The Lack Of Healthcare Coverage

Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 01:48 pm
I'm not referring to the population of illegals. IF you would comprehend my post I believe I said AMERICAN CITIZENS.

Pull your head out of your ass and PAY ATTENTION.
Today 01:28 PM

Just for the record, no, you didn't....

FedUpAmerican;34534 wrote:
Texas again ranks No. 1 with the highest percentage of uninsured residents in the nation...

Residents are not synonomous with citizens. So beofre getting all uptight on everyone else, why don't you check yourself first.
crackface mcgee
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 01:54 pm
westernmom;34775 wrote:

Have you ever lived in a country with socialized medicine?

Yeah, Fed Up. If not, you should totally consider relocating to such a utopia.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:05 pm
I would prefer to do what I can to bring about a much needed change in the American system of government.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:05 pm
FedUpAmerican;34780 wrote:
I would prefer to do what I can to bring about a much needed change in the American system of government.

Socialism is not a "much needed" change in American system of government though.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:09 pm
92b16vx;34776 wrote:
Just for the record, no, you didn't....

Just went back and read the thread and I counted 3 seperate posts where I DID.

Just for the record.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:28 pm
FedUpAmerican;34782 wrote:
Just went back and read the thread and I counted 3 seperate posts where I DID.

Just for the record.

Count again. Not including your backpeddling in the last couple post, you said it once, and not in the original post....

"18,000+ American CITIZENS die every year because they have to decide whether to feed their families or get medication that they need.

That's it. But arguing semantics is beside the point, petty, and not relevent anyway.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:32 pm
FedUpAmerican;34710 wrote:
I know many people that are hard working individuals that make enough money to support themselves. Thats it. Jobs rarely offer benefits like health insurance and most people are just a couple of paychecks away from being destitute.

Why is this MY problem?

I work hard and pay for my own. If they work hard and can't afford it, they aren't working hard ENOUGH. Get a 2nd job, work 18 hour days, or better yet, re-think your lifestyle. There's a lot of money people just simply don't have financial sense of what to do with it. It's not MY fault they can't budget, bought too expensive of a car, live in a too expensive of a rent, had too many damn kids, or bought said kids the latest air jordans. :headbang:

I've YET to be employed by a company that did not offer health ins for workers over 32 hours a week. From IT firms, to call centers, to restaurants.

And even if they didn't, there's plenty of self-employment plans that are about 230 bucks a month. That's 3 nights a month bar tending for some extra cash. Hardly working "hard enough" if you ask me.

So, i kindly put a STFU out there to all the "hardworking" Americans who can't "afford" health insurance.

They CHOOSE to not have health insurance because they are either
-Expect me to pay for them and their 342 kids.
-think they already work hard and still can't manage it
-need to see a financial planner and get their **** together.

A single mom can afford health ins and a small apt and a shitter car working at mcdonalds.


They only cover catastrophic events and seldom focus on prevention.

that's pretty much what we haver anyway. We have Sickcare, not Healthcare.


18,000+ American CITIZENS die every year because they have to decide whether to feed their families or get medication that they need.

Is THIS the America that you really want to live in???

if only they worked a little harder and got insurance in the first place....

92b16vx;34718 wrote:
Why should I have to give up more of my already meger paycheck, to help pay someone elses healthcare when I can barely pay my own? And if one day I have millions through my hard work, why should I have to give more of it to pay for someone that didn't want to provide for themself? I shouldn't, and don't have to. The redistibution of wealth is theft, even if it's for a "good cause".


but I'd rather not have it stolen in the first place, hence why I am voting for Ron Paul.


FedUpAmerican;34722 wrote:
I understand what you're saying. I personally would rather see MY money go to support AMERICAN'S in THIS country.

I'd rather see my money stay my money.

Silverchild79;34653 wrote:
my god what's next? Government Groceries?

next? food stamps have been a program for years. food stamps = govt' groceries.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:33 pm
westernmom;34774 wrote:
Are you having a bad day???

Not necessarilly bad, just a bit hectic. Sorry I came off as a dick.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:36 pm
FedUpAmerican;34780 wrote:
I would prefer to do what I can to bring about a much needed change in the American system of government.

So apparently you have not lived with socialized medicine... I have.

It's not much fun waiting for months to get into a specialist. It's not much fun seeing your best friend waste away because there aren't any beds available.

There's a shortage of doctors also. They don't get paid very well by our standards. I had a close personal friend in Alberta that was a general practioner and they moved to the States to work in rural Missouri and was going to make several times more than he made in Alberta.

Quality of care isn't as good as you get here under a free enterprise system.

Health care is available to the elderly, those with disabilities, children and those on welfare.

We don't need socialize medicine.

What we do need is a tax deduction for paying for our own healthcare plans. We need a cap on lawsuits for non-econmic damages and frivolous lawsuits.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:42 pm
Call me old fashioned but I actually give MY hard earned money to food pantries and other social service programs to help those less fortunate. I actually give my spare change to the homeless person in the streets when they ask. I care about a fellow human being.

I do this because this could be any of us under any circunstances. I do this because I give a **** about people.

I care. About myself. About others. About MY country.

Should you do these things too?

Who am I to say. But I believe you should.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:47 pm
FedUpAmerican;34704 wrote:
Go back to the OP. The point is quite obvious.

I got the point fed up

And knowledge is power, something people seem to forget.

Keep up the good work letting people sort the facts from the fiction.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:51 pm
westernmom;34790 wrote:

It's not much fun waiting for months to get into a specialist.

Better than not getting much needed services at all.


It's not much fun seeing your best friend waste away because there aren't any beds available.

I don't actually believe that this happens. Is this from your personal experiences or could you actually provide links to this happening. IF it happened to you, I'm sorry for your loss.


There's a shortage of doctors also. They don't get paid very well by our standards. I had a close personal friend in Alberta that was a general practioner and they moved to the States to work in rural Missouri and was going to make several times more than he made in Alberta.

Thats the choice they have to make. Money or helping people.


Quality of care isn't as good as you get here under a free enterprise system.

Only for those that can afford it.

Health care is available to the elderly, those with disabilities, children and those on welfare.

What about the middle class worker that doesn't qualify for those programs? The worker that is just making ends meet. Some think they should work a second job or work harder. Try that when you have a medical condition that prevents it.


We don't need socialize medicine.

I disagree.


What we do need is a tax deduction for paying for our own healthcare plans. We need a cap on lawsuits for non-econmic damages and frivolous lawsuits.

Whose to judge what is frivolous???

Sorry, but I disagree AGAIN.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:51 pm
@crackface mcgee,
crack face( strange as that name is)

So much for freedom of speech , somebody makes a post you don't like and you whine " shut it down"

well I am for national health care, and I am willing to tell everybody that opposes it that they are less than human.

Tell it to God one day when you meet him at the judgement that you want people to die for lack of health care because you have no feelings for your fellow man.

Bet your one of those anti abortion nuts too. Get the kid born , then who cares if it dies! What a stupid world view.

crackface_mcgee;34711 wrote:
Is there a way to close out this post? (I think) this guy is advocating for government-provided healthcare for all residents (legal and illegal), but he is too much of a coward to state it. Funny that he is quick to assign the label "coward" to others.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:53 pm
No I have never, but boy would I like to see that happen.:headbang:

Its about time the richest nation on earth stopped letting people die for lack of health care.

westernmom;34775 wrote:

Have you ever lived in a country with socialized medicine?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:54 pm
wvpeach;34792 wrote:
I got the point fed up

And knowledge is power, something people seem to forget.

Keep up the good work letting people sort the facts from the fiction.

Sure you want to go on the record with that? It seems I ruffle some feathers around here.
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 02:58 pm
Brain sol,

How about the human being who has a bout with cancer , looses their job and can no longer get health care?

How about the accident victim, who gets injured looses their job and cannot get health care?

How about all those working for $8- $10 a hour who cannot afford health care.

Your attitude shows a couple of things.

A- you are clue less and uneducated about the needs that befall real human beings through no fault of their own.


B- You are totally selfish and don't give a crap about anybody but your yourself.

I suspect its both you are uninformed about this problem, don't give a crap about anybody else.
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 03:30 pm
Well Canada has Socialized Health Care and it's really awful. The standard wait for a mamagram? 300 days if your lucky. We have a severe shortage of Doctors and the few that are taking new patients can't speak English, in my area both have had their licenses suspended for being addicts. Would you go to a recovering addict?

Now on to prescriptions, they aren't covered in Canada. Seniors can pay into a plan that gives them some coverage but everyone else is on their own except WELFARE mothers. Cancer drugs can cripple a a family, Dad's drugs were over 4000 a month thankfully Mom had coverage. I can only imagine the horror it must be for the uninsured.

If you have cancer and can't work Unemployment Insurance only covers you for ten weeks and then cuts you off. Full benifits to pregnant women but not those fightening for their lives. Did you know that the Cancer Society doesn't give aide (In Canada) to people who earn more than 16,000 a year. We had a major story break in NS regarding a woman that couldn't afford bus fare to go for Chemo. The Cancer society deemed her income sufficent to deny her aide. I do not give to the Cancer society anymore, if I knew about their stupid rules years ago I could of given money to a charity that doesn't discriminate against middle income earners.

So does Socialized Medicine sound like a utopia? NO because it isn't our system is sick and needs life support to keep it running. Mean while my taxes are through the roof and growing daily. For what incompetance and a Government that places so many restrictions on our social programs only 51 percent of the population can use them yet 100 percent pay into these programs. It's a cash cow for the Liberals and the Cons in my country, there is literaly millions in surplus yet people can't afford cancer medication. Careful what you wish for with social programs it's always the consultants that get rich.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 03:33 pm

Yes, I have experienced socialized medicine first hand after living in Alberta for 7 years. Yes, I had a serious health problem and lost a baby because they couldn't get me in. Yes, I have a friend who has a deginerative spine condition that can only get an appointment once a year with her specialist in Edmonton. So, they have started coming to the US for treatment.

As far as doing my part, don't be mistaken that I do! I am the event chair for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life for my community; I am a wish grantor for the Make A Wish Foundation of Idaho; I spend a lot of time making humanitarian kits for third world countries (hygiene, baby, quilts, school, etc.); I am a volunteer on several other boards within my community; I am a motivational speaker to youth groups; I have spearheaded many programs in the schools in my community such as Coats for Kids, Toys for Tots, Grandparents Day, Farm Safety Day; I have served as a 4-H leader for years; I have been an advocate for disability groups; I could continue and I do want to point out that I have not taken any pay or renumeration for any of these activities. Giving spare change... bless you. I prefer to put my money, time and talent where my mouth is!

We have also adopted a 3 1/2 year old child that needed a home instead of going into the foster care system. I also raised a daughter with cerebral palsy and never once sought government assistance to raise her even though it was available. And at that time my husband as a farmer was bringing in $187 a month! We paid off all of her hospital bills ourselves. It took a couple of years but we did it without asking for government help.

Don't even get me started on doing my fair share to help others...

Nationalized healthcare... Be careful of what you wish for....

It's not about being uncaring for your fellow human beings, it's about having a huge albatross around your neck.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 03:51 pm
wvpeach;34794 wrote:
crack face( strange as that name is)

So much for freedom of speech , somebody makes a post you don't like and you whine " shut it down"

well I am for national health care, and I am willing to tell everybody that opposes it that they are less than human.

Tell it to God one day when you meet him at the judgement that you want people to die for lack of health care because you have no feelings for your fellow man.

Bet your one of those anti abortion nuts too. Get the kid born , then who cares if it dies! What a stupid world view.

Wow, you really have a crazy view on healthcare. The worst part of your post is you telling someone that God will judge them for not believing in socialized medicine! I am a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit RN and I take care of injured and dying kids every day I go to work.....and I do NOT believe in socialized medicine. Think about what you post.
crackface mcgee
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 03:55 pm
FedUpAmerican;34791 wrote:
Call me old fashioned but I actually give MY hard earned money to food pantries and other social service programs to help those less fortunate. I actually give my spare change to the homeless person in the streets when they ask. I care about a fellow human being.

I do this because this could be any of us under any circunstances. I do this because I give a **** about people.

I care. About myself. About others. About MY country.

Should you do these things too?

Who am I to say. But I believe you should.

Agreed. We should all do these things. And I suspect many...maybe most...of the people posting on this board do the same. And I believe the most sincere are the least likely to boast about their generosity, but....

...generosity and support for taxpayer-supported government programs are not one and the same. Because I don't want my disposable income allocated to the charity cases of the government's choosing does not mean I want to hoarde all of my money for personal, selfish consumption. It just means that I worked hard for it and I want control of it. So maybe I give 5%, 10%, 20% or 50% to needy recipients. You'll never know. But it's best to keep a greater percentage of your earnings to be able to choose the food pantry, homeless shelter, missionary group, disease prevention foundation, etc. for your own benevolence. I don't trust Congress to allocate this for me.
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