Comparing a socialist system to a socialist country loses an argument? Huh?
the USSR, and RSSR in particular had universal housing in cheap apartments for almost no rent, homelessness wasn't an issue in most parts of the RSSR. However, you needed government approval to move to another city, since housing was allocated by population. The same thing will happen with socialized medicine, the government will dictate aspects of your health just like the USSR dictated aspects of housing, it's an apt analogy.
My family came to this country in 1923 from Norway with very little, and even today we're not exceedingly wealthy, so piss off. Who are you to demean my family's status simply because they chose to work like dogs to become successful? You have provided ZERO economic evidence supporting the idea that socialized medicine can be sustained, and you have ZERO evidence that health care quality is on par with competitive systems. You base your claims, like most of the ideological far left, on theory and conjecture, with a little bit of emotion just to stir the pot.
The billions we're spending in Iraq come from two sources:
1. Overseas loans
2. The Federal Reserve System.
Overseas lenders, mainly the PRC, now have leverage over our nation, as we can't renig on our debts since our money is based on credit. Skip the debt, and your money is worthless.
The Congress, when in need, takes out loans from the privately owned Federal Reserve at interest and pays for government expenditures. This loan cannot be paid down because all of the government's money comes from the FED, and so only interest can be paid, which is derived from the US federal income tax (the income tax SOLELY pays interest on the national debt). Your idea is ECONOMICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Show me SOME evidence to the contrary.