The Lack Of Healthcare Coverage

Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 07:34 am
Sure. Shut down a post with "conflicting views."

Hear no evil. See no evil. Speak no evil.

Fortunately, the opinions of management are what REALLY matters and they seem to be mature enough to tolerate CONFLICTING VIEWS.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 07:38 am
92b16vx;34718 wrote:
Healthcare is not a right, sorry.

Simply based on your own statement

MY OPINION, and thats what I'm stating here is, that it should be.


Why should I have to give up more of my already meger paycheck, to help pay someone elses healthcare when I can barely pay my own? And if one day I have millions through my hard work, why should I have to give more of it to pay for someone that didn't want to provide for themself? I shouldn't, and don't have to. The redistibution of wealth is theft, even if it's for a "good cause".

Now here is where I get complicated. I don't like the present system where my money goes to foreign aid either. Republicans want to take my money and give it to third world despots, democrats want to take my money and give it to the poor, Both parties want to steal, same agenda, different ends, though if my money is going to be stolen from me, I'd rather have it go to Americans than Iraqis, but I'd rather not have it stolen in the first place, hence why I am voting for Ron Paul.

I understand what you're saying. I personally would rather see MY money go to support AMERICAN'S in THIS country.
crackface mcgee
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 08:01 am
FedUpAmerican;34720 wrote:
Sure. Shut down a post with "conflicting views."

Hear no evil. See no evil. Speak no evil.

Fortunately, the opinions of management are what REALLY matters and they seem to be mature enough to tolerate CONFLICTING VIEWS.

Finally, in your last post, you provided a friggin' view (telling us where you want your money to go). That part of what I am trying to understand, but it's like pulling teeth.

Now....is there a point you are trying to make about Texas specifically? Are you advocating for Texas state taxes to foot the bill for residents (legal and illegal or just legal?) in this particular state? What is your proposed solution for Texas?

Still, there is too much guesswork required to understand your view or the point of your post. Once we understand the point you are trying to make, then a rigorous debate can ensue.

So please....let's hear it!
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 08:34 am
FedUpAmerican;34722 wrote:
I understand what you're saying. I personally would rather see MY money go to support AMERICAN'S in THIS country.

Me too, but I would prefer to not have my money taken in the first place.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 09:43 am
@crackface mcgee,
crackface_mcgee;34726 wrote:
Finally, in your last post, you provided a friggin' view (telling us where you want your money to go). That part of what I am trying to understand, but it's like pulling teeth.

Now....is there a point you are trying to make about Texas specifically? Are you advocating for Texas state taxes to foot the bill for residents (legal and illegal or just legal?) in this particular state? What is your proposed solution for Texas?

Still, there is too much guesswork required to understand your view or the point of your post. Once we understand the point you are trying to make, then a rigorous debate can ensue.

So please....let's hear it!

Seeing that I'm from Chicago I don't have a proposal for Texas. Like I previously stated, I thought the article was interesting. If it was a different state I would have posted it too.

To fully understand takes comprehension skills. I'm sorry that I can't make the thread any clearer for you. I stated my position and if it requires "guesswork" to understand it, I apologize for that too, but that's entirely on you.

What more do you want??? :dunno:
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 09:45 am
92b16vx;34731 wrote:
Me too, but I would prefer to not have my money taken in the first place.

That's called taxes. A subject for another debate.

I will gladly pay my FAIR SHARE. But I guess what's fair is for yet another debate too.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 10:08 am
FedUpAmerican;34699 wrote:
Ummmmm.....I don't recall claiming it ever was. Just because I put my name on it???

C'mon, are your minds really so small? Quoting a quote is all it was.

But at least YOU went on with an intelligent, but disagreed with, topical post.

Much obliged.

Whatever, you clearly were trying to take credit for it, when I quote Dr MLK, THomas Jefferson I don't put my name behind it
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 10:17 am
FedUpAmerican;34699 wrote:
Ummmmm.....I don't recall claiming it ever was. Just because I put my name on it???

C'mon, are your minds really so small? Quoting a quote is all it was.

But at least YOU went on with an intelligent, but disagreed with, topical post.

Much obliged.
Ummmmm.....I don't recall claiming it ever was. Just because I put my name on it???
Well, if you put your name/handle on it after, you are implying it originated from you. If you did not coin the term you are misleading intentionally.
C'mon, are your minds really so small? Quoting a quote is all it was.
If that's the case, why try and pass it off as your own? Very telling.
But at least YOU went on with an intelligent, but disagreed with, topical post.
How do you expect us to trust anything you say now? Plagiarism is frowned on in most circles.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 10:30 am
Silverchild79;34745 wrote:
Whatever, you clearly were trying to take credit for it, when I quote Dr MLK, THomas Jefferson I don't put my name behind it

Who IS the original author then???
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 11:08 am
Silverchild79;34653 wrote:

That signature isn't even close to original

now to your post

It is absolutely repulsive to ask a working class man to pay out more in Texas to insure others before he even insures his own family. Government health care will be a crippling blow to Americas middle class, raise the poverty line, and lower the standard of care in America in general. I had a GF that was a Nurse when I lived in the UK, all she could talk about is how terrible government health care was.

In this country you pay your own way, and that includes insurance, my god what's next? Government Groceries?

Already exists for welfare people on wic. I say social insurance for all people who work.
The people who want to use our generousity should go somewhere else or make all welfare recipients work in some way to justify the state money and medicaid they get.
Alot of working people with no insurance just simply don't go to a Dr. until it is an emergency. While the people on medicaid go for free anytime they choose. That is social medicine but discriminatory, only if your a lazy good for nothing breeder of the same will you be covered.
That is piss poor!:no:
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 11:09 am
FedUpAmerican;34748 wrote:
Who IS the original author then???

Sounds like George Carlin, but I don't know.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 11:50 am
tvsej;34754 wrote:
Already exists for welfare people on wic. I say social insurance for all people who work.
The people who want to use our generousity should go somewhere else or make all welfare recipients work in some way to justify the state money and medicaid they get.
Alot of working people with no insurance just simply don't go to a Dr. until it is an emergency. While the people on medicaid go for free anytime they choose. That is social medicine but discriminatory, only if your a lazy good for nothing breeder of the same will you be covered.
That is piss poor!:no:

I think in Wisconsin, if you're on welfare they have jobs available to you to help defray the cost of the benefits they give you.
0 Replies
crackface mcgee
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 11:55 am
FedUpAmerican;34735 wrote:
To fully understand takes comprehension skills. I'm sorry that I can't make the thread any clearer for you. I stated my position and if it requires "guesswork" to understand it, I apologize for that too, but that's entirely on you.

Yes, FUA, your position was clear from the start. Your original post was so opinion-laden I just didn't know where to start. Dude, do you forget that all readers can go back and review the thread to see how difficult it was to get you to state your position?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 12:11 pm
I believe it was quite clear. Is there a problem with "opinion-laden" posts???

Everyone else seems to be expressing their opinions.

BTW, I STILL haven't seen YOURS.

What is your stance on universal healthcare?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 12:23 pm
I can't really see what the big deal is about Texas having a lack health care coverage. It's caused by a large percentage of illegals, right? Well, it's my experience that they don't need coverage. They get a toothache they go to the dentist and medicare or something similar takes care of it. They get prego, they go and have the kid and someone else pays for it. They get sick they go to the emergency room and it's paid for. What's the problem??? Why would they need healthcare coverage? That implies that you would have to make some kind of payment for it.

Healthcare is always provided for the "poor and needy" whether they drive up in a new Cadillac Escalade and wear $90 jeans or not. They get wic, subsidized housing, day care allowances, food stamps, and yes, healthcare!

And do not give me the crap that they work and pay taxes just like everyone else. They don't. I know because I sign the checks for two warehouses of mostly hispanic workers. No matter what their situation or age they have at least 6 dependents so nothing is held out.
0 Replies
crackface mcgee
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 12:28 pm
No problem with opinion-laden posts! Next time you post a random article, you should add your own opinion. Are you still not seeing what was missing there?

Here is my opinion on universal healthcare (thanks for asking):

Don't believe in government-provided universal healthcare.

Hard-working American taxpayers are not obligated to pay for all citizens to have full medical coverage, and certainly should not be obligated to pay for illegal immigrants' healthcare. Countries providing this also tax their people at 45-50%, and I have known people from other countries to move to the U.S. because of the extreme burden of the social taxes.

Social programs get out of control too easily. A former co-worker of mine in the Netherlands had a good friend in his 20's who had a minor ailment due to a long-past injury. He was on "disability", letting the taxpayers float him through life. He admitted that he could easily get a full-time job but being on welfare was "far too lucrative". Is this a symptom of universal healthcare? Not exactly. But it is a reality in "big government", socialist countries that provide universal healthcare and other similar benefits.

Don't want to see my country move in that direction.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 12:55 pm
I'm not referring to the population of illegals. IF you would comprehend my post I believe I said AMERICAN CITIZENS.

Pull your head out of your ass and PAY ATTENTION.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 01:34 pm
FedUpAmerican;34772 wrote:
I'm not referring to the population of illegals. IF you would comprehend my post I believe I said AMERICAN CITIZENS.

Pull your head out of your ass and PAY ATTENTION.

You can "say" citizens, post links and it will mean something.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 01:37 pm
FedUpAmerican;34772 wrote:
I'm not referring to the population of illegals. IF you would comprehend my post I believe I said AMERICAN CITIZENS.

Pull your head out of your ass and PAY ATTENTION.

Are you having a bad day???
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 01:38 pm

Have you ever lived in a country with socialized medicine?

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