The Lack Of Healthcare Coverage

Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 05:59 am
wvpeach;36036 wrote:
Compassion is always a good thing fed up.

Got rid of that BJ on your blog page yet?

Let me know if you do , I might go back and read it .:cool:

The post in question is still there but there has been so many other postings that it is either way down or even archived.

Hope to see you back.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 11:18 am
FedUpAmerican;36059 wrote:
Oh? Like the Iraq "conflict?"

I am responsible for me. But we're not discussing ME. We're discussing people that are less fortunate. People who cannot afford healthcare.

You would rather see these people die than get the medical treatment and care that they need?



I'll respond to all of these:

I don't support the Iraq conflict, and have opposed it from the start, nice job utilizing an intellectually lethargic means of categorization though.

You are responsible for your life, and they are responsible for their life, this is not a difficult concept to grasp. I am not responsible for insuring people who have chosen (though indirectly) to be economically unstable, and neither is the government.

Universal Health Care will lead to tyranny. It will yield even higher excise taxation to pay for it, and ultimately will deliver us a government with the authority to tell us what we can and cannot do (smoke, eat red meat, etc). The reason America is failing is because we have an entitlement mindset where we believe everything should be taken care of for us. Take care of yourself, or turn to private charity, stop empowering the government to no end.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 11:23 am
aaronssongs;36055 wrote:
Ah but the government does, on so many levels...The FDA, largely determines what we put in our bodies. Supermarket chains determine what is stocked on their shelves...so, in essence, we are being told what to eat and drink.
And subliminally, we are given messages as to what beauty is, and what we need to aspire to...don't even go to LA or Miami, if you aren't "body conscious"

National Health Care (as I noted above) will lead to tryanny because, as I said, eventually the government will start telling me what to eat, how often to exercise, and what to put in to my body. We already ceded our right to use narcotics to them, we don't need to give them any more power over what we choose to do to our bodies.

Your note on the FDA is irrelevant because I'm still allowed to deep-fry twinkies and grill 16oz steaks while smoking three packs of cigarettes. The FDA doesn't tell me what I can put in my body, they set standards of production.

When privately owned stores choose not to stock fried chicken because they want us to be healthier, that's their right as a business. However, in our current situation I can simply drive somewhere else for my cholesterol bomb. Why is personal responsibility such a horrible thing?
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 02:27 pm
Freeman15;36078 wrote:
National Health Care (as I noted above) will lead to tryanny because, as I said, eventually the government will start telling me what to eat, how often to exercise, and what to put in to my body. We already ceded our right to use narcotics to them, we don't need to give them any more power over what we choose to do to our bodies.

Your note on the FDA is irrelevant because I'm still allowed to deep-fry twinkies and grill 16oz steaks while smoking three packs of cigarettes. The FDA doesn't tell me what I can put in my body, they set standards of production.

When privately owned stores choose not to stock fried chicken because they want us to be healthier, that's their right as a business. However, in our current situation I can simply drive somewhere else for my cholesterol bomb. Why is personal responsibility such a horrible thing?

And why is freedom shunned?
Do you smoke? Why isn't much being said for those huge numbers of folks that smoke cigarettes, to their detriment? I am an ex-cardiopulmonary tech...and I've seen the aftermath of years of cig smoking, up front and personal...yet, people still smoke like it's going out of style.
Oh...let's see the double standard...cig smoking and the damage it causes, kills more people that obesity, diabetes, and probably alcohol abuse, combined...but we're only going to look at the food and beverages industry, and point fingers at people's lack of personal responsibility....can't lose all that tobacco lobbying money, can we?
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 02:40 pm
aaronssongs;36092 wrote:
And why is freedom shunned?
Do you smoke? Why isn't much being said for those huge numbers of folks that smoke cigarettes, to their detriment? I am an ex-cardiopulmonary tech...and I've seen the aftermath of years of cig smoking, up front and personal...yet, people still smoke like it's going out of style.
Oh...let's see the double standard...cig smoking and the damage it causes, kills more people that obesity, diabetes, and probably alcohol abuse, combined...but we're only going to look at the food and beverages industry, and point fingers at people's lack of personal responsibility....can't lose all that tobacco lobbying money, can we?

Huh? Use punctuation other than ellipses.

To clarify, since I have no idea what you said:

Smoke, drink, eat red meat, and shoot heroin until your head explodes for all I care. We own our lives, and we have the right to abuse our bodies. National Health Care WILL lead to government involvement in our personal health choices, and then when does it end? Government has shown us quite clearly that once they have an inch, they take a mile.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 04:31 pm
Freeman15;36093 wrote:
Huh? Use punctuation other than ellipses.
Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean...I use quotation marks to emphasize words or a point...poetic license...

To clarify, since I have no idea what you said:

Smoke, drink, eat red meat, and shoot heroin until your head explodes for all I care. We own our lives, and we have the right to abuse our bodies. National Health Care WILL lead to government involvement in our personal health choices, and then when does it end? Government has shown us quite clearly that once they have an inch, they take a mile.

Clearly sickness and death affects all....regardless of how well we eat, drink, drive, or drug. Isn't it a reasonable expectation that healthcare should be if not paramount, in one's life and lifestyle, and therefore a responsibility and core value, affordable and provided to those who can least afford it?
We provide humanitarian support and aid to other countries, where we have no vested interest...and we can't do the same for our own people? People who, by no fault of their own, are not provided healthcare benefits from employment, or are unemployed, and unable to maintain connection to a provider because of financial hardship....couldn't there be provisos, that if one is unemployed, but actively looking for employment, that they could be covered by some blanket clause in an insurance program, which would guarantee them some access to quality healthcare???? Geez, where is the compassion? Where is the humanity?
We can afford all the waste in government, all the excesses, all the perks for legislators and Congress, but we cannot afford to help those needy in society, especially the elderly, children, and the terminally or chonically ill? Please, if not....let me find some other place to be...because that's not my America.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 05:44 pm
aaronssongs;36100 wrote:
Clearly sickness and death affects all....regardless of how well we eat, drink, drive, or drug. Isn't it a reasonable expectation that healthcare should be if not paramount, in one's life and lifestyle, and therefore a responsibility and core value, affordable and provided to those who can least afford it?
We provide humanitarian support and aid to other countries, where we have no vested interest...and we can't do the same for our own people? People who, by no fault of their own, are not provided healthcare benefits from employment, or are unemployed, and unable to maintain connection to a provider because of financial hardship....couldn't there be provisos, that if one is unemployed, but actively looking for employment, that they could be covered by some blanket clause in an insurance program, which would guarantee them some access to quality healthcare???? Geez, where is the compassion? Where is the humanity?
We can afford all the waste in government, all the excesses, all the perks for legislators and Congress, but we cannot afford to help those needy in society, especially the elderly, children, and the terminally or chonically ill? Please, if not....let me find some other place to be...because that's not my America.

I'm against foreign aid and government waste too. Government exists solely to protect your rights of life, liberty, and property from being infringed upon by others.

Health care is a commodity to be sold, as is health insurance. People whining about the cost of prescription drugs and care in this country largely buy luxury drugs aimed at alleviating painful symptoms to non-life-threatening illnesses (and who could blame them?) while the third-world deals with worse illnesses without any type of treatment. It's an entitlement thought process that espouses a belief that government should take care of us from cradle to grave, and it is dangerous. If you let them into your doctor's office within a generation you'll have national health standards for individuals.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 06:18 pm
Freeman15;36104 wrote:
I'm against foreign aid and government waste too. Government exists solely to protect your rights of life, liberty, and property from being infringed upon by others.

Health care is a commodity to be sold, as is health insurance. People whining about the cost of prescription drugs and care in this country largely buy luxury drugs aimed at alleviating painful symptoms to non-life-threatening illnesses (and who could blame them?) while the third-world deals with worse illnesses without any type of treatment. It's an entitlement thought process that espouses a belief that government should take care of us from cradle to grave, and it is dangerous. If you let them into your doctor's office within a generation you'll have national health standards for individuals.

And that is where we part waters....I absolutely do not accept healthcare as a commodity to be sold....any more than I would condone Hitler's experiments seeking to create a master race. Hyperbole? Of course. But that is how extremist I find your disturbing viewpoints.
Your "world view" is, obviously, "skewed"....what about HIV/ AIDS....so you, in your right mind, think that any average joe could afford the approximate $2,500-$4000 cost of a yearly supply of a typical "cocktail" for drug treatment , alone, not even considering doctor care (and visits) and possible additional hospitalization and treatment???? Are you from another planet...don't talk to me about what you don't know about...I have worked in healthcare for 15 plus years, and I am a HIV/AIDS activist....so, don't go there with me.

Entitlement????? Behind a virus, rumored to have been borne in a lab, orchestrated by the government as a final solution for third world countries, in order to exploit said countries resources...that's a whole 'nother topic.
Not everyone is as "naive" (for lack of a more "intense" word) as you appear to be...The New World Order is in effect, and moving forward...while the sheep just proceed to the slaughter....you are "touched"...others have their eyes "wide open". Believe whatever you choose to believe...but don't be trying to sell any wolf tickets, and appearing to be upset, because no one is buying.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 09:02 pm
aaronssongs;36105 wrote:
And that is where we part waters....I absolutely do not accept healthcare as a commodity to be sold....

It is a commodity. It is a labor performed by a trained proffesional, kind of like plumbing, auto repair, and any other service offered that other people can not do themselves. Company research and produce medicines, and that is not free, nor is the education required to do so. It is a commodity, no matter you personal opinion of it.

....what about HIV/ AIDS....so you, in your right mind, think that any average joe could afford the approximate $2,500-$4000 cost of a yearly supply of a typical "cocktail" for drug treatment , alone, not even considering doctor care (and visits) and possible additional hospitalization and treatment???? Are you from another planet...don't talk to me about what you don't know about...I have worked in healthcare for 15 plus years, and I am a HIV/AIDS activist....so, don't go there with me.

That is an emotional response, and one that I am going to assume you have because of your sexual preference, and have a "close to home" view of. Let us not forget that this is a PERFECT example personaly responsibility. It is not the average joes fault that the homosexual community is the major victim of this epidemic. We know the disease is out there, we know how it is tranmitted, yet millions didn't let education of the disease get in the way of having unprotected sex, and sharing needles and it is not our responibility to take care of those that contracted it.

Entitlement????? Behind a virus, rumored to have been borne in a lab, orchestrated by the government as a final solution for third world countries, in order to exploit said countries resources...that's a whole 'nother topic.

Tulane University to be exact, at least, the most credible conspiracy theory I have heard. And it still doesn't absolve the personal responibility of teh people that engage in a lifestyle that could lead to contracting the disease.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 09:04 pm
Freeman15;36076 wrote:
Universal Health Care will lead to tyranny. It will yield even higher excise taxation to pay for it, and ultimately will deliver us a government with the authority to tell us what we can and cannot do (smoke, eat red meat, etc). The reason America is failing is because we have an entitlement mindset where we believe everything should be taken care of for us. Take care of yourself, or turn to private charity, stop empowering the government to no end.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 09:26 pm
92b16vx;36116 wrote:
It is a commodity. It is a labor performed by a trained proffesional, kind of like plumbing, auto repair, and any other service offered that other people can not do themselves. Company research and produce medicines, and that is not free, nor is the education required to do so. It is a commodity, no matter you personal opinion of it.

And I say it's not. What? Your personal opinion is more important than mine? Hog trucking wash.
Who the dickens are you? You know what they say about opinions, anyway.

That is an emotional response, and one that I am going to assume you have because of your sexual preference, and have a "close to home" view of.

You bet your big fanny it's an emotional response. You ever lost anybody to the disease? How dare you get condescending with me....

Let us not forget that this is a PERFECT example personaly responsibility. It is not the average joes fault that the homosexual community is the major victim of this epidemic.
The reason its' an epidemic is due to mindsets similar to yours, Neanderthal in nature...it is an equal opportunity virus...the heterosexual community is supplying the most recent and numerous stats...you might want to take precautions, instead of thinking yourself better and "immune".

We know the disease is out there, we know how it is tranmitted, yet millions didn't let education of the disease get in the way of having unprotected sex, and sharing needles and it is not our responibility to take care of those that contracted it.

Just as it wouldn't have been anyone's responsibility to prevent the bubonic plague which devastated Europe in the Middle Ages...innocent people, struck down by a virus, transmitted by rats, infected by fleas....their fault, if we follow your line of reasoning....and why not?
Karma is a very strange thing....those who are one day, indifferent and throwing stones, are the very ones, who mysteriously, and miraculously end up on the same side of the fence, wondering what happened, and how could it have happened to them.....I'd be careful, were I you, who you'd nail to a cross. Can't y'all just feel the love and compassion emanating? Pride of his family, no doubt.

Tulane University to be exact, at least, the most credible conspiracy theory I have heard. And it still doesn't absolve the personal responibility of teh people that engage in a lifestyle that could lead to contracting the disease.

Oh yeah, right....as if heterosexuals aren't contracting the disease in far greater numbers than the homosexual communities. Read the statistics.

How people become infected with HIV

Globally, around 11% of HIV infections are among babies who acquire the virus from their mothers; 10% result from injecting drug use; 5-10% are due to sex between men; and 5-10% occur in healthcare settings. Sex between men and women accounts for the re
maining proportion – around two thirds of new infections.


Did you get that???? Can you comprehend?
Do you need for me to point out the obvious.....just let me know
Pointing fingers, and got a big ol' thumb, pointing back as your behind!

And take the time to correct your spelling, before you send out a post.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 10:06 pm
aaronssongs;36118 wrote:
Oh yeah, right....as if heterosexuals aren't contracting the disease in far greater numbers than the homosexual communities. Read the statistics.

How people become infected with HIV

Globally, around 11% of HIV infections are among babies who acquire the virus from their mothers; 10% result from injecting drug use; 5-10% are due to sex between men; and 5-10% occur in healthcare settings. Sex between men and women accounts for the re
maining proportion – around two thirds of new infections.


Did you get that???? Can you comprehend?
Do you need for me to point out the obvious.....just let me know
Pointing fingers, and got a big ol' thumb, pointing back as your behind!

And take the time to correct your spelling, before you send out a post.

Homosexuals and intravenous drugs users account for how badly the disease has spread, this is a fact.

And I say it's not. What? Your personal opinion is more important than mine? Hog trucking wash.
Who the dickens are you? You know what they say about opinions, anyway.

My statement isn't an opinion, it is a fact. If you want to you are free to go through medical school and give away your services, welcome to America.

You bet your big fanny it's an emotional response. You ever lost anybody to the disease? How dare you get condescending with me....

It wasn't condescending, sorry if you took it as such, and yes, I have had three friends die of AIDS (two from unprotected sex, and another from banging dope), and another with Hep C (the aforementioned bundle of sticks). You do not hold a monopoly on emotional loss.

The reason its' an epidemic is due to mindsets similar to yours, Neanderthal in nature...it is an equal opportunity virus...the heterosexual community is supplying the most recent and numerous stats...you might want to take precautions, instead of thinking yourself better and "immune".

Personal responsibilty is neanderthal? Yea ok. The reason it is an epidemic is because people refuse to take the nescessary precautions when having sex, and shooting dope. I agree that that banning things like needle exchanges limits options, and the proper education about it came a little too late, but that hasn't slowed things down. The homosexual community has lessened the spread among themselves quite abit recently, and the numbers you previously posted prove that it can be lessened.

Just as it wouldn't have been anyone's responsibility to prevent the bubonic plague which devastated Europe in the Middle Ages...innocent people, struck down by a virus, transmitted by rats, infected by fleas....their fault, if we follow your line of reasoning....and why not?
Karma is a very strange thing....those who are one day, indifferent and throwing stones, are the very ones, who mysteriously, and miraculously end up on the same side of the fence, wondering what happened, and how could it have happened to them.....I'd be careful, were I you, who you'd nail to a cross. Can't y'all just feel the love and compassion emanating? Pride of his family, no doubt.

First off, **** you attacking my family, and my love for them. My family is quite taken care of, I pay for their heathcare, and make sure we have plenty of food on the table, and don't beg the government to do it for me, again, **** you.

Second, AIDS and the bubonic plague are two different animals, and spread in different ways.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 11:30 pm
aaronssongs;36105 wrote:
And that is where we part waters....I absolutely do not accept healthcare as a commodity to be sold....any more than I would condone Hitler's experiments seeking to create a master race. Hyperbole? Of course. But that is how extremist I find your disturbing viewpoints.
Your "world view" is, obviously, "skewed"....what about HIV/ AIDS....so you, in your right mind, think that any average joe could afford the approximate $2,500-$4000 cost of a yearly supply of a typical "cocktail" for drug treatment , alone, not even considering doctor care (and visits) and possible additional hospitalization and treatment???? Are you from another planet...don't talk to me about what you don't know about...I have worked in healthcare for 15 plus years, and I am a HIV/AIDS activist....so, don't go there with me.

Entitlement????? Behind a virus, rumored to have been borne in a lab, orchestrated by the government as a final solution for third world countries, in order to exploit said countries resources...that's a whole 'nother topic.
Not everyone is as "naive" (for lack of a more "intense" word) as you appear to be...The New World Order is in effect, and moving forward...while the sheep just proceed to the slaughter....you are "touched"...others have their eyes "wide open". Believe whatever you choose to believe...but don't be trying to sell any wolf tickets, and appearing to be upset, because no one is buying.

Health Care is a service rendered for monetary compensation, and thus is a commodity. Disagree if you want, but you're wrong.

I nearly lost my father last year to a massive heart attack, but his life was saved by an extremely talented cardiovascular surgeon (seriously, he shouldn't have lived), so I understand the value of good health care. However, nationalizing it will do three things:

1. Cost billions of dollars we don't have. The US Comptroller General puts the US Treasury as bankrupt within 30 years even if we cut all military spending.....and that is WITHOUT paying for everybody's medical bills. Ask the Soviets, they'll tell you how hard it is.

2. Empower the government (ie, primarily crooks and liars) to dictate healthy behaviors. I don't trust them with this power, and neither should any other rational person.

3. Dissuade some (thought not all) scientists from pursuing a career in medicine. No way will the government ever be able to pay docs what they make now. Canadians wait years in some cases to see a specialist, I spit on that. Had we needed to wait, my father would be dead, but because we were responsible, were debt-free, and paid for pretty comprehensive health coverage, he lived.

I feel genuine sorrow for families who lose loved ones, but our current system, while not perfect, certainly beats the hell out of a universal system.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 06:12 am
Freeman15;36124 wrote:
Health Care is a service rendered for monetary compensation, and thus is a commodity. Disagree if you want, but you're wrong.

And I think you're wrong....so who wins this pissing contest?

I nearly lost my father last year to a massive heart attack, but his life was saved by an extremely talented cardiovascular surgeon (seriously, he shouldn't have lived), so I understand the value of good health care. However, nationalizing it will do three things:

1. Cost billions of dollars we don't have. The US Comptroller General puts the US Treasury as bankrupt within 30 years even if we cut all military spending.....and that is WITHOUT paying for everybody's medical bills. Ask the Soviets, they'll tell you how hard it is.

We don't have the billions of dollars for this unholy war in Iraq, but we're spending ain't we? And how stupid is it to ask or compare our system with the Soviets....you lost your argument right there.

2. Empower the government (ie, primarily crooks and liars) to dictate healthy behaviors. I don't trust them with this power, and neither should any other rational person.

Empower the government? They dictate everything else from right to die to lack of stem cell research, so why not healthcare?

3. Dissuade some (thought not all) scientists from pursuing a career in medicine. No way will the government ever be able to pay docs what they make now. Canadians wait years in some cases to see a specialist, I spit on that. Had we needed to wait, my father would be dead, but because we were responsible, were debt-free, and paid for pretty comprehensive health coverage, he lived.

Goody goody gumdrops, that you were so fortunate....precisely, because everybody else is not so, is why we should have national coverage...or perhaps your father's life is more valuable than anyone else's

I feel genuine sorrow for families who lose loved ones, but our current system, while not perfect, certainly beats the hell out of a universal system.

Awww....I really feel the compassion pouring out of your heart...truth of the matter...one would have to have a heart for compassion to pour out. Don't make me more ill. Precisely why I don' t appreciate people with money. They are arrogant beyond comprehension.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 11:53 am
Comparing a socialist system to a socialist country loses an argument? Huh?


the USSR, and RSSR in particular had universal housing in cheap apartments for almost no rent, homelessness wasn't an issue in most parts of the RSSR. However, you needed government approval to move to another city, since housing was allocated by population. The same thing will happen with socialized medicine, the government will dictate aspects of your health just like the USSR dictated aspects of housing, it's an apt analogy.

My family came to this country in 1923 from Norway with very little, and even today we're not exceedingly wealthy, so piss off. Who are you to demean my family's status simply because they chose to work like dogs to become successful? You have provided ZERO economic evidence supporting the idea that socialized medicine can be sustained, and you have ZERO evidence that health care quality is on par with competitive systems. You base your claims, like most of the ideological far left, on theory and conjecture, with a little bit of emotion just to stir the pot.

The billions we're spending in Iraq come from two sources:

1. Overseas loans
2. The Federal Reserve System.

Overseas lenders, mainly the PRC, now have leverage over our nation, as we can't renig on our debts since our money is based on credit. Skip the debt, and your money is worthless.

The Congress, when in need, takes out loans from the privately owned Federal Reserve at interest and pays for government expenditures. This loan cannot be paid down because all of the government's money comes from the FED, and so only interest can be paid, which is derived from the US federal income tax (the income tax SOLELY pays interest on the national debt). Your idea is ECONOMICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Show me SOME evidence to the contrary.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 12:03 pm
Freeman15;36169 wrote:
Show me SOME evidence to the contrary.

You'll probably be getting the proof of the Yeti at about the same time this comes in.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 12:07 pm
92b16vx;36171 wrote:
You'll probably be getting the proof of the Yeti at about the same time this comes in.

I try really hard to be respectful, but these people refuse to show any evidence. The neocons and the bleeding-hearts are all emotion no fact. It's starting to irritate me.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 12:13 pm
Freeman15;36173 wrote:
I try really hard to be respectful, but these people refuse to show any evidence. The neocons and the bleeding-hearts are all emotion no fact. It's starting to irritate me.

I've been here for a few months, TRUST me, I know how you feel.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 01:14 pm
Freeman15;35897 wrote:
Dude, you have to read the rest of the post.

From a moral standpoint, those who can help, should (according to my beliefs). But as I said, we can't force them.

Rightly so....

But I can help pretty much ANYONE start or improve an online store, or anything else online.

If the red cross asked me to build them a web site, i'd write up a quote.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 01:19 pm
wvpeach;35883 wrote:
That taco bell or cashier at your local grocery does not qualify for health care anywhere.

sure they do. i don't know about taco bell, but all 4 chain grocery stores in my town offer full benefits for employees over 32 hours.

My insurance is costing me $692 a month

that is absurd.

even at full price, without company assistance, my health ins is 280 a month.

who's your carrier?
0 Replies

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