The Lack Of Healthcare Coverage

Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 11:32 am
And your telling a lie again freeman.

Jut like insurance companies drop policies after a fire.

They will no longer insure the homes along the coast's for hurricanes after this mess.

This is true, you heard it here.

The government will have to step in and say they are going to do it to get the rebuilding done if a mortgage is involved.

Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 11:32 am
Insurance companies aren't leaving the gulf coast, I make a living from working catastrophes, this statement is blatantly false.

Nobody HAS to insure property or health, insurance is a commodity to be purchased, and it is certainly not society's job (because the government has no money, WE do) to provide insurance FOR you. I believe in charity and communities helping one another, but using TAX money to pay for it is THEFT. You're taking from one person because you feel they can spare it and giving it to another without any benefit to the person from whom the tax is derived.

I am not an anarcho-capitalist, government as a referee is valid, but it is not society's legal obligation to provide for other people, that's a COMMUNIST ideal, and communism leads to TYRANNY, without question, without exception. Your arguments are emotionally-based and you are not accounting for the fiscal and political cost of nationalized health care or property insurance.

If you home is destroyed and you have a valid claim, reputable carriers WILL pay you and in Texas and Florida carriers MUST adjust and either settle or deny a claim within 30 days. Insurance law is a state issue, and always has been.
I'm with you 100%.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 11:33 am
Soooooo I did NOT just return from a Pilot Catastrophe Service seminar on Gulf Coast flooding?
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Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 11:41 am
I don't care where you returned from free man

Companies post service mottos large and expensively cast right out in the lobby and never look at them again , let alone try to follow them.

Deny, deny . then deny some more. ... Sound familiar?

this is the average insurance companies motto.

You freeman and I know it.

Then if deny deny deny doesn't work.

Its stall, stall , stall and litigate, litigate , litigate.

I say again. You heard it here. Insurance companies are going out of the hurricane, flood, wind damage business.

We the tax payers will now indirectly foot those bills , just like we foot the bills currently for the lack of health care in this country.

shame of it is the health care bills are huge.Yet people still die for lack of coverage in this country. How crazy is that?
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 12:06 pm
wvpeach;35943 wrote:
I don't care where you returned from free man

Companies post service mottos large and expensively cast right out in the lobby and never look at them again , let alone try to follow them.

Deny, deny . then deny some more. ... Sound familiar?

this is the average insurance companies motto.

You freeman and I know it.

Then if deny deny deny doesn't work.

Its stall, stall , stall and litigate, litigate , litigate.

I say again. You heard it here. Insurance companies are going out of the hurricane, flood, wind damage business.

We the tax payers will now indirectly foot those bills , just like we foot the bills currently for the lack of health care in this country.

shame of it is the health care bills are huge.Yet people still die for lack of coverage in this country. How crazy is that?

Again, emotion-based arguments without source. My family has been working hurricanes and major hail/tornado storms since Andrew in '92, so CLEARLY companies still offer policies to these people. It's major premium intake for them since the premiums are so high. You're just wrong, period.

Doctors and nurses have a right to sell their services for whatever they like, as do health insurance providers. The choices people make in life dictate their position, this is why MANY Americans CAN afford health insurance, and others can't. Let people accept responsibility for their actions, your plan can ONLY lead to tyranny.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 12:36 pm
your plan can ONLY lead to tyranny.
I think that is there intention.
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Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 12:43 pm
wvpeach;35931 wrote:
I have been known to preach it like it is Aaron.

hope it doesn't get to offensive.

I totally agree with what you posted...I should have said, "Amen"! LOL
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 12:47 pm
wvpeach;35934 wrote:
This post of yours freeman shows that you do not have a grasp on the realities of this situation.


A grasp on reality

I don't care which it is.

We the tax payer are paying for insurance companies not paying off after Katrina.


We the tax payer pay for people showing up at emergency rooms as a last resort to dying so the insurance companies can continue to make high $$$$ profits.

Grow up , get a grasp on reality, then come back here and say something intelligent and not propaganda handed you by some company.

Puh-leeze! As if insurance companies were in business "to pay" claims...there is no more corrupt industry than the insurance industry. You are expected to pay your premium on time, but don't ever make a claim concerning anything...that's when you'll be directed to the fine print in your policy, which declares that they are not responsible to cover what you thought was covered. Who is more in the insurance companies pocket, Dems or Repubs...you know what I think.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 12:51 pm
Should of read the contract.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 01:03 pm
aaronssongs;35979 wrote:
Puh-leeze! As if insurance companies were in business "to pay" claims...there is no more corrupt industry than the insurance industry. You are expected to pay your premium on time, but don't ever make a claim concerning anything...that's when you'll be directed to the fine print in your policy, which declares that they are not responsible to cover what you thought was covered. Who is more in the insurance companies pocket, Dems or Repubs...you know what I think.

The solution:

READ THE FINE PRINT. Unilateral contracts (contracts in which you have no say in the content) generally FAVOR the insured in most states. Example, in Texas ANY ambiguity in a unilateral contract goes to the favor of the insured. Don't give me this fine print garbage, you're responsible for reading your policy and keeping track of your life. You want to be free, well that requires work before play.

Of the many claims I have written-up in my life (and adjusters get paid based on the amount of money the claimant is getting (meaning I make more if you get a new roof than I do if I replace a window)), only one has EVER been denied by the carrier when I have recommended payment (turns out he had already been paid for it, and never fixed the roof). Insurance companies don't LIKE paying claims, they'd rather everybody pay them their premium and live happily ever after. Fact is though, they're in the business of providing solvency, and the overwhelming number of times they pay when they owe.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 01:05 pm
If you assume you have coverage who is the loser?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 03:05 pm
Freeman15;35985 wrote:
The solution:

READ THE FINE PRINT. Unilateral contracts (contracts in which you have no say in the content) generally FAVOR the insured in most states. Example, in Texas ANY ambiguity in a unilateral contract goes to the favor of the insured. Don't give me this fine print garbage, you're responsible for reading your policy and keeping track of your life. You want to be free, well that requires work before play.

Of the many claims I have written-up in my life (and adjusters get paid based on the amount of money the claimant is getting (meaning I make more if you get a new roof than I do if I replace a window)), only one has EVER been denied by the carrier when I have recommended payment (turns out he had already been paid for it, and never fixed the roof). Insurance companies don't LIKE paying claims, they'd rather everybody pay them their premium and live happily ever after. Fact is though, they're in the business of providing solvency, and the overwhelming number of times they pay when they owe.

I don't buy that crap....
First of all, in the world of enterprise, why does there have to be any fine print at all? Why not just be up front about the services you're offering and how much they cost, and what is a reasonable expectation of said services?
The fact is insurance companies are not in business for you, and your solvency or recovery...they are solely in business for themselves...and they lie, and deceive, and they provide "fine print".
And when claims are executed, they force the insured to jump through many hoops, before their claims are paid out...so don't give me this carp about them being honorable and all. They are at best, a necessary evil.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 03:07 pm
Drnaline;35982 wrote:
Should of read the contract.

Oh, I hope a hurricane comes through your villa, and you're told, "..shoulda read the contract"....I'll be there LMAO, ok? So eager to point fingers.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 03:52 pm
aaronssongs;35995 wrote:
I don't buy that crap....
First of all, in the world of enterprise, why does there have to be any fine print at all? Why not just be up front about the services you're offering and how much they cost, and what is a reasonable expectation of said services?
The fact is insurance companies are not in business for you, and your solvency or recovery...they are solely in business for themselves...and they lie, and deceive, and they provide "fine print".
And when claims are executed, they force the insured to jump through many hoops, before their claims are paid out...so don't give me this carp about them being honorable and all. They are at best, a necessary evil.

Every business is in business for themselves! When you buy a hotdog, the vendor only cares if you like it if it means you'll buy more. Insurance companies play the law of large numbers, meaning they expect the money they take in to exceed the money they pay out. Insurance fraud is a HUGE problem these days, and so naturally companies don't just cut checks willy-nilly. "Hey, my house blew over, gimme ma money" doesn't cut it.

Everybody has fine print, even grocery store coupons have fine print, it's called good business. Insurance isn't even necessary, just be fiscally solvent enough to be able to afford to re-buy all of your property. These companies wouldn't exist without demand for them, and they perfom MUCH more effectively than the government.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 03:57 pm
aaronssongs;35996 wrote:
Oh, I hope a hurricane comes through your villa, and you're told, "..shoulda read the contract"....I'll be there LMAO, ok? So eager to point fingers.

The only thing not covered on my home-owner's policy is mold and flood (neither the HO-A nor HO-B, nor any of the TDP coverages cover mold, and my house is in higher elevation than the rest of the city), and I realize this. I also have no debt and enough income to pay for any damages caused by mold or flood.

I don't have health insurance at all because I choose not to pay for it, and if I get sick, I pay out of my own pocket. People need to learn a little something about BEING AN ADULT.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 05:14 pm
People need to learn something about COMPASSION.

I bet you consider yourself a Christian too.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 06:44 pm
FedUpAmerican;36025 wrote:
People need to learn something about COMPASSION.

I bet you consider yourself a Christian too.

I'm not a Christian.

Compassion is fine, but not when it threatens liberty, equal protection, and our national budget (which determines our ability to survive as a nation).

So far, all I hear are emotion-based responses. Tell me, who is responsible for your life: you or the government? If the government is responsible for keeping you well and taken care of, then they also have the right to tell you what to eat, drink, and do to make sure you're healthy. This idea leads to TYRANNY.
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 08:57 pm
Compassion is always a good thing fed up.

Got rid of that BJ on your blog page yet?

Let me know if you do , I might go back and read it .:cool:

FedUpAmerican;36025 wrote:
People need to learn something about COMPASSION.

I bet you consider yourself a Christian too.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 01:53 am
Freeman15;36031 wrote:
I'm not a Christian.

Well, I hope you're "something".

Compassion is fine, but not when it threatens liberty, equal protection, and our national budget (which determines our ability to survive as a nation).

What is liberty(freedom) if it comes with conditions? What is equal protection (under the law) if you don't believe I have a right to exist, and to express who I really am?
And what good is a national budget, if it the result of "willy-nilly" spending, on things the American public doesn't want, need, or asked for?
I didn't vote to fund the war in Iraq...I feel we shouldn't be there.
Stem cell research is where I want some of the money to go...why isn't it going there? Inner city schools are sorely in need of material and repair of infrastructure...why isn't it happening? Bridges are falling down...why? We need them to travel across...what's the big deal...fix 'em.
What does compassion or the showing of such have to do with the areas you listed above? Compassion threatening liberty? Equal protection? National budget? What, are you from Mars?

So far, all I hear are emotion-based responses. Tell me, who is responsible for your life: you or the government?
I'm primarily responsible ....however the government does bear some responsibility to me as a tax paying citizen, as a voter...and as a contributor to society as a whole.

If the government is responsible for keeping you well and taken care of, then they also have the right to tell you what to eat, drink, and do to make sure you're healthy. This idea leads to TYRANNY.

Ah but the government does, on so many levels...The FDA, largely determines what we put in our bodies. Supermarket chains determine what is stocked on their shelves...so, in essence, we are being told what to eat and drink.
And subliminally, we are given messages as to what beauty is, and what we need to aspire to...don't even go to LA or Miami, if you aren't "body conscious"
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 05:57 am
Freeman15;36031 wrote:

Compassion is fine, but not when it threatens liberty, equal protection, and our national budget (which determines our ability to survive as a nation).

Oh? Like the Iraq "conflict?"


So far, all I hear are emotion-based responses. Tell me, who is responsible for your life: you or the government? If the government is responsible for keeping you well and taken care of, then they also have the right to tell you what to eat, drink, and do to make sure you're healthy.

I am responsible for me. But we're not discussing ME. We're discussing people that are less fortunate. People who cannot afford healthcare.

You would rather see these people die than get the medical treatment and care that they need?

This idea leads to TYRANNY.



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