Go and find something creative to do with your hand. Might as well, because you ain't saying much with your mouth. Spin...Right wing spin is all that it is.
Easy for you to say, with benefits covering your backside...but if your company goes bellyup, and highly likely ,with all of the administration sponsored "outsourcing" going on, then you'll be singing another tune.
Not so cocky and high and mighty when you ain't got no job or benefits...then you become just a part of the masses, you obviously feel contempt for.
I don't need to provide you no stinking statistics...I am a certified cardiopulmonary tech...worked at the Texas Medical Center, affiliated with Baylor College of Medicine, worked under Paul Michael Stevens, who was head of Baylor Pulmonary Dept...a world renown pulmonologist...I know hospitials inner workings...and I know how it goes, and how it went...and I'm here to tell you that for "non-profit" is a misnomer...there is profit going on...there are gold plated urinals and bedpans for VIP's (an abject waste of resources), there is lying, cheating, stealing...and hospital hierarchy getting kickbacks and perks and having hospital staff working off hours at their personal residences...so don't tell me about the pros and cons, and the system being on the "up and up"...save all that BS for the dim-witted and gullible.