@Fatal Freedoms,
If I were president:
Phase out social security, so that the generation in highschool now will never see a dime, yet has plenty of time to save for their retirement. Introduce tax-free savings, both as pre-tax deductions, and no-tax to cash in at 55+ to encourage saving.
Ban capital gains taxes, income taxes.
Raise excise taxes and import taxes to promote purchase of american goods and to keep more Mfg. jobs here. Encourage companies that do huge imports to us to follow in toyota and honda's foot steps, and actually assemble their foreign goods on domestic soil, thus employing american workers, but with technology and build quiality that doesn't suck like gm/ford/chrysler. (sorry).
Limit welfare, food stamps, other stipends to a maximum of 6 months for able-bodied persons; with this, make day care affordable/subsidized so single moms can work.
Change the method of 'appointments' to that of popular elections for Justices, certain cabinet, etc.
leave iraq/other occupied countries; reform 'us embassies' and their purpose in other countries, or remove completely. This should be a UN/Nato/WTO thing.
raise the speed limit 15mph
Mandate that every interstate highway must be at 3 lanes wide in and out for 5 miles in either direction for areas passing through cities of more than 10,000 people.
reform the federal reserve.
reform the irs
reward those who work hard in life, not those who do nothing.
fire 60% of the public education teachers. My sister is a teacher, and she's a dumbass. There's no way kids are learning from her. I'd fire her. She's not qualified for anything over kindergarten.
Drop no child left behind. Convert to every dumbass stays back until they aren't a dumbass anymore by trying. If you can't read See Spot Run, you shouldn't be in 7th grade. Change legal drop out age to 21 instead of 18.
install more hydro electric power stations on smaller rivers without damming them. Anything on the river could get a little water wheel to power their house with.
install more windmills in tornado alley.
require emission standards for trucks/diesels
declare it unconstitutional for states to ban the right to carry, and anything else in the constitution. State's should not have the power to over-ride federal mandates. Repeal funding of roads, seats in the house, etc if they don't comply.
along the same lines, dissolve the FCC. freedom of speech FTW. Introduce things like the netnanny for tv by rating to keep kids off certain radio stations if parents don't want them to listen to it. Same thing for tv. i'm tired of watching movies on TNT and having half the dialog missing because its bleeped out.
spend stupid amounts of money on hydrogen research.
i can go on for hours, but that's the gist of it