* Increase spending on technology and research by one or two orders of magnitude, if not more.
* Eliminate so-called "faith-based initiatives" outright. This funding instead goes straight to law enforcement and education.
* Eliminate No Child Left Behind and increase teacher pay.
* Murderers go straight to the electric chair. Express lane style. We will waste no time with you. Rapists, abusers, pedophiles, molesters and other violent criminals get ONE reprieve. Violate again and you're in the express lane. Money saved by not housing these people goes straight into law enforcement and education.
* Legalize marijuana and put it under the same category as alcohol. Taxes and such from sales will be pumped directly into law enforcement and education.
* Focus on RENEWABLE energy sources.
* Get all of our nuclear reactors online at max efficiency.
* Increase research and development on sustainable fusion power.
* Get things moving on replacing the Space Shuttle.
* Eliminate RealID.
* Enforce gun registration (not restriction) and require education on firearms and rifles.
* Outlaw lobbying. This isn't ******* NASCAR.
* Warrantless wiretapping ends. If you need to tap a line quick, the law allows you to do so, but you MUST obtain a legal warrant thereafter. If a warrant is not issued for *ANY* reason, none of the information acquired can be used for any reason whatsoever. Also under the same circumstance, the suspect shall be informed of the wiretap and will have the choice of taking the information for themselves or having it destroyed with ZERO copies made. The reason for the wiretap shall be disclosed. This includes voice *AND* data communications of ALL forms.
* Relinquish control of the TLD servers.
* If you are in this country illegally, you are booted. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Anything you have purchased or any money you have made while in this country illegally will be confiscated and used to pay for your trip home. Amnesty? Yeah, right... if you wanna come back here and do it right, we'll welcome you with open arms.
* Corporations found to be hiring illegals will be fined HEAVILY. Corporations *knowingly* hiring illegals are fined even heavier and/or lose their corporate status instantly.
* Iraq. Two choices. (1) We get the hell out and say screw that part of the world. (2) We do a REAL surge (think Normandy) and wipe the insurgency out with extreme prejudice. Then we get the hell out and say screw that part of the world.
* Continue to dismantle our nuclear arms. Somebody's gotta start doing it and if we want to be the planet's role model, it has to be us.
* Torture... excuse me, "Enhanced interrogation" ends. Again, we're the role model. If you don't think people should gripe about waterboarding, then you shouldn't gripe about what methods "they" use. Anything else is hypocrisy.
* Reduce our military presence around the world. Use these forces locally to enforce the borders and coastlines.
* Levy a tax upon corporations that outsource. If you're sneaking from Uncle Sam's stash, don't be surprised when he sticks his hand in your pocket. Don't like it? Give those jobs to Americans. Exceptions are granted for partnerships with international corporations who bring jobs to America.
Well... that's a start. Vote for me!