The Lack Of Healthcare Coverage

Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 02:26 pm
Freeman15;36169 wrote:
Comparing a socialist system to a socialist country loses an argument? Huh?


the USSR, and RSSR in particular had universal housing in cheap apartments for almost no rent, homelessness wasn't an issue in most parts of the RSSR. However, you needed government approval to move to another city, since housing was allocated by population. The same thing will happen with socialized medicine, the government will dictate aspects of your health just like the USSR dictated aspects of housing, it's an apt analogy.

My family came to this country in 1923 from Norway with very little, and even today we're not exceedingly wealthy, so piss off. Who are you to demean my family's status simply because they chose to work like dogs to become successful? You have provided ZERO economic evidence supporting the idea that socialized medicine can be sustained, and you have ZERO evidence that health care quality is on par with competitive systems. You base your claims, like most of the ideological far left, on theory and conjecture, with a little bit of emotion just to stir the pot.

The billions we're spending in Iraq come from two sources:

1. Overseas loans
2. The Federal Reserve System.

Overseas lenders, mainly the PRC, now have leverage over our nation, as we can't renig on our debts since our money is based on credit. Skip the debt, and your money is worthless.

The Congress, when in need, takes out loans from the privately owned Federal Reserve at interest and pays for government expenditures. This loan cannot be paid down because all of the government's money comes from the FED, and so only interest can be paid, which is derived from the US federal income tax (the income tax SOLELY pays interest on the national debt). Your idea is ECONOMICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Show me SOME evidence to the contrary.

Ending the ungodly war in Iraq would more than supply the funding for a national healthcare system, with funds left over.
If we go by your position, who executes a war they cannot afford, except on credit, and loans.....are you crazy? You have no evidence supporting your position...so why you all up on me?
And who are you? Like yours is the only family that worked like dogs..your implication is that blacks do not, as a rule...my grandfather, one generation from slavery, worked as a fireman on the Union Pacific Railroad, for years, despite Jim Crow, put all 9 of his surviving children through college...one became a doctor, whose two daughters because successful entertainers in show business, known world-wide... ...but that's not the point!
The point is that it is a fact that success has been much more difficult for persons of color to achieve, simply by the unspoken reality of "white privilege"...And one of the hallmarks of "white privilege" is arrogance and a sense of entitlement based, solely on "skin color" (or country of origin)....you have more than proved my point.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 02:56 pm
aaronssongs;36209 wrote:

The point is that it is a fact that success has been much more difficult for persons of color to achieve, simply by the unspoken reality of "white privilege"...And one of the hallmarks of "white privilege" is arrogance and a sense of entitlement based, solely on "skin color" (or country of origin)....you have more than proved my point.

Right, so lets base entitlements on class system, good plan, till everyone figures out you can get something for nothing and no one produces anything anymore.

Ending the ungodly war in Iraq would more than supply the funding for a national healthcare system, with funds left over.

Yea, instead of giving our money to Iraq, we should give it to the "gimme free stuff because I'd rather leech off the system than work" crowd. Not, how about we give it back to ourselves, or better yet, not have it taken in the first place, then we can put that money back into our economy, and perpetuate a system that can sustain itself.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 03:08 pm
aaronssongs;36209 wrote:
Ending the ungodly war in Iraq would more than supply the funding for a national healthcare system, with funds left over.
If we go by your position, who executes a war they cannot afford, except on credit, and loans.....are you crazy? You have no evidence supporting your position...so why you all up on me?
And who are you? Like yours is the only family that worked like dogs..your implication is that blacks do not, as a rule...my grandfather, one generation from slavery, worked as a fireman on the Union Pacific Railroad, for years, despite Jim Crow, put all 9 of his surviving children through college...one became a doctor, whose two daughters because successful entertainers in show business, known world-wide... ...but that's not the point!
The point is that it is a fact that success has been much more difficult for persons of color to achieve, simply by the unspoken reality of "white privilege"...And one of the hallmarks of "white privilege" is arrogance and a sense of entitlement based, solely on "skin color" (or country of origin)....you have more than proved my point.

I don't think you read it right. Thirty years, without adding any new programs AND totally eliminating the pentagon, and we're broke. The US Comptroller General told us that (he's Congress' accountant). Universal health care will only hasten our demise.

I didn't mention blacks, I mentioned my family because you took a demeaning tone towards my example of my father nearly dying. Then you run out this banner of implied racism and "entitlement", when I believe I have made myself clear in the fact that I oppose entitlement spending as a whole. You're just throwing out debunked far-left talking points and not making any sense.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 05:29 pm
Nationalized healthcare would bankrupt America. Imagine the malpractive lawsuit factor alone.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 05:32 pm
Then you run out this banner of implied racism and "entitlement
Aaron, implied racism, entitlement, well i never!! LOL.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 05:32 pm
Pinochet73;36236 wrote:
Nationalized healthcare would bankrupt America. Imagine the malpractive lawsuit factor alone.

Nice to see you back Pino.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 07:30 pm
92b16vx;36214 wrote:
Right, so lets base entitlements on class system, good plan, till everyone figures out you can get something for nothing and no one produces anything anymore.

Yea, instead of giving our money to Iraq, we should give it to the "gimme free stuff because I'd rather leech off the system than work" crowd. Not, how about we give it back to ourselves, or better yet, not have it taken in the first place, then we can put that money back into our economy, and perpetuate a system that can sustain itself.

What a delightful attitude...I'd love for you to say such before an assembly of elderly grandmas and grandpas, or a roomful of minority cancer patients, or inner city children...or (lets hit closer to home) some poor white communities of Appalachia or W. Virginia...the fact remains that there is an "underclass" which cannot sustain itself "without assistance"....or perhaps we should just let them rot.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 07:51 pm
Freeman15;36218 wrote:
I don't think you read it right. Thirty years, without adding any new programs AND totally eliminating the pentagon, and we're broke. The US Comptroller General told us that (he's Congress' accountant). Universal health care will only hasten our demise.

And I call that right wing spin: the sky is gonna fall, the sky is gonna fall...chicken little, run, 'cuz the sky is gonna fall...more scare tactics

I didn't mention blacks, I mentioned my family because you took a demeaning tone towards my example of my father nearly dying. Then you run out this banner of implied racism and "entitlement", when I believe I have made myself clear in the fact that I oppose entitlement spending as a whole. You're just throwing out debunked far-left talking points and not making any sense.

Well, you mentioned your country of origin (Norway, need I remind you), as if it were important....I could have easily listed my forebears who slaved and built this country up from its' meager beginnings, and although promised the proverbial "40 acres and a mule", failed to be included in the realization of the American Dream, for darn near a century, and only after much protest, gnashing of teeth, lynchings, and spilling of black blood, were we allowed to sit anywhere on a bus, after a hard day's work, or eat in a restaurant, at any table, without having to come in by the back door, or worship and the church of our choosing, or attend any public school, and on and on, and on...
I could have mentioned all that and more, but you had to bring up Norway, as if that entitled you more than I. And you mentioned your father as a reference of importance, as if I couldn't mention my mother as mine. You see, I don't distinguish people by country or race, or creed or class, or religion...my mother (God rest her) taught me better...she taught me to judge people by their hearts, which allows me to sympathize with the plight of your father, which you chose to use as "a tool", to legitimize your position.
Well, I favor "entitlement spending", in case there was any question, for those who cannot do for themselves, not for the 'able-bodied", in case you were wondering. And my "talking points", aren't any less than yours.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 07:52 pm
aaronssongs;36282 wrote:
What a delightful attitude...I'd love for you to say such before an assembly of elderly grandmas and grandpas, or a roomful of minority cancer patients, or inner city children...or (lets hit closer to home) some poor white communities of Appalachia or W. Virginia...the fact remains that there is an "underclass" which cannot sustain itself "without assistance"....or perhaps we should just let them rot.

Pisspoor planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on mine.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 07:55 pm
Drnaline;36239 wrote:
Aaron, implied racism, entitlement, well i never!! LOL.

Drinny, you're back! Where ya been? I've been at a loss, not being able to correct someone's spelling. LOL.
Indeed, "racism" and "entitlement"...one , always bad.....the other, case by case. Understand?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 07:56 pm
92b16vx;36287 wrote:
Pisspoor planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on mine.

The compassion is overwhelming....I'm sure your grandparents are proud.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 08:54 pm
aaronssongs;36286 wrote:
Well, you mentioned your country of origin (Norway, need I remind you), as if it were important....I could have easily listed my forebears who slaved and built this country up from its' meager beginnings, and although promised the proverbial "40 acres and a mule", failed to be included in the realization of the American Dream, for darn near a century, and only after much protest, gnashing of teeth, lynchings, and spilling of black blood, were we allowed to sit anywhere on a bus, after a hard day's work, or eat in a restaurant, at any table, without having to come in by the back door, or worship and the church of our choosing, or attend any public school, and on and on, and on...
I could have mentioned all that and more, but you had to bring up Norway, as if that entitled you more than I. And you mentioned your father as a reference of importance, as if I couldn't mention my mother as mine. You see, I don't distinguish people by country or race, or creed or class, or religion...my mother (God rest her) taught me better...she taught me to judge people by their hearts, which allows me to sympathize with the plight of your father, which you chose to use as "a tool", to legitimize your position.
Well, I favor "entitlement spending", in case there was any question, for those who cannot do for themselves, not for the 'able-bodied", in case you were wondering. And my "talking points", aren't any less than yours.

I mentioned Norway because that's where they came from, didn't really put a whole lot of thought into it, so your black rage is concerning.

So you favor taking somebody else's property and giving it to somebody else. You support theft. Glad we cleared that up.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 09:19 pm
aaronssongs;36289 wrote:
The compassion is overwhelming....I'm sure your grandparents are proud.

When they were alive they were. Your emotional dribble doesn't make your case. Put up some numbers that are going to make those that work want to redistribute their earnings to those that don't.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 09:27 pm
Freeman15;36294 wrote:
I mentioned Norway because that's where they came from, didn't really put a whole lot of thought into it, so your black rage is concerning.

So you favor taking somebody else's property and giving it to somebody else. You support theft. Glad we cleared that up.

Oh, you didn't need to qualify...one could easily see you "didn't really put a whole lot of thought into it"...
And you're not fit to put words into my mouth...I speak well enough, for myself, as anyone can see. I support charity, and compassion, and love....virtues, obviously missing in folks who hail from Norway...it's so cold up there, big surprise.
Theft? Of whose money? Taxpayers, of which I am one? Since I paid into the system, I have a sayso, how that money is spent....I don't want it going for a war I didn't sign onto....I don't want it going to corporations that are solely interested in profit, and could care less about their employees, hence, the reason why I'm "pro-labor". I don't want the wealthy to be able to circumvent paying their fair share because of smarmy shyster lawyers who are able to use loopholes to aid and abet.
Theft, indeed! Now, we clear.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 09:41 pm
aaronssongs;36300 wrote:
Theft? Of whose money? Taxpayers, of which I am one? Since I paid into the system, I have a sayso, how that money is spent....I don't want it going for a war I didn't sign onto....I don't want it going to corporations that are solely interested in profit, and could care less about their employees, hence, the reason why I'm "pro-labor". I don't want the wealthy to be able to circumvent paying their fair share because of smarmy shyster lawyers who are able to use loopholes to aid and abet.
Theft, indeed! Now, we clear.

Guess what, you will get all of that under the socialization of America. You think it's bad now? Wait till you give the gubermint the power to control even the very medicine you use. I guess this is what all the Reich wingers mean when they whine about the "hard" left wanting to destroy America.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 10:47 pm
aaronssongs;36300 wrote:
I don't want the wealthy to be able to circumvent paying their fair share

define fair share.

many would look to me as being "wealthy" but the fact is, i'm far from it. I'm comfortable.

I already pay MY FAIR SHARE on my paycheck every week.
and i have been paying into it since i was about 21 (when i got off my parents and got on my own after college).

i've seen a doctor once since then, and it was for an ER trip when i got seriously sunburned (2nd and 3rd degree burns all over my white back. lol)
my visit totalled about 1500 bucks for him to prescribe me some special burn ointment cream.

so, take my 100 a month that I pay out of pocket, times 12 months, times 7 years, and i'm at 8400 bucks for a 1500 expense.

and thats the insurance I take against myself.

later on in life, i surely will need it more often (prostate exams!! EEEK!!!) and when all is done and i'm dead, the goal from the corporate point of view is to break even, or come out with the company ahead of what the policy holder has put in, plus interest on their investments.

I have NO pity for people in "bad areas" or places where theres "no jobs".

if it sucks, GTFO. nothing is holding you to that area if it sucks.

look at Detroit. everyone left, because it sucks. everything is abandonded and factories have moved on. the people should have to. What holds someone to such a place is beyond me.

it takes only a couple hundred bucks to drive pretty much anywhere in the lower 48 in fuel or a train ticket.

with the internet (available at a library if you can't get it at home) you can scout a place to live before you even leave. furthermore, you can scout a job, and do phone interviews all ahead of time too.

At the end of the day, its the lazy who get "stuck" because they aren't willing to get off their ass and better themselves.

it's not my fault you blew off school and can't read.
and now it's not my fault that you have no healthcare.
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 12:10 am
briansol;36306 wrote:
define fair share.

many would look to me as being "wealthy" but the fact is, i'm far from it. I'm comfortable.

I already pay MY FAIR SHARE on my paycheck every week.
and i have been paying into it since i was about 21 (when i got off my parents and got on my own after college).

i've seen a doctor once since then, and it was for an ER trip when i got seriously sunburned (2nd and 3rd degree burns all over my white back. lol)
my visit totalled about 1500 bucks for him to prescribe me some special burn ointment cream.

so, take my 100 a month that I pay out of pocket, times 12 months, times 7 years, and i'm at 8400 bucks for a 1500 expense.

and thats the insurance I take against myself.

later on in life, i surely will need it more often (prostate exams!! EEEK!!!) and when all is done and i'm dead, the goal from the corporate point of view is to break even, or come out with the company ahead of what the policy holder has put in, plus interest on their investments.

I have NO pity for people in "bad areas" or places where theres "no jobs".

if it sucks, GTFO. nothing is holding you to that area if it sucks.

look at Detroit. everyone left, because it sucks. everything is abandonded and factories have moved on. the people should have to. What holds someone to such a place is beyond me.

it takes only a couple hundred bucks to drive pretty much anywhere in the lower 48 in fuel or a train ticket.

with the internet (available at a library if you can't get it at home) you can scout a place to live before you even leave. furthermore, you can scout a job, and do phone interviews all ahead of time too.

At the end of the day, its the lazy who get "stuck" because they aren't willing to get off their ass and better themselves.

it's not my fault you blew off school and can't read.
and now it's not my fault that you have no healthcare.

Tell that to a child or an elderly person, or someone terminally ill.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 06:23 am
Why WOULD anyone want to help those less fortunate.

That might be something their JESUS would do.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 07:26 am
Why would any one want to help anyone who won't helpthemselves?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Sep, 2007 07:28 am

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