded Kuwait. The shaky evidence was his troops standing in Kuwait
Our evidence turned out to be less than credible.
Didn't every bodys, and i do mean "everybodys"?
Ask any nuclear physicist and they will tell you that the materials Saddam had could not be used to enrich uranium
No ask that same physicist if what we did find, could kill people?
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2008 01:22 am
DiversityDriven;54201 wrote:
We the baddest mofo's on the planet, period. Ain't asking for acceptance or forgiveness.

So Sab, when did Iraq start for you? According to history, we aimed our guns at him when he invaded Kuwait. The shaky evidence was his troops standing in Kuwait
Didn't every bodys, and i do mean "everybodys"?No ask that same physicist if what we did find, could kill people?

countries that invade and occupy hardly care about acceptance and forgivenance ( pardon my spelling) .

when Iraq occupied Kuwait , the whole world stood against him , forces from almost every country joined in the attack , and after Kuwait was freed every body went home feeling they made the world just a little bit better , and they are right about that , what i dont understand is why are your guys still up there?!!

yes it can kill people , so are 9mm's , bathrooms , cars , airplanes , so on , whats ur point?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2008 06:34 am
DiversityDriven;54201 wrote:
We the baddest mofo's on the planet, period. Ain't asking for acceptance or forgiveness.

China might have something to say about that. A population that is larger than ours by an order of magnitude. A military not currently under strain (translation: being put to use). A growing number of vehicles, craft and weapons... including their nuclear arsenal (politically-wrong: THIS is where a lot of Russia's old nukes now reside.)

So Sab, when did Iraq start for you? According to history, we aimed our guns at him when he invaded Kuwait.

When we put him into power. Wow, imagine that.

The shaky evidence was his troops standing in Kuwait

When we went into Kuwait, we had the world's backing. Just like with Afghanistan, they understood fully well why we were cranking that can opener.

Didn't every bodys, and i do mean "everybodys"?

Several countries, hell even our own Intelligence groups said "Uhhhh, this aint such a good idea to be sayin'." but it somehow got pushed forward. Again, the "bio labs" and yellowcake thing got blown so out of proportion it was like a rumor that got circulated through a high school.

Which leads me to this...

No ask that same physicist if what we did find, could kill people?

Sure. Now here's the question that matters: could it kill *us*? Saddam had no capabilities to strike America. No nukes, no desire to build them. The weapons he had could barely damage a neighboring country. We already took his favorite playtoy from him... the SCUD.

I remember watching the news (I think it was FOX actually, just making it that much funnier) and they brought up a headline saying "Saddam unmanned drone aircraft found" or something like that. What they showed I will never forget through tears of laughter.

A wooden plane driven by something like a 3HP Briggs n Strat. Now, when I say wood... I mean looks like your first soapbox derby car wood. The stuff your dad let you build things with since it got warped from being outside in the rain type wood. Imagine one of those planes from the black and white Porky Pig cartoons... now beat the hell out of it with a hand sledge. There's your "unmanned drone". It was bad... I don't think the engine even started.

*THAT* is a threat to us? How is that level of technology even a remote threat to THIS country?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2008 09:00 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
When we put him into power.
When was this?
When we went into Kuwait, we had the world's backing. Just like with Afghanistan, they understood fully well why we were cranking that can opener.
Why do you need the worlds approval to act on your own behalf? We are a dominant country with the will to impose our military to secure our national interests worldwide. We need not ask anyones approval.
Again, the "bio labs" and yellowcake thing got blown so out of proportion it was like a rumor that got circulated through a high school.
Oh the Valerie Plame, the sercret agent who turned out to me a secretary who got her husband a gig in Niger to socialize in innuendo, come back to claim Cheney sent him, turn out it was his wife, and then there was that infamous report nobody saw? The shame having to recant he whole story in front of Congress of face prison, he soon fessed up.
On a side note. There are two things that come out of Niger that are exported. Camels and yellowcake. What do you think high Iraqi brass were there buying? The British report was never disproven? You know something nobody else does?
Saddam had no capabilities to strike America
No nukes,
Just because we didn't find any doesn't mean there were none there.
no desire to build them.
You're really reaching now.
*THAT* is a threat to us? How is that level of technology even a remote threat to THIS country?
So what do you call shooting at our planes in the no fly zone? He really liked observing that surrender agreement he signed did he. He wasn't much for the IAEA either. Those two things alone are reason enough to get your ass whupped again. And alas he did.
Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2008 09:33 pm
The world is definitely a better place without Scumbag Saddam Hussein. :thumbup:
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 01:20 am
Why do you need the worlds approval to act on your own behalf? We are a dominant country with the will to impose our military to secure our national interests worldwide. We need not ask anyones approval.

This is the mentality the braught 911 on the US.

So.Just because we didn't find any doesn't mean there were none there.

I can not believe you can say that , is that the basis on which you justify your countries actions in Iraq , may be there are nukes we just did not find them ??

So what do you call shooting at our planes in the no fly zone?

Those no fly Zones are parts of Iraqi land , just remember that .
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 06:05 am
DiversityDriven;54262 wrote:
When was this?

The Sixties. We didn't flat out install him, however it's no secret that we may have... "assisted".

Why do you need the worlds approval to act on your own behalf?

Ummm... being part of that world, it's usually a good idea to seek approval from it.

We are a dominant country with the will to impose our military to secure our national interests worldwide. We need not ask anyones approval.

Yet we force everyone else to get that same approval. Why? Because at that point, the USA be comes part of "the world" that aye's or nay's it. Then the shoe's on the other foot, isn't it?

China's a pretty goddamn dominant country, and ho-boy do they have the will to impose some military for their national interests. So... no approval needed for them? Cool! OOOOOH! RUSSIA!!! They're dominant! I guess Pootie-tang was in the clear when he started lining up missiles. I mean, they're protecting their interests worldwide. Military? Usually who uses missiles. Approval? Naah, let it ride!

Oh the Valerie Plame, the sercret agent who turned out to me a secretary who got her husband a gig in Niger to socialize in innuendo, come back to claim Cheney sent him, turn out it was his wife, and then there was that infamous report nobody saw? The shame having to recant he whole story in front of Congress of face prison, he soon fessed up.

Wow, hanging another hard right. When did Valerie come into this? More importantly, how does this change the evidence presented for the war? Does what happened when someone pissed off the good ol boys alter ANY of the evidence used to go to war in Iraq?

Regardless of what happened (links would be nice BTW), the evidence is unchanged. Fake bio labs and overblown WMD claims intact. Funny how you didn't even try to debate this, instead moving the goalposts.

On a side note. There are two things that come out of Niger that are exported. Camels and yellowcake. What do you think high Iraqi brass were there buying?

I'm gonna have to say... camels. There wasn't any yellowcake to be found, now was there? Whole shitload of camels in that part of town though.

The British report was never disproven? You know something nobody else does?

Is this a running trend on this side of the game??? Seriously, ALWAYS asking to "disprove" something, as if it were magically the truth once it was written. The British report was repeatedly shown to be false, as no yellowcake was ever purchased.


Then where was this great threat to America? Where's the mushroom cloud shaped smoking gun? Where are the weapons he was gonna use to attack our country?

Are you conceding that Iraq was not a threat to this country?

Just because we didn't find any doesn't mean there were none there.

Really, now? That's hilarious! Belief in nonexistent things seems to be a running trend too. How odd.

A cop pulls you over on the suspicion that you are moving a few bricks of weed. He then proceeds to search your car and trunk, only to find nothing. He arrests you on possession with intent, basing his arrest on a phone call three and a half years ago that sounded like you were trying to score a bag from your buddy Jake. You tell him you never bought weed, never had any in your trunk.

His response: "Just because we didn't find any doesn't mean there were none there."

I guess you'd smile and say the system works, right?

You're really reaching now.

Just because we didn't find any doesn't mean there were none there.

Just because we didn't find any doesn't mean there were none there.

Just because we didn't find any doesn't mean there were none there.

Who's reaching?

So what do you call shooting at our planes in the no fly zone?

Conflict. Isn't that what we call it when we fire at an enemy without going to war?

He really liked observing that surrender agreement he signed did he. He wasn't much for the IAEA either. Those two things alone are reason enough to get your ass whupped again. And alas he did.

Again, moving the goalposts. What threat was he to *THIS* country right here. What attacks could he have made on this chunk of land sticking out of the water?
scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2008 10:10 am
Pinochet73;54263 wrote:
The world is definitely a better place without Scumbag Saddam Hussein. :thumbup:

Maybe so pino,but why did the US help put him in power in the ist place and back him when he invaded Iran ? they even continued to back him after the massacre of the kurds brought up at Saddams trial.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 11:34 pm
Sabz5150;54275 wrote:
The Sixties. We didn't flat out install him, however it's no secret that we may have... "assisted".

Ummm... being part of that world, it's usually a good idea to seek approval from it.

Yet we force everyone else to get that same approval. Why? Because at that point, the USA be comes part of "the world" that aye's or nay's it. Then the shoe's on the other foot, isn't it?

China's a pretty *** dominant country, and ho-boy do they have the will to impose some military for their national interests. So... no approval needed for them? Cool! OOOOOH! RUSSIA!!! They're dominant! I guess Pootie-tang was in the clear when he started lining up missiles. I mean, they're protecting their interests worldwide. Military? Usually who uses missiles. Approval? Naah, let it ride!

Wow, hanging another hard right. When did Valerie come into this? More importantly, how does this change the evidence presented for the war? Does what happened when someone pissed off the good ol boys alter ANY of the evidence used to go to war in Iraq?

Regardless of what happened (links would be nice BTW), the evidence is unchanged. Fake bio labs and overblown WMD claims intact. Funny how you didn't even try to debate this, instead moving the goalposts.

I'm gonna have to say... camels. There wasn't any yellowcake to be found, now was there? Whole ****load of camels in that part of town though.

Is this a running trend on this side of the game??? Seriously, ALWAYS asking to "disprove" something, as if it were magically the truth once it was written. The British report was repeatedly shown to be false, as no yellowcake was ever purchased.

Then where was this great threat to America? Where's the mushroom cloud shaped smoking gun? Where are the weapons he was gonna use to attack our country?

Are you conceding that Iraq was not a threat to this country?

Really, now? That's hilarious! Belief in nonexistent things seems to be a running trend too. How odd.

A cop pulls you over on the suspicion that you are moving a few bricks of weed. He then proceeds to search your car and trunk, only to find nothing. He arrests you on possession with intent, basing his arrest on a phone call three and a half years ago that sounded like you were trying to score a bag from your buddy Jake. You tell him you never bought weed, never had any in your trunk.

His response: "Just because we didn't find any doesn't mean there were none there."

I guess you'd smile and say the system works, right?

Just because we didn't find any doesn't mean there were none there.

Just because we didn't find any doesn't mean there were none there.

Just because we didn't find any doesn't mean there were none there.

Who's reaching?

Conflict. Isn't that what we call it when we fire at an enemy without going to war?

Again, moving the goalposts. What threat was he to *THIS* country right here. What attacks could he have made on this chunk of land sticking out of the water?
The Sixties. We didn't flat out install him, however it's no secret that we may have... "assisted".
Now the story changes, are you trying to deceive?
Ummm... being part of that world, it's usually a good idea to seek approval from it.
Why? We answer to no one.
Yet we force everyone else to get that same approval. Why? Because at that point, the USA be comes part of "the world" that aye's or nay's it. Then the shoe's on the other foot, isn't it?
Do you expect something else in a game of chance?
China's a pretty *** dominant country, and ho-boy do they have the will to impose some military for their national interests. So... no approval needed for them? Cool! OOOOOH! RUSSIA!!! They're dominant! I guess Pootie-tang was in the clear when he started lining up missiles. I mean, they're protecting their interests worldwide. Military? Usually who uses missiles. Approval? Naah, let it ride!
Fuckin A.
Wow, hanging another hard right. When did Valerie come into this?

"and yellowcake thing got blown so out of proportion it was like a rumor that got circulated through a high school. "

You write this? What were you talkin about?
Regardless of what happened (links would be nice BTW),
I request the same.

I'm gonna have to say... camels. There wasn't any yellowcake to be found, now was there?
So because you didn't find it, does it mean it wasn't there?
Is this a running trend on this side of the game??? Seriously, ALWAYS asking to "disprove" something, as if it were magically the truth once it was written. The British report was repeatedly shown to be false, as no yellowcake was ever purchased.
Can you prove that, LOL.
A cop pulls you over on the suspicion that you are moving a few bricks of weed.
I don't think a regular cop can do that. Maybe a detective.
He arrests you on possession with intent,
He arrests you on possession with intent,
Conflict. Isn't that what we call it when we fire at an enemy without going to war?
Even after you sign a ceasefire?
Again, moving the goalposts. What threat was he to *THIS* country right here. What attacks could he have made on this chunk of land sticking out of the water?
None. Was he a threat to our interests? ( A hush comes over the crowd)
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 07:38 pm
DiversityDriven;54322 wrote:
Why? We answer to no one.

So Iran and cuba have to answer to the U.N. and we don't? So Iraq has to answer to us and we have to answer to nobody?

Being a bit hypocritical are we?

I'm pretty sure Iraq felt that didn't have to answer to anybody when they invaded Kuwait...
Reply Sun 9 Mar, 2008 07:05 pm
Sabz5150;54178 wrote:
And that is one of the things at the root of the world's dislike towards us. We're seen as warmongering conquers for lack of better words. Nobody likes that.

The world understood why we were opening a 55 gallon drum of whoopass on Afghanistan. Nobody ever disagreed on that. However when we pointed our guns at Iraq and started dishing out this shaky evidence, the world scratched it's collective head and went "Wha???" Our evidence turned out to be less than credible. Ask any nuclear physicist and they will tell you that the materials Saddam had could not be used to enrich uranium (I am referring to the 'tubes' and such). The 'mobile bio labs'... they turned out to be wheeled crop dusters. Looking at things other than the famous 'sixteen words' from the President's SoTU speech, hardly any of that was found. The bio and chemical weapons were so old and beyond their expiration date that they probably found a six pack of Crystal Pepsi hanging around there somewhere. Those weapons have a short shelf life, giving to the general belief that they're usually gonna be used shortly after they are made.

Don't get me wrong. I love my country, but damnit... we ***ed up. We really did. The only thing we can do now is fix it the best we can, and learn from past mistakes.

Tough crap. We're doing the Free World's dirty work. Our critics can kiss off.
Reply Sun 9 Mar, 2008 07:06 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;54345 wrote:
So Iran and cuba have to answer to the U.N. and we don't? So Iraq has to answer to us and we have to answer to nobody?

Being a bit hypocritical are we?

I'm pretty sure Iraq felt that didn't have to answer to anybody when they invaded Kuwait...

You damned straight, Hondo.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 9 Mar, 2008 07:29 pm
Pinochet73;54362 wrote:
Tough crap. We're doing the Free World's dirty work. Our critics can kiss off.

Who asked us to do their "dirty work"?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 9 Mar, 2008 07:33 pm
Pinochet73;54363 wrote:
You damned straight, Hondo.

Those who are hypocritical and know full well they are hypocrites deserve less than the very people they persecute.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Mar, 2008 04:47 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;54367 wrote:
Who asked us to do their "dirty work"?

Should good people 'wait' to be asked to do the right thing? If your log cabin catches on fire with you inside it, should we 'wait' for to you ask us to save you?
Reply Mon 10 Mar, 2008 06:19 pm
politically-wrong;54271 wrote:
This is the mentality the braught 911 on the US.

I can not believe you can say that , is that the basis on which you justify your countries actions in Iraq , may be there are nukes we just did not find them ??

Those no fly Zones are parts of Iraqi land , just remember that .
This is the mentality the braught 911 on the US.
That's your opinion. IMO your thought is flawed.\

I can not believe you can say that , is that the basis on which you justify your countries actions in Iraq
That is one of the many reasons we had. Do you not agree?
may be there are nukes we just did not find them ??
From your own mouth, can you say, at the time Saddam didn't have one?
Those no fly Zones are parts of Iraqi land , just remember that
Who cares, Saddam signed a ceasefire. Of which he violated. What opposing country would not try to enforce it own agreed rule? When did Iraq start for you?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Mar, 2008 06:30 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;54345 wrote:
So Iran and cuba have to answer to the U.N. and we don't? So Iraq has to answer to us and we have to answer to nobody?

Being a bit hypocritical are we?

I'm pretty sure Iraq felt that didn't have to answer to anybody when they invaded Kuwait...

So Iran and cuba have to answer to the U.N. and we don't?

When don't we?
So Iraq has to answer to us and we have to answer to nobody?
If we have a signed agreement on there part, YES!
Being a bit hypocritical are we?
Not yet, but you on the other hand.
I'm pretty sure Iraq felt that didn't have to answer to anybody when they invaded Kuwait...
Pretty stupid on there part huh?
0 Replies

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